how do i know

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how do i know

Post by Guest » Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:05 pm

ok i just got two hermit crabs today and when the guy was getting the crabs out you know looking for some the one`s i got i didnt evan see them they where diging soo far in the sand!

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Post by BAB » Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:48 am

Have you found the answer to this question?

Some crabs dig to hide from conditions in a tank that are less then satisfactory. Sometimes they are digging to get ready to molt. Sometimes they dig just because they like to dig. :)

A few signs of molting:
-Water dishes become empty frequently (and not from evaporation)... crabs will fill their shells with water in preparation for a molt.
-Ashy coloring to a crabs "skin"
-Slow moving or lethargic from a once active crab
-Stuffing their faces with food like you've never seen before... hehe...
-Occasionally they will get "moody" or mean to other crabs and they never did before

And there's more... but that's just a few.
Happy Crabbing!! (Sorry it took so long for someone to respond. Maybe I missed a duplicate post...)
**Crabbing since July 2005*~*100+ successful molts**
I have a total of 2 PP's

Note:My information on crab care is NOT the only way to do things. Please research your topics.
