by Bob & Souix's Mom » Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:38 pm
He's perfectly healthy. No worries about that.
I live in Trinidad. My cousins went up the Caribbean islands by boat and while there decided to collect some crabs for their small children.
They brought Gigantor back with 3 other Teeny/Smalls. Of course a few days later, what happens but one of the kidlets gets pinched by a Teeny. (Thank God it wasn't Gigantor or they might have lost a finger) Thus, the crabs must go, and who do they know who has crabs?
My problem with re-releasing him is that while we are supposed to have PP's here, I have never seen any, and I have been all over the coasts of Trinidad. The other problem is shells in the wild, I've seen maybe 2 undamaged hermit crab suitable shells here in my life and nothing close to his size.
I would think about releasing him in Tobago, where I have seen wild PP's and suitable shells but I'm not about to buy a plane ticket to do so.
Thus, Gigantor stays with me for the mean time.