There's a crab named "Tiny" that we've had for about 2 or more weeks now. Tiny is one of seven crabs in the crabitat (Scuttles, Itty, Bitty, Teenie, Kiff, and Chi are the others). All of the crabs are relatively small except for Kiff. We had another crab named Skittles, but he unfortunately died very suddenly. The only thing we can figure out through the sources we've asked is that he died due to stress from the PetSmart we got him from

Well, moving along, when we brought home Teenie, Tiny, and Kiff, Teenie quickly changed shells. Tiny followed in step by changing into Teenie's old shell. This was rather silly since the shells were the exact same size, but who am I to question a crab?

The next day, Itty molted (our first time experiencing a molt!) and we flipped out at first because we mistook the exoskeleton for a 'dead crab' in the tank. We soon found a squishily pink Itty in a bran new shell

Getting back to Tiny, we know when we first got Tiny that he had all of his appendages. But about a week ago I noticed that Tiny was acting weird. He looked rather pale and was hiding quite often inside one of the larger shells that we had put into the crabitat for Kiff to change into. When I took Tiny out to examine him, I noticed that the top part of his tiny claw was missing.
We didn't know if he was able to easily get food, so we put some peanut butter mixed with some mushed up broccoli and fish on his claw and let him lick it off to ensure that he was eating.
I then put him in an isolation area for a few days. During that time he didn't budge. He wouldn't dig under the sand or do anything except sit inside Kiff's spare shell (which we put inside the isolation tank since he seemed rather comfortable and safe in it).
We finally put him back inside the tank to see how he would fair. He started moving around more after that and was constantly taking trips to the water dish.
Fast forward to earlier this week - I noticed when I was putting something new into the crabitat that Tiny was just sitting there, not withdrawing into his shell whenever my hand passed over him. This was highly unusual and I was afraid he was dead at first (since Skittles looked very similar when he died). I picked him up and noticed that he was moving around just fine - but for some reason he couldn't withdraw into his shell! He could get his eyes inside of the shell, but couldn't get his legs in!
I found this to be quite odd because I'm quite sure he fit into that shell before. Well, yesterday I noted that now his eyes won't withdraw into the shell anymore. We have PLENTY of shells his size lying around, but he won't change into any of them! He goes up to the shells and checks them out by putting his head inside of them, but then he won't change. At one point, he was wearing one as a 'hat' when he was settled down to sleep...!
When I get close to him, he 'flattens' his eyes (which is *so* sad to see! It's like he's saying, "please don't hurt me... I can't withdraw!"). Needless to say, I've been trying to leave him alone just out of fear that I might be scaring him.
Today when I was home for lunch, I noticed that he was sitting near the small bowl of salt water that we keep in the tank for Scuttles (who is, as far as we can tell, an Ecuadorian crab). He was hanging VERY far out of his shell to the point that we could see the first two 'nubs' from the legs that hermit crabs used to hold onto the inside of their shell.
My husband and I stood there and watched him for quite some time. He appears to be alive - he's moving his legs and every now and then will run an antenna over his eyes as though he's cleaning them. But he looks like he keeps moving further and further out of the shell!
I told my husband to keep an eye on him the rest of the afternoon because I suspect we might have a naked crab on our hands by the time I get home at this rate!
Is it possible that he's molting inside of the shell? o.O