Weak crab upside down in his saltwater pool!

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Re: Weak crab upside down in his saltwater pool!

Post by GotButterflies » Sun Jan 07, 2024 7:02 pm

You mentioned the hottest part of the tank is 80-84 degrees. In my opinion, your whole tank should be a minimum 80 degrees.
Perhaps your tank is too cold. Are you sure that your hygrometer is accurate? The lowest my tanks get is 79 degrees, and that is at night. I have thermostats hooked up to my heaters. You can get relatively cheap ones off of Amazon.
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Re: Weak crab upside down in his saltwater pool!

Post by IamSam » Sat Jan 13, 2024 12:49 am

i believe he passed. im just waiting for the death smell to be 100% sure.

my heat mat is hooked up to a thermostat so i dont believe its too cold. i only have them in a 10g for now so their isn't too a drastic change from one side to the other. i believe my hydrometer is accurate too. i am truly at a loss. could he have somehow have had a bad molt? I'm grasping at straws at this point. i dont think my other crab bothered him.

could something like the table they're on vibrating from a sewing machine for a bit disturb his molt to this point? I'm not even sure if i did that whilst he was down. im just trying to find some explanation. he came up with all his parts and zero wounds but no energy.

if i dont know where i went wrong how can i make sure it doesn't happen again?

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Re: Weak crab upside down in his saltwater pool!

Post by curlysister » Sat Jan 13, 2024 12:02 pm

I am sorry to hear that. It's hard with crabs, because we can't do any diagnostics like blood work or CT scans. Unfortunately sometimes things go catastrophically wrong and we just don't have any answers as to why. Your tank conditions sound really good, I really don't think it was anything you did or didn't do.
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Re: Weak crab upside down in his saltwater pool!

Post by IamSam » Sat Jan 13, 2024 11:17 pm

Thank you for your kind words. He definitely passed.
But I'll be honest, after having him past the one year mark by a fair amount it. I feel like it had to have been something i did. I dont know what.

But thank you all again. He fought on for over 11 days. He was a tough little guy.

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