Naked with missing me please.

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Naked with missing me please.

Post by Guest » Fri Oct 13, 2006 5:56 pm

Help, Tiger, our little hermit crab molted about a month ago and in this process, lost 2 of his legs (both on one side, the side with the big claw)...not sure how he lost them, but he did end up in the shell of "Giraffe" the other hermit crab....the legs and skin were all together in a pile....I left those in there for a long time until they were pretty much all gone....didn't know I was supposed to separate them....he had been not fitting in Giraffe's shell too well...had a hard time moving around..tends to go a bit in circles because of the missing legs...I placed him in a glass bowl last night in a dark warm room but I don't think he can grip on the bottom to maneuver into a shell....and ideas?

1. Substrate used? sand (just switched from colored rocks

2. Humidity % level in crabitat? not sure

3. Temperature of substrate in crabitat? not sure

4. Temperature of crabitat? the house is kept between 69 at night and 75-76 during the day

5. Location of gauges? n/a

6. What is your heat source? none

7. Types of water available? filtered water and sponge

8. Dechlorinator used? no

9. What do you feed? hermit crab food and hermit crab fruit salad

10. How long have you had the crab in question? since February

11. Do you know the species? no

12. Do you bath them, if so how often and with what? no, I put them in their water at least once a isn't deep

13. What type of housing are they in? Tank? Plastic box? plastic box

14. What size is your tank?

15. How many crabs are in the tank? What size are they? 5 large

16. How deep is the substrate? from 1/2 inch on one side to over 1 inch on the other side

17. If you take your hermies out daily to exercise, do you mist their gill area first? they don't get out daily, and I didn't know I was supposed to do this

18. Has there been any cleaners, paints, perfumes, air fresheners, candles, or smoking near the crabitat? yes but in the next room

19. How often do you clean/sterilize and how? about once a month with water only

20. Any unusual odors? no

21. Do you use sponges? Are they rinsed daily with dechlor water? Are they exchanged every 2 days for a sterile one? yes and no and no

22. Do you feed fresh food? When do you remove it? yes every few days

23. Are your hands clean before handling? no, probably not

24. Has there been anything new added to your crabitat recently? yes sand

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Post by troppo » Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:32 pm

Hi AprilandBrandon :) ,

At first I thought PPS(post purchase stress) but you've had this crab since February.

Will look through your template,can see a few things that need improvement,but hey it's ok,this isn't intended to have a go at you :)

1. Substrate used? sand (just switched from colored rocks -that's great

2. Humidity % level in crabitat? not sure -please buy a humidity gauge asap,they're really important

3. Temperature of substrate in crabitat? not sure

4. Temperature of crabitat? the house is kept between 69 at night and 75-76 during the day -I think you need a heat source for use at night,either a under tank heater or a heat lamp. 69f is a little too cold.
5. Location of gauges? n/a

6. What is your heat source? none

7. Types of water available? filtered water and sponge - have you got salt water?

8. Dechlorinator used? no - would filtering remove all chlorine?

9. What do you feed? hermit crab food and hermit crab fruit salad -some commercial foods contain dangerous additives,please read in 'Crab care faq's' under safe commercial foods. Also,it'd be good if you added some fresh fruits,vegies and meat.

10. How long have you had the crab in question? since February

11. Do you know the species? no

12. Do you bath them, if so how often and with what? no, I put them in their water at least once a isn't deep -bathing isn't necessary,unless it's for a specific reason such as introducing a new crab,infection or fighting. Regular bathing causes stress,and it's best to let crabs bathe themselves in a dish of salt water already placed within the tank.

13. What type of housing are they in? Tank? Plastic box? plastic box -a glass tank is a much better option,because you have 5 large crabs,I'm thinking that they are over-crowded,which isn't a good thing. With your crabs you would need at least a 20 gallon tank.

14. What size is your tank?

15. How many crabs are in the tank? What size are they? 5 large

16. How deep is the substrate? from 1/2 inch on one side to over 1 inch on the other side -substrate needs to be a minimum of 3 inches deep(4 inches or more would be best) for the size of crabs you have.

