Need help w/ Fluker's Digital Thermometer and Humidity Gauge
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Need help w/ Fluker's Digital Thermometer and Humidity Gauge
I wasn't sure where to put this but....I have 2 of these in my 55g and am getting another one to put at the other end. One of them seems to be fine but the one in the middle, I am not so sure about. I have been sitting here watching it for the last hour or so and it seems to fluctuate the humidity reading a lot. At one point it was at 81, about 5 minutes later it was down to 65, jumped back to 72, back up to 80 and now is back down to 71. The tank has not been opened or messed with in any way during this. Is this normal or is something wrong with the gage? The temp part hasn't changed much at all, normal change from day lights on to night lights. Thanks.
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