Click the exclamation mark to report inappropriate posts to the forum admins and moderators.
I think Christa's message here is pretty clear, if someone post something that is rude, insensitive, sexist, bigoted, contains adult content or politics/religion, or is hurtful in any way click the exclamation mark to report it to one of the admins or moderators; do not engage the poster, let us handle the issue.
Be careful when reporting a post, before you click the report button review the post a second time to ensure that the post is really inappropriate. With a membership of almost 2,000 members there are many different communication styles and sometimes members may interpret a post as rude when in reality it's not. Abusing this reporting feature because you don't like another member is not appropriate.
A post can only be reported once, a reported post will appear with a red exclamation mark.
I would recommend that everyone review the site rules here