Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

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Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by CrabberOf4Years » Wed Jul 19, 2023 1:07 pm

Since you've come to the emergency forum, we know you want a fast answer to your question. In order for us to figure out the problem as quickly as possible, we ask that you answer the following questions as best you can. Some of them may seem odd, but they're all designed to give us the information we need to give you a good solution for your problem. The things in the [ brackets ] are there to make this post easier to read once submitted. Thanks!

1. What kind of substrate is used in your tank and how deep is it?

Six inches of half play sand and half Eco earth. Just did a full change.

2. Do you have gauges in the tank to measure temperature and humidity? If so, where are they located and what temperature and humidity do they usually read?

Yes, 70-80% humidity, 75-80 degrees F.

3. Is a heat source used in the tank? If so, what?

Yes, a ZooMed UTH on the side.

4. What types of water are available (fresh or salt) and how is the water treated (what brands of dechlorinator or salt mix and what ratio is used to mix it)?

Fresh and salt water are provided in bowls large enough for self submersion. I use distilled water and non iodized sea salt.

5. What kinds of food do you feed and how often is it replaced?

Fresh fruits, oats, coconut, Cuttlebone, changed daily.

6. How long have you had the crab and what species is it, if known?

Four years, and PP.

7. Has your crab molted, and how long ago did it happen?

Yes, about two months ago.

8. What type of housing are the crabs kept in, what size is it and what kind of lid is on the housing?

They are in a 60 Gal glass tank, with a wire lid, and a towel+garbage bag on top to keep heat and humidity in.

9. How many crabs are in the tank and about how large are they?

Two, and about the size of a golf ball with their shells on.

10. How many extra shells are usually kept in the tank, if any?

About six.

11. Have there been any fumes or chemicals near the crabitat recently?


12. How often do you clean the tank and how?

I spot clean for poops and food dragged out of the bowl, change water every other day and remove everything with mold on it (New decor/food).

13. Are sponges used in the water dish? If so, how are they cleaned?

Just in the salt water. I usually just squeeze it out and let it dry while I clean and dry the bowl out before refilling, but I recently went on a trip and left my sister in charge of the crabs and she rinsed it with tap water, then let it dry for three days in the windowsill.

14. Has anything new been added to your habitat recently?

Yes, two apple wood hamster platforms with bridges and railings, and a lizard hammock set upright so they can climb up it, but these quickly began to grow green and white mold so I took them out and will be spraying them with salt water. I also added a moss pit of Fluker's Green Sphagnum Moss.

15. Is there any other information you would like to share that might be helpful (anything that is regularly part of your crab care, playtime, bathing, etc.)?

His shell is NOT painted. None of them are.

16. Please describe the emergency situation in detail.

About three days ago, Bubbles stopped moving around at night. I thought he was guarding the food bowl, but when I flipped him over yesterday he could barely come out of his shell, had two strings of moss stuck in his shell, and his legs were cramped in a weird position, like he was squeezing through the opening of his shell and getting stuck. I removed the moss and tried to lure him out by hand feeding him fish flakes on a spoon, but he didn't want to eat. I placed him on the ground, and he tried to walk, but fell over and flipped onto his back. I placed him next to a bigger shell and left him in privacy for a few hours while I did extensive googling, but came back to find him on his back again. I gave him a fresh water bath just in case he was sticking to something, and left him in the food bowl so he could eat and placed the same shell i had tried to get him into plus a lighter one near the bowl, both larger than his current one. I checked in with him after turning off the light and he got his eyes out, but shrunk back in when he saw me. This morning he was on his back again, and I put him in a bowl of freshly cleaned shells after another bath. He's flipped himself on his back again, and is waving his legs around. I don't know if he's eaten anything in the past four days. He was also very interested in the green mold a few days before he stopped moving. I'm worried he might have eaten some, and don't know what to do. Any advice is welcome!

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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by CrabberOf4Years » Wed Jul 19, 2023 1:38 pm

Managed to flip him onto his feet. Hes still wobbly, but its something and hes drinking the fresh water in the bottom of the dish. Also, there is a scraping noise like rock rubbing against rock every time he moves his body out. Is he stuck?

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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by curlysister » Wed Jul 19, 2023 7:36 pm

1. What kind of substrate is used in your tank and how deep is it?

Six inches of half play sand and half Eco earth. Just did a full change.

2. Do you have gauges in the tank to measure temperature and humidity? If so, where are they located and what temperature and humidity do they usually read?

Yes, 70-80% humidity, 75-80 degrees F.

