Each time he's molted he's become darker in colour,but a blue/grey colour instead of the usual sandy/orange colour normal for Aussie/crazy crabs.
I also have another crab that has molted once or twice and is turning a similar colour.
I'm feeding the crabs a wide variety of food including fresh fruit(pawpaw,apple,grapes,orange,watermelon,mango,etc)
and with vegies-(dark lettuce,carrot,broccoli,etc)
and protein foods-(chicken,cooked shrimp,mussles,mealworms,etc)
and am also feeding a homemade kibble mix containing raw oats,soy flakes,sunflower and linseed.
Could it be due to what i am feeding my crabs,or could there be something else amiss?
Could it be a lack of UV rays,although the room where i keep the crabs is bright with natural sunlight?
Omega's still very active,but becoming very agressive.
This picture below is shows the typical colour of Aussies/crazys.

These 2 photos below are of Omega(sitting on the back of my hand,or palm) showing his blue/grey colour.

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