hi this is my 1st posting
we just received 4 pp in dec and added another 2 just last week. our favorite 1 has just molted..
he was on top and went back in to his shell.is this normal ??
we removed him into another tank with his old exo with plenty of food and water.have i done the right thing and have i missed anything out?
how long does it take for them to come through this ....
1st molt
Topic author
So he surface molted? Hopefully he'll come through. Just keep an eye on him. He's not going to move much at first because he's so exhausted from the molting process. If he starts eating his exo, he'll be on his way!
Keep him warm and dark if possible. If you can, crush up cuttlebone (found in the bird section) and eggshell and mix it with honey.
I had a surface molter and he's still running around in the tank!

Keep him warm and dark if possible. If you can, crush up cuttlebone (found in the bird section) and eggshell and mix it with honey.
I had a surface molter and he's still running around in the tank!

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Topic author
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