3. Is a heat source used in the tank? If so, what?

Yes, a ZooMed UTH on the side.

4. What types of water are available (fresh or salt) and how is the water treated (what brands of dechlorinator or salt mix and what ratio is used to mix it)?

Fresh and salt water are provided in bowls large enough for self submersion. I use distilled water and non iodized sea salt.
Curly - You will want to get marine salt, such as Instant Ocean, for all the minerals that they need for long term health. It is also recommended to use tap water treated with a dechlorinator (SeaChem Prime is a commonly used brand) so that they also get minerals from ground water.

5. What kinds of food do you feed and how often is it replaced?

Fresh fruits, oats, coconut, Cuttlebone, changed daily.
Curly - Crabs need a varied diet that includes a daily source of protein. Have you checked out 'nutrition' care sheet?

6. How long have you had the crab and what species is it, if known?

Four years, and PP.

7. Has your crab molted, and how long ago did it happen?

Yes, about two months ago.

8. What type of housing are the crabs kept in, what size is it and what kind of lid is on the housing?

They are in a 60 Gal glass tank, with a wire lid, and a towel+garbage bag on top to keep heat and humidity in.

9. How many crabs are in the tank and about how large are they?

Two, and about the size of a golf ball with their shells on.

10. How many extra shells are usually kept in the tank, if any?

About six.

11. Have there been any fumes or chemicals near the crabitat recently?


12. How often do you clean the tank and how?

I spot clean for poops and food dragged out of the bowl, change water every other day and remove everything with mold on it (New decor/food).

13. Are sponges used in the water dish? If so, how are they cleaned?

Just in the salt water. I usually just squeeze it out and let it dry while I clean and dry the bowl out before refilling, but I recently went on a trip and left my sister in charge of the crabs and she rinsed it with tap water, then let it dry for three days in the windowsill.
Curly - Sponges in water just harbor bacteria, but you could put it in the tank dry for the crabs to munch on.

14. Has anything new been added to your habitat recently?

Yes, two apple wood hamster platforms with bridges and railings, and a lizard hammock set upright so they can climb up it, but these quickly began to grow green and white mold so I took them out and will be spraying them with salt water. I also added a moss pit of Fluker's Green Sphagnum Moss.

15. Is there any other information you would like to share that might be helpful (anything that is regularly part of your crab care, playtime, bathing, etc.)?

His shell is NOT painted. None of them are.

16. Please describe the emergency situation in detail.

About three days ago, Bubbles stopped moving around at night. I thought he was guarding the food bowl, but when I flipped him over yesterday he could barely come out of his shell, had two strings of moss stuck in his shell, and his legs were cramped in a weird position, like he was squeezing through the opening of his shell and getting stuck. I removed the moss and tried to lure him out by hand feeding him fish flakes on a spoon, but he didn't want to eat. I placed him on the ground, and he tried to walk, but fell over and flipped onto his back. I placed him next to a bigger shell and left him in privacy for a few hours while I did extensive googling, but came back to find him on his back again. I gave him a fresh water bath just in case he was sticking to something, and left him in the food bowl so he could eat and placed the same shell i had tried to get him into plus a lighter one near the bowl, both larger than his current one. I checked in with him after turning off the light and he got his eyes out, but shrunk back in when he saw me. This morning he was on his back again, and I put him in a bowl of freshly cleaned shells after another bath. He's flipped himself on his back again, and is waving his legs around. I don't know if he's eaten anything in the past four days. He was also very interested in the green mold a few days before he stopped moving. I'm worried he might have eaten some, and don't know what to do. Any advice is welcome!
Managed to flip him onto his feet. Hes still wobbly, but its something and hes drinking the fresh water in the bottom of the dish. Also, there is a scraping noise like rock rubbing against rock every time he moves his body out. Is he stuck?
Curly - Are you able to post a photo of him (use the Tapa Talk app, or a file sharing site)?
If he has molted, he is not stuck in his shell.
Please stop bathing him, you will likely just be causing more stress.
Eating a bit of mold will not have harmed him.
It sounds like he is weak. Can you give him a high energy food source such as honey and/or peanut butter, as well as some protein (any meat is safe).
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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by CrabberOf4Years » Wed Jul 19, 2023 9:13 pm

I haven't bathed him anymore, and will stop. thanks for the advice. I'm boiling chicken right now, and have given him honey. I'll remove the sponge and try to get you a pic and the video i took of him trying to walk yesterday.

