Braveshell wrote:Ahhh! Throw them out?!
I'm glad you took them in. I don't understand when people think that the crabs aren't very interesting. They are fascinating and fun!
Thank goodness for this forum where I can say that without someone rolling their eyes at me :roll:
Have fun

Yep... throw them out. She had taken 3 and gave them to a pet store. When she told me that, I told her that my son had been asking for a hermit crab. About a week later she called and said she *found* two more that had escaped and wanted to know if I wanted them. If not she was going to just throw them away... ack!
She told me to buy hermit crab food and put a sea spong in with them for water. She brought them to me in a tiny plastic bowl with a lid w/ holes. It had a small sea sponge in it.
She told me nothing about substrate so I put them in a 2 gal tank I had with some fish tank rocks... stuff I had at the house (She brought them to me the day she called to get rid of them). I went to work researching and within a week I had sand for them... a couple of weeks later a friend gave me a 10 gal tank. I NEVER bought teh HC food... that was the first thing I learned... and started cutting them up real food/ veggies/ eggs we have at the house.
My 10yo and I read and read online to learn how to keep them happy. *lol* Now my hubby says we have spoiled crabs! They have a heater under part of their tank, a fresh water station, a cat bowl with salt water (yep... I went to the pet section and found a nice oblong shallow cat bowl for these darlings), cuttlebone, a few sea sponges, and always a variety of fresh food.
For now, we have a divider in the tank since the one is molting. I think the other one will molt soon, too. He's losing his color and has been digging around a bit differently than before. I think they are molting/ getting ready to molt bacause they finally have good food and a proper substrate.
Right now my dilemma is shells. They came with only the shells on their backs. At least they are natural shells, but the one that is molting is in a shell that is too big (I think) and the other one is in a shell that may be getting too small for it (folded up he is on the outer edge of the shell, but still *in* it. I have had trouble finding appropriate shells locally that are similar in size with roundish openings. I've resorted to looking in craft stores at shells, and haven't had much luck.