I do not have digital readers for my tank's temperature and humidity, I have analog ones instead. Currently my tank's temp is 78 degrees, and the humidity is at 85%
I use a heat lamp to keep my tank heated. Yes, I know it saps the humidity out of the tank, but I am looking for a good heat mat to buy.
I have both freshwater and saltwater in my tank. I bought a few gallons of distilled water, and boiled it after buying, just in case. I used the distilled water after boiling and the recommended measurements of sea salt (the safe kinds, I knew what was bad ingredient-wise, there was none on the brand I used) to make the saltwater.
I feed my hermies a mixture of dried shrimp and mealworms, pellets, small bits of fruits and veggies, and finely-grounded eggshells. (for extra calcium) I replace the food every two days.
Both of my crabs are purple pinchers. I bought them from a little shop on a boardwalk in the state of Delaware last June.
Shelli WAS molting, but partially above-ground. My other hermie, Scuttle, has not shown any signs of molting yet.
I keep my hermies in a 10 gallon tank.
I originally had three hermies. The smallest one, Seaweed, passed away a few months ago, the cause of death was unknown. Shelli is a small crab, but not as small as Seaweed was. Scuttle is my largest crab. I believe he is medium-sized.
I have over six shells in the tank. A few of them are painted, I know those are not safe, but the rest are natural shells that I scooped up from a beach.
I have not had any bad chemicals near my tank recently.
Once a month I carefully remove all crabs from my tank (with Shelli molting, I kept him isolated in a separate container) and place them in a temporary crabitat (plastic tupperware container), dump all the substrate into a large baking pan, and bake it in the oven. I wash everything in the tank thoroughly, including extra shells, food dishes, the salt bath, and other knickknacks I put in there for my hermies to play with.
I stopped using sponges because I found that they were unsafe.
Nothing new has been added to my hermit crab tank recently.
Onto the emergency:
My small hermit crab, Shelli, was above-ground molting for almost two months. I got home from work today and immediately went up to my room to mist the tank. I removed the lid and looked inside, and saw Shelli's shell out of the substrate, moved and EMPTY. Shelli himself was COMPLETELY out of his shell and laying motionless in the substrate. This was a serious shock to me. Now I thought maybe my other hermie, Scuttle, had messed with him, but he was in the exact same spot as he was in this morning, in the coco hut.
I am afraid to touch Shelli right now, and currently there is no bad odor in the tank. All I smell is a beachy smell, which is normal since part of my substrate is beach sand. I do not know what to do about this. I think Shelli may be dead, but I really hope he isn't.
People call hermies throwaway pets, but that is not true at all! All hermies are special and have their own personalities, and I hope that somehow my little Shelli still has some life left in him.
Right now I am keeping an eye on Shelli in case he moves again. (I hope he does, it would mean he is still alive) If he does move, what should I do?
I have an image of where I originally found Shelli.