17. If you take your hermies out daily to exercise, do you mist their gill area first? they don't get out daily, and I didn't know I was supposed to do this

18. Has there been any cleaners, paints, perfumes, air fresheners, candles, or smoking near the crabitat? yes but in the next room -can you shut the door to the room where the crabs are?
19. How often do you clean/sterilize and how? about once a month with water only -to clean,once a month is good(depends on size of tank,larger tanks need less deep cleaning). All the substrate needs to be washed in water,then dried and baked before placing back in the tank. All dishes need to be cleaned and boiled on a regular basis. Tank should be wiped out with a mixture of vinegar and water,rinsed well,then dried before setting back up again.

20. Any unusual odors? no

21. Do you use sponges? Are they rinsed daily with dechlor water? Are they exchanged every 2 days for a sterile one? yes and no and no
-sponge care is very important. They need to be rinsed out very well in dechlorinated/filtered water,dried completely then microwaved for at least 30 seconds on high to kill any bacteria,this should be done every 2 days. Perhaps you can rotate sponges.

22. Do you feed fresh food? When do you remove it? yes every few days- just keep an eye out for mold,if you see it please replace the food. I think food can be kept a maximum of 2 days roughly in tank before replacing.

23. Are your hands clean before handling? no, probably not-please wash your hands,unscented soap or liquid detergent,rinse well and dry. If your hands are dirty then you are transferring possibly harmful bacteria into the tank.

24. Has there been anything new added to your crabitat recently? yes sand -was it washed and baked first before adding?

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Oh yea...

Post by Guest » Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:39 pm

He/she is digging under their food dish in the sand and staying there......could he be molting again so soon? I washed him off in filtered water with stress coat in it, and put him in a bowl with a damp paper towel in the bottom to give him some grip....and put a wet washcloth over it...he is in the bathroom with the heater on set at 75 F. He is walking around checking out the shells whenever I check on him/her.

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Post by Guest » Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:43 pm

Hi AprilandBrandon, I would just leave him alone for now. He may want to molt again. I have had back to back molts. Others will be along soon that can give you better advise than me. Good luck! Sorry new post showed up. If you have removed him already. Just provide food and both water.

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Post by Guest » Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:45 pm

15. How many crabs are in the tank? What size are they? Sorry this was from the copied post...We only have 2 small ones, Tiger and Giraffe, named for their 2 year old picked them out and named them

18. Has there been any cleaners, paints, perfumes, air fresheners, candles, or smoking near the crabitat? No smoking at all...yuck! Just an air freshener about 20 ft from them...they are in the playroom which is an open room (was supposed to be a dining room) ...currently they are in the bathroom, no air fresheners nearby

19. How often do you clean/sterilize and how? about once a month with water only -to clean,once a month is good(depends on size of tank,larger tanks need less deep cleaning). Can I just add clean new play sand from Lowes? I have a whole bag.

24. Has there been anything new added to your crabitat recently? yes sand -was it washed and baked first before adding?
No, it was new play sand from Lowes. I really have to wash and bake it? How high and for how long? :)

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Post by Guest » Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:28 pm

This is Tiger in the that the molting sac? Is he/she getting ready to molt again? or is that from the first molt about a month ago??

Here is the can see Giraffe in the food this cage big enough for the 2 of them? Any suggestions?

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Post by EGcrabber » Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:56 pm

I would really try to get him back in a shell first. They can't hold moisture without one. You can see the naked crab sticky at the top of the emergency forum. Also, I would suggest you to change alot of things in your tank. You switched to sand, that is good, now add enough for the tallest crab to bury themselves completely in. Next, Humidity and temperture guages are very important. The temperture of tank should be around 80 degrees. Also, get some saltwater for them.(not table salt)and feed them a variety of fresh food.
One medium PP: Gizmo

May you rest in peace, Stark, Blue lightning, Rivulet, Floyd, Shocker, Scyfer, Brad, Weasel, and Farik
10 successful molts
2 bad

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Post by Guest » Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:50 pm

I had a shell fight awhile back leaving one naked. I cupped him in a warm place with shell, salt and fresh water and food. If you have already moved him and he has those items if he can he will re-shell. I left mine covered and undisturbed for a couple hours. He re-shelled and is doing great. Troppo gave you some very good advise. Good luck!

