NEED quick help, please give advice on NEW local pet store..

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Hermie Lover
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Location: Henry, VA

NEED quick help, please give advice on NEW local pet store..

Post by Hermie Lover » Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:48 am

I hope this is ok in this forum. If not, please forgive me mods :)

There is a new pet store in our area. It is personal owned, and is called
The Pet Place. Most pet stores don't last here in my area, and the closest others are over an hour away, and they are the major chains like PetSmart, ect.

Ok, I always have to inspect these stores. It was absolutely great! It smelled wonderful, and they were VERY clean. Of course I had to go right
to the hermit crabs. I was disappointed :( They were in some kind of green powdery stuff. It looked like some kind of decorative sand, but not calci sand. It was just a small layer of it on the bottom of the 10 gallon tank. They had a small flat dish of water, and food. And no way of heating, ect.

The crabs were piled up in a corner together. One was about golf ball sized, and I picked it up. The shell was way too small. And this was a CRANKY crab. He flicked his big claw at me, and had it wide open to get me good! VERY cranky. But I could see why :(

I NEED YALLS HELP. I want to approach the owner, but I don't want to look like some kind of know it all. I want to offer to help. I was thinking a UTH, some PLAY sand, 4" or more of it, and at least some saran wrap to cover the top of the screen lid. AND a humidity thermo.

I NEED yall to help me out there :) I know those crabbers are suffering, and I need to help them. If there are some sort of care sheets I can take in there, I WILL.

I REALLY NEED SOME ADVICE from some of you. I want to take action, and maybe get this done today or tomorrow before someone buys one and thinks that is how they are supposed to be treated. They looked like they were all PP's.



Crabitats: 55L, 40B, 29L

Crabbin' since 97!
They are draining my savings!


Post by Guest » Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:13 am

I think there is information on this situation in either the Pet Store Info forum or Activism forum. Check the stickies at the top.

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Hermie Lover
Posts: 107
Joined: Wed Aug 17, 2005 1:05 pm
Location: Henry, VA

Post by Hermie Lover » Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:18 pm


I went ahead and posted over there.

Crabitats: 55L, 40B, 29L

Crabbin' since 97!
They are draining my savings!
