New here, sudden weird behaviour question.

Where we discuss the behavior of our hermit crabs, as in fights, pecking orders, shell swaps, etc. Please post all naked-crab posts in the Emergency forum.
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New here, sudden weird behaviour question.

Post by Toasted13 » Tue Oct 22, 2024 1:38 pm


I have 4 crabs. 1 little, one a bit bigger and 2 big golf ball size one. Had for 2yrs or so. All get on ok but the 2 big ones are similar size and will have little confrontations occasionally, bit of pushing and shoving nothing more.

Today suddenly the dominant crab has become a bit slow looking and the other big one is taking a lot of interest in him. Appears to have taken over and thrown him out of the cave he usually controls. Just observed the two meet and the new dominant pushed the other into the corner and shoved him around quite relentlessly. The bullied crab also suddenly seems unable to retreat into his shell fully (believe it is the usual shell he can usually retreat into). New dominant crab stands over him making fast twitchy movements and occasionally opens the large claw and could easily grab an exposed leg/claw but does not.

Wondering what this means? Has this crab become ill and the other senses it? Seems really pretty aggressive but is not actually harming it.

Anyone got any ideas on this behaviour?


Update. Less concerned now after watching, Seems they are having a bit of a argument over who is dominant but getting a bit more excitable than usual, lots of pushing and threat display but it does not escalate further.

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Re: New here, sudden weird behaviour question.

Post by CrabbyLover77 » Wed Oct 23, 2024 10:46 am

The aggressor may want the other crab's shell. Do you have enough shells with the proper size openings and shape? (Purple pinchers prefer shells with round openings, like turbos).

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Re: New here, sudden weird behaviour question.

Post by Toasted13 » Wed Oct 23, 2024 11:27 am

Have considered that but doubt it is the case and yes there are other shells and i have added even more in case. Now i think of it they have been having a lot of stare downs lately so i think it is dominance based. I got both crabs together originally along with a 3rd. They were delivered by post, something i was very dubious about and certainly will never do again as they arrived late and there happened to be sudden cold weather so the heat source they were posted with ran out and i got 3 lifeless cold crabs. Put them under the heater in case and they all eventually woke up but one never recovered and died probably from stress.

So yes i have had these 2, one has now molted twice but the other not at all. They both arrived with damaged walking legs with the ends ripped off i assume due to fighting so now one has a perfect new exoskeleton vs the others damaged one so perhaps that makes him confident enough to try to take over?

As i said before he certainly had opportunity to do serious damage but did'nt and they were both happily sat together last night. Will keep a good eye on them.

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