Oh Gosh.....4 Crabbies Dug Up!

This forum is where you discuss issues relating to molting hermit crabs, including pre- and post-molting issues. If you are having a molting emergency please post in the Emergency Forum.
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Oh Gosh.....4 Crabbies Dug Up!

Post by hermietastic » Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:45 pm

This isn't an emergency (hence why it's not in Emergency) because I know basicly what to do, but I need advice! I really needed to clean the tank out, becuase the EE at the bottem was getting nasty. I knew that I had 3-5 crabs down, but I thought they should have been heading up because they had been down for a long time. Well as I was pouring out their hidey cups, what do I find? In 3 differnt hideys, 4 newly molted crabbies with all their exo still with them! I do not have an ISO at this moment, and I can't put them in a tuberware container because it would be to cold. So right now they are each in a little hidey with some moss and honey and engergizing food with honey. They are all alive, but one of them is MUCH more active. But I am worried about the other ones. They aren't really moving. :( Is their anything I can do so they have a larger chance of making it? :(
2 Bombina Orentalis
2 Eublepharis macularius
5 Coenobita clypeatus


Post by MudCrabDude » Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:12 am

Don't know about increasing their chances, as it seems you've did what most of us would have done.

Good luck, here's some lucky vibes to send your way... 8) 8) 8)


Post by Guest » Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:08 am

Generally I would not worry. If you feel like your more active crab is being too nosy you can make a little ISO fence with empty CD cases. Just take two and open both of them to form a little box around your crabby. Make sure they have small amounts of water available to them.