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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by Serendipity » Wed Jul 19, 2023 9:30 pm

I have never heard of a wobbly crab before. He sounds like a turtle who keeps falling over and can't get up! I hope he gets better soon. :)
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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by CrabberOf4Years » Thu Jul 20, 2023 7:11 pm

Update: YES!!!!! He's eating the honey!!!!!!! Hasn't tried walking yet, but he's taking a step in the right direction! He also tried chicken yesterday, but didn't seem to interested. I'll try again tonight. No luck with the pictures unfortunately...


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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by CrabberOf4Years » Thu Jul 20, 2023 7:17 pm

Serendipity wrote:
Wed Jul 19, 2023 9:30 pm
I have never heard of a wobbly crab before. He sounds like a turtle who keeps falling over and can't get up! I hope he gets better soon. :)
Thanks! I do too. He's my little trooper, first crab I got. He's pulled through before, I'm hoping he will again. :cheer:

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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by curlysister » Fri Jul 21, 2023 12:49 am

Sometimes you have to offer a food a few times before they will try it. If you have any other meat, or something like dried shrimp, you can offer that too. Peanut butter is another good sourse of both protein and energy. And eggs have both protein and calcium - you can give the whole egg, including shell.
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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by CrabberOf4Years » Sun Jul 23, 2023 11:48 am

Pics and video (hopefully they work🤞):

He's found a way to stay upright, by death gripping the sand or moss beneath him. Doesnt help him walk, but at least he's no longer stuck on his back.

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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by Serendipity » Sun Jul 23, 2023 1:38 pm

CrabberOf4Years wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 11:48 am
Pics and video (hopefully they work🤞):

He's found a way to stay upright, by death gripping the sand or moss beneath him. Doesnt help him walk, but at least he's no longer stuck on his back.
Wow, in the video it almost looks like his shell is pushing him over somehow. It's so strange! I'm sure he'll get better soon though. :banana:
My three purple pinchers: Coconut- Male, medium. Mango- Female, medium. Blueberry- Female, small.

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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by CrabberOf4Years » Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:48 pm

So I did a little testing, and he seems a little reluctant to use his big claw to help walk. He's on his side, and has been chirping on and off, regardless of where he or my other crab is, except for in the moss pit where he can stay upright, so that's where he is for now. I really don't like seeing him be so upset, but if he won't use his claw, I'm not sure how to help. Supporting his side does seem to improve mobility, but he mostly goes in circles. Maybe if I build him a Lego wheelchair? I have plastic wheels without rubber, and a shell identical to the one he's wearing but it has a few holes. It won't do much in the long run, but he could stand up?
Last edited by CrabberOf4Years on Sun Jul 23, 2023 10:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by KyMart » Sun Jul 23, 2023 10:07 pm

CrabberOf4Years wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:48 pm
So I did a little testing, and he seems a little reluctant to use his big claw to help walk. He's on his side, and has been chirping on and off, regardless of where he or my other crab is, except for in the moss pit where he can stay upright, so thats where he is for now. I really don't like seeing him be so upset, but if he won't use his claw, I'm not sure how to help. Supporting his side does seem to improve mobility, but he mostly goes in circles. Maybe if I build him a Lego wheelchair? I have plastic wheels without rubber, and a shell identical to the one he's wearing but it has a few holes. It won't do much in the long run, but he could stand up?
You could make him a little wheelchair and try that, I don't think it could hurt anything! Are you sure he isn't stuck in the shell?
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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by CrabberOf4Years » Sun Jul 23, 2023 10:35 pm

No, but Curly said if he molted he was okay...

I know he can eat, i put him on some chia seedlings while I replaced the moss yesterday (it started growing mold cause I put honey+chicken on there so he could eat standing up,), and they were gone when I put him back. I've been keeping the humidity up, so he can breathe, but he hasn't made it to the water bowls for a while...

Is it possible for him to have thickened up his Exo to the point that he can no longer easily come out of his shell two months after a molt?

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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by aussieJJDude » Mon Jul 24, 2023 7:26 am

If he has hardened from a moult, no it won't continue to 'calcify' and get more rigid. They moult frequently to keep 'in proportion' to their internal mass of organs. A wheelchair honestly wouldnt help a whole lot, and just seems like an unnecessary stress to put the crab through to placate your feelings of helping without actually helping a whole lot - a wheelchair in sand will do nothing!

The best thing to do is ensure tank conditions are ideal, and give a varied diet to ensure all food groups, and subsequently vitamins/minerals/essential nutrients are being met.

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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by CrabberOf4Years » Mon Jul 24, 2023 12:10 pm


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