How you got here?

For topics relating to crab care that do not fit into the other categories.


Post by Guest » Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:24 pm

Okay, I'll try to make a long story short, which isn't easy for me! :lol:

Nearly 2 years ago, I finally gave in & got my then 8yr. old daughter 2 PPs in a KK. The next day, the total had grown to 5 PPs and a BIGGER KK. :? A few days after that, one of the micros died, and I wanted to know why, so I ventured onto Christa's site first, and then followed the link to HCA.

The rest is history, really! Soon-to-be FIVE tanks and over 100 hermits! Oh......and by the daughter doesn't have much interest in the hermies anymore! :lol:


Post by Guest » Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:59 am

I stayed at a house in new jersey when I was 10 and bought my first small hermit crab on the boardwalk. I got her the biggest KK the store had, a log, dishes, food, shells, and a heater. I named her sandy (she lived for about a year and molted great too) and I loved her she was really friendly, I got her a friend from a local petstore quite a few months later and I named him seashell. he was missing a leg and was acting odd...very lethargic i also think he had an infection. He died within a month or two and then shortly after sandy died. I swore off hermit crabs after that.

Fast forward 12 years later to June '06, I'm in a petsmart and see a very fiesty large female crab staring at me. My bf remarks that they would probably be cool pets. I blurt out that I could afford them and I have the space for them so I buy her and put her in the same old set up that sandy was in. She stayed in the large KK for about a week and she started to lose that spunk that attracted me in the first place. I found Christa's website, read the whole thing, changed my whole set up and got a 10g tank. A week later the first crab, Garnet, got a buddy, and I found this website.... and then as months passed I kept adding more tanks and many more crabs. Garnet is still alive and well and just finished molting. I think I'm a crabber for life now :P


Post by Guest » Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:54 pm

I started crabbing when I went to a friend's house and saw her Hermit Crab. I thought it was fun to watch and VERY cute. I got hooked right then! I went home and looked up hermit crabs on the internet, and found Christa's website, boy was I surprised to find out how much care they needed! I also realized my friend's hermit crab needed friends and better conditions. I started collecting the stuff I needed for them got it set up and then got my first 2 little pp's Cpt.Jack and Will. Unfortunately my little Jack had severe PPS and my first molt ever was a surface molt, I cried and cried because I get easily attached to my little animals, because I was SURE he was dead! I had never seen a molt before and I didn't think he was molting because I thought their exo's were clear for some reason.
I lifted him up and was SO happy to see a itty bitty pink micro crabbie! Jack made it through that molt, and the next, and the next! Will has also molted for me, twice! Now both of them have gone from micro-teeny and teeny-small. A few weeks after I started crabbing my mom surprised me with 2 more crabs Elizabeth and Molly! I was getting so attached to my little bugs! I wanted do more research about them so I went on the internet again, then I found the HCA! I still have my 4 hermit crabs and they have now molted 8 times for me since i got them in August!
I gave my friend this site and now she has 5 hermit crabs in GREAT conditions!
Oh yeah, next summer I want to find a 20g , of course that means more crabs! :lol:

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Location: Cumberland, RI

Post by bksbuddha » Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:19 pm

:roll: My grandniece had a hermie & I thought it was an interesting pet. 6/2/06 Got a book & Apple, an E, @ small store & put in small KK w/hermie sand, salt & fresh H2O, store food, gravel, & shell shop. Read that they need friends, so went out to Petco that night & got Tree, a PP. Tree died in 2 weeks from PPS, so went & got Branch, another PP. Went back to small store on Father's Day & got Willow & Bud, both Es, after getting 5 gallon & removing gravel. BTW, they even went to dinner w/us! :smt044 Noone even knew they were there! :smt060 Saw little Flower, green E, fell in love & brought her home. After losing Branch, brought home Berry & Leaf, PPs. :smt010 The later proceeded to streak. Had purchase about 5 books by then & Hermit Crabs for Dummies had this site listed so checked it out & posted the problem. Got some great advice & haven't regretted a moment here. :D
:cry: Since then, I've lost Apple, Willow, & Flower to bad molts, Streaker (was Leaf) due to the obvious, upgraded to a 10-gal complete w/2 second floors & natural food. Added another 10-gal under the existing one, lost only 10, Still have Bud & Berry & other new friends, have had several successful molts, devoted a drawer in the freezer to them, & am head-over-heels in love w/my babies! Bud & Berry are obviously treasured babies, but I do adore all of them. [smilie=cloud9.gif] They have been a great source of irratation to my husband...I think he's jealous...but they give me great pleasure & many laughs, as well as anxious worry! I just love to sit in front of the tats w/my morning coffee & watch them waking up when I turn on the lights! [smilie=fingerscrossed.jpg] I hope that they will all continue to thrive & have long, happy, healthy lives!
[smilie=fyi.gif] I'd also like to take this opportunity to say a big, warm Thank You for all the help here. :angel5: One of the few peoplefrom my first posts that I remember being so very nice is Crabber. She's a very caring, sweet person! 8) I'm really bad w/names so I'm sorry if I don't remember anyone else. :oops:
I march to the beat of a different drummer...did I mention my husband is a drummer!

PPs,Straws,Es,Ruggies, Violas, & Indos!
3 Hounds, 1 Bunny-Lilly, 6 PDFs, Corns-Slither,Squiggle,Sparkle,Spirit,& Skully, Crayfish-Chester & Little Fella, Ts-Allure, Charisma, & Ladybird!


Post by troppo » Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:57 pm

*Kathy* wrote: Oh......and by the daughter doesn't have much interest in the hermies anymore! :lol:
I know what you mean Kathy! :lol: My son who's nearly 9 now, doesn't have much interest in the crabbies anymore either but he will still hold them and play with them every now and then.. On the flip side my hubby is now becoming interested in the crabbies, especially after getting that Straw. Now he regularly goes and check up on the crabbies in their tat and just stands there watching them and asking me what they're doing. :P
