FMR food vs grocery store food

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FMR food vs grocery store food

Post by Guest » Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:26 am

I know I'm not very knowledgeable about food for my hermies, as I am new at this, but I can tell you one thing: As a nutrition major, I do not believe that we should be feeding our hermit crabs fruits, veggies, of meat bought from just any store. Chickens are given feed that has antibiotics mixed in. It is given to them to prevent an epidemic to break out. It is not healthy for humans as we consume what the chicken consumes. The problem with consuming antibiotics if we do not need it at that time, our bodies and bacteria within will build an immunity for that particular antibiotic. So when the time comes to take a certain type of antibiotic, it may not help us b/c the bacteria is immune to it.
With fruits and veggies: bananas are placed in a chamber and gassed to make them ripen (age) quicker (how unnatural), and just about all produce is genetically engineered.
So, with all of this said, I think the only way to ensure the real health and safety of our hermit crabs is to either grow/raise your own food, or buy organic (which can get costly).
If we are choosing to worry so much about commercial food products like the FMR food, why shouldn't we worry about store bought food? Just a thought. I mean... what does everyone else think? I would love to hear some opinions. One last thought, I say all of this as a student who's focus is nutrition. Eating healthy is something that is actively changing all the time all over the world, and so I don't see why FMR food (food that is made by researchers that have devoted their lives to what they do) is so bad for our little friends.

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Post by MomToDixie » Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:03 am

FMR food is bad because of preservatives (can't think of the specific ingredient: I think it starts with ex). We only promote feeding organic. Yes it is a little expensive, but it is what is best for the hermies. Narnar sells already mixed foods that are organic for a great price :D. Welcome to the HCA. I'll edit when I find the name of that.

Edit: ethoxyquin (bad for hermies)

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Post by cranlsn » Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:12 am

You bring up a lot of good points, especially concerning processed foods. I would argue that even some of the genetically enhanced foods would be better than those with concentrations of metals and preservatives in them.

To be fair, FMR (Florida Marine Research) seems earnest enough about crab care on their web page, but on the same page it sells crabs in bulk in painted shells, supplies for "open air" kiosks, and wire cages. bring up an excellent point about the anti-biotics in "corporate" meats. I know that crabs don't really carry any is the anti-biotics a non-issues for them? I'd be interested to hear what some others have to say!

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Post by Guest » Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:27 am

I prefer to feed fresh foods because it offers more variety, and I know for my own peace of mind that the hermits are getting all ther nutritional needs in all the categories, (ie, calcium, protein, etc.) The different 'meals' that are listed in commercial diets I also find a bit dodgy, you can't really be sure what all constitutes the 'meal'.

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Post by Guest » Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:17 pm

I only feed organic foods, many of which I have actually found at my local grocery store.

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Post by Guest » Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:15 pm

I think the general consensus is that organic foods are best…at least that’s been my understanding. All of my crab’s fruits, vegis, meats and grains are organic…and purchased from local farmers whenever possible. You can often find organic foods at grocery stores though.

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Post by Willow » Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:55 pm

I try to feed them (and myself!) organic foods whenever possible.....but it's still better to eat (and feed them) non-organic fruits and veggies than it is to eat (feed them) preservative-laden processed foods. Fruits and veggies are still good for you even if they aren't perfect. But, of course, organic is way better, especially when you consider how much smaller hermies are than humans. Toxins could potentially build up much faster in such a small body.

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Post by NaRnAR » Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:37 am

Mine are definitely all organic. Ive seen what the "regular" treated foods can do to a mom can only eat organic peppers, cucumbers, bananas...well fruits and veggies b/c the "regular" treated foods make her sick.

WHen I get my bulk herbs/flowers/all the other things mine eat I only go to the local organic store or certified online herb places like MountainRoseHerbs that sell organic, wild harvested, and non-chemically processed products.

I definitely see your point about the antibiotics, one of the main reason I dont eat a whole lot of meats and will choose organic over "regular" when possible.

But like many people here, my crabs eat far better than I do....they get organics 24/7, I get whatever is in the closest store unless Im making a trip for the crabs to the organic store. :oops:
NasTang crabby since 9/02
HappyHermit Foods! at...TheHermitCrabPatch

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Post by Guest » Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:04 pm

FMR isn't likely using organic and all of that processing can't be good for them either.

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Post by Guest » Sun Jun 11, 2006 1:58 am

i use organic and fmr. sometimes i mix them together. my crabs love fmr, and i have had no problems with it, no bad molts from it or deaths related to it, since i only give them fmr maybe once a month. i used to give it to them all the time before i learned other foods they could eat, and i had no problem then either. i dunno, maybe everyone's crabs are just different and react differently to foods.

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Post by Guest » Mon Jun 12, 2006 4:50 pm

I was told in the “****What is on today's menu???***â€

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Post by Guest » Tue Jun 13, 2006 12:06 pm ... topic&t=62

Someone posed the same question to Chestersmom.... check this out.
