hermie hunger?

Where we discuss the behavior of our hermit crabs, as in fights, pecking orders, shell swaps, etc. Please post all naked-crab posts in the Emergency forum.

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hermie hunger?

Post by Guest » Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:33 pm

ok remember i only have 2 hermies since austin and chris passed away...pepers and julie are both mediums...well i refilled their food bowl last night. i walked in my room this afternoon around 1 or so and the food was GONE! like completely! give or take a few pieces of apple and parsley...should i be worried they ate that much that quick??

btw the bowl is about 1/4 inch deep and about 2 inches diameter... normally it doesnt disappiar for 3 days...

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Post by Guest » Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:51 pm

Ever see a fat hermit crab?

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Post by Guest » Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:34 pm

not one that eats that much! lol

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Post by Guest » Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:36 pm

Maybe they carried it away in their shells with them :|

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Post by Guest » Mon Sep 10, 2007 2:46 pm

you might not see all the food the hermies eat, they eat what the need BUT they do carry the food off and bury it in the subtrate. my Es especially do this!

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Post by brad873 » Mon Sep 10, 2007 4:20 pm

your tellin me, just last week i foud a 4 month old walnut that they still liked to eat :|

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Post by Guest » Mon Sep 10, 2007 4:52 pm

ew! [smilie=plbbt.gif] Pls tell me I'm not going to find mummified silversides :pharaoh: That would be plain nasty. I'm trying to coax them out w/crickets tonight. It's too big to stash. :smt026

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Post by EGcrabber » Mon Sep 10, 2007 5:20 pm

The most logical explanation is that they either buried it or draged it all into some hideout for later, which they will eventually forget about. I don't think crabs will eat that much. Check around the tank and I'm pretty sure you'll find the leftovers. :)
One medium PP: Gizmo

May you rest in peace, Stark, Blue lightning, Rivulet, Floyd, Shocker, Scyfer, Brad, Weasel, and Farik
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Post by Guest » Mon Sep 10, 2007 5:51 pm

yea...thats nasty lol i JUST did a deep clean on the sucker too...gr lol

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Post by Hermit_of_Hermit_Crabs » Tue Sep 11, 2007 8:35 am

I would place money that they buried the food or hid it in an extra shell. Everytime I put fruit or veggies in the tank it gets taken off within a day or two. I found a large piece of coconut on top of one of the cocohuts the other day.

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Post by Guest » Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:59 pm

mk well i'll dig around a bit and see what i can find
