My little E, Edwin disappeared a really really long time ago (don't remember exactly when he went down, but it's been at least a couple of months). For a while I figured he was just taking his time. So I waited and waited... and waited some more. It came time for a deep clean and I held off for a bit still hoping that he was just taking it slow. Finally about 3 weeks ago I gave up and went ahead with the cleaning. I wanted to be really sure he was gone (and give him a proper burial) so after all the other crabs were out I gently dug through the sand to find his little body. I found him on top of his exoskeleton... he was still as a stone but he didn't fall out of the shell when I picked him up and he didn't smell at all! Not exactly what I had expected. I immediately set up an iso tank and put him with his exo under a hut. I've been playing the waiting game for 3 weeks now. A few days ago I couldn't take it anymore and very gently lifted the hut for a peek, and he hadn't moved a bit.