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Post by Guest » Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:03 pm

Timeline: The shell fight occurred right after the molt, the same day that I noticed Tiger had shed his skin, later that afternoon, he was in a different shell ....he had seemed fine for the past few weeks....more active than I had ever seen him...then on Thursday, shell.

I gave them both some organic peanut butter, some honey and some pearsauce....didn't think about Tiger getting stuck in the honey! It had been in the fridge and was quite sticky....poor crab. But I got him out and he seems fine now....just probably a little sticky. :)

I really appreciate everyone's help. I am nervous to pick him up without his shell to try to manually put him back in...I have been using a spoon to move him so that I am not touching him at all...he has been isolated for a long time with several shells that look suitable.....he is at least checking out the shells, and seems active.

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Post by troppo » Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:13 am

Hi again AprilandBrandon :)

Whew,2 small crabs are better than 5 large crabs in a critter-keeper,as long as the rule of crab per gallon is adhered too. I think with small crabs,you need 2 gallons of space per crab,so if you have a 4 gallon critter-keeper you should be fine for the moment,eventually because of the crabs growing larger,it'd be a good idea to upgrade to larger digs for them.

With the sand you are using,is Lowes a hardware shop? I don't know the name being from Australia(Lowes is the name of a menswear shop here :lol: ). With sand,it is not known just by looking at it what kind of impurities may be in it,so it's always best to wash it in running water(use a new bucket),then after the water runs clear(you'd be suprised at how much muck is in sand) add a few drops of dechlorinator,drain off and dry.
When dry or even still damp,line a baking tray and bake sand in moderately hot oven(am thinking 350f,is that moderately hot? We use Celcius in Aus) for 30 minutes or until very hot right throughout,please don't go sticking your finger in the sand to test it like I did :lol: . Let it cool completely before adding to tank.

I know all of this sounds like a royal pain,but it's necessary,unless you decide to use another substrate like eco earth or forrest bedding where that can be just moistened down and added to your tank,no baking and you just replace it everynow and then with new stuff.

Nearly forgot to tell you,but with your legless and naked crab,it'd be best to place a rinsed out shell near him and cover him up with a cocohut,leave him be and hopefully he'll manage to climb back in by himself. But peace and quiet is what he needs. Good luck hey?

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Not doing well....

Post by Guest » Sat Oct 14, 2006 11:04 am

I checked on Tiger during the night and he had crawled face first into a shell....I was hoping he was deciding to move in...but then he came back out again this he is listless and barely I afraid he not going to make it. :(

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Tiger passed...

Post by Guest » Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:50 pm

Well, Tiger passed while I was gone this afternoon. He still looks bright eyed, but he isn't moving at all. Thanks for all of your help!
By the way, I will probably be getting another crab for Giraffe....would it hurt to mix species? I want a nice Ecudorian and my others were the purple claw kind.

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Re: Tiger passed...

Post by MacandHunter » Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:56 pm

AprilandBrandon wrote:Well, Tiger passed while I was gone this afternoon. He still looks bright eyed, but he isn't moving at all. Thanks for all of your help!
By the way, I will probably be getting another crab for Giraffe....would it hurt to mix species? I want a nice Ecudorian and my others were the purple claw kind.
So sorry for your loss. :(

Do you only have one purple pincher now? It would be best to get him his own species buddy. Mixing species is fine, but it is best to have at least two of the same kind of each species.
Crabbing since 7/4/04 - 10 years!
I'm not asking salvation from you - I'm just asking to be safe for a while
make it easy - make this easy
it's not as heavy as it seems
wrapped in metal -wrapped in ivy - painted in mint ice cream

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Post by Guest » Sat Oct 14, 2006 7:27 pm

I am so sorry your little buddy is gone :( I agree you should get the same species for your little giraffe. Hugs to you.

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New babies...

Post by Guest » Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:03 pm

We buried Tiger the other day, and yesterday we bought 2 new tiny purple claw crabs...Spiderman and Batman (per my 3 year old!).
Thanks for all of your help everyone!
April C. Daniels, MD
