Cycled Kreisels?

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Cycled Kreisels?

Post by ClockworkDirge » Sun Apr 21, 2024 4:52 pm

I'm going to preface this that I'm not strictly getting into the hobby for breeding, but I want to know all I can beforeI get crabs. I am going to be keeping my crabs within a ~94 gallon completely bioactive crabitat; from fully cycled salt and fresh water pools to detritivores and plants. So I'm probably going to run into breeding behavior in my colony whether I want to breed or not.

As I've been planning for setting up my custom crabitat over the next few years and researching every possible situation I could run into with my future shelled friends, a few questions keep popping into my mind as each source inevitably breeches into the topic of attempts to breed hermit crabs in captivity;

What difference, if any, would raising zoea within an already cycled kreisel have on survival rates?

and more importantly to my curiosity;

Why are kreisels so often set up as near sterile environments by intentional breeders when it seems antithetical to the survival of the delicate zoea? Especially when there's such a high risk of dangerous swings in water parameters with each advancement in stage of development and each time feeding them, that could be reduced or even prevented by culturing bacteria before spawning happens.

I realize it's the norm for breeders to do water changes with each feeding session, and I'm by no means suggesting that practice change. But I can't imagine any situation where the parameter buffer created by denitrifying bacteria cultured within a kreisel could harm the raising of zoea; and thus necessitates the kreisel stay as sterile as possible. :scratch:
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Re: Cycled Kreisels?

Post by JoeHermits » Mon Apr 22, 2024 7:11 pm

One challenge with crabbers is that eggs are usually a surprise. Ergo, not much prep time to get a Kreisel built, let alone fully cycled

I am not, however, familiar with the setups of the longterm hermit crabs breeders. I do imagine that a cycled tank would be ideal

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Re: Cycled Kreisels?

Post by wodesorel » Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:29 pm

Honestly I think it comes down to there being very little crossover between experienced fishkeepers and hermit crab keepers. Crabbers who got live zoea and wanted to attempt raising them pretty much gave themsleves a crash course in kreisels and water chemistry and they didn't have a background in aquariums. Crabs (at least in the US) also tend to reproduce once a year so keeping something up and running can be a hassle and take up space someone may not have available in their home. Also, the majority of those who are making attempts are doing it with homemade setups that don't seem to be designed for maintaining proper media but instead are just for keeping zoea free floating.

Kreisels also aren't a requirement for getting zoea to land, that's just something that gets repeated in breeding circles. There have been multiple successful broods raised in laboratories using different kinds of setups, including stagnant (but clean) water if the zoea are being kept separate from each other.
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Re: Cycled Kreisels?

Post by WholeHeartedCrab » Thu May 16, 2024 12:21 pm

I have one not done cycling or connected yet. But the system it will be connected to I’m just started. Partially because my crabs keep eating all the micro algae and I needed a new spot out of the crab tank to farm some :crabbigsmile: I can update if it works! But we do have multiple reef tanks in the house so it’s more the zoea I’d worry about than the system cycling correctly. They can be hard to find methods that actually have good success rates as far as getting to land. Some Indonesian breeders have been utilizing kreisels already. But only seasonally. The most simple fish bowl and air line cup method is proven fairly successful for some. So It’s always good to have a back up method. They don’t always spawn when it’s on your time :lol:

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