Exo Terra Bowls

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Exo Terra Bowls

Post by Guest » Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:35 pm

I bought a stone looking exo terra bowl maybe a month ago. It has been for my fresh water. Already the paint is starting to peel! :?

Has anyone else had this problem?

I'd like to replace it with something more attractive (and cheep :) ) any suggestions?

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Post by suebee » Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:56 pm

take it back! get your money back. If you dont have the receipt just take it back to petco or petsmart, they sell them so they will give you store credit.
Ive looked at so many bowls for pools. I got tired of my tupperware dishes and now im looking at barbie pools! or barbie bath tubs. lol..
im bidding on one on ebay right now..
I too need cheep but of course safe for the crabs. Deep but not to take up so much floor space as some. I dont want to have to dig down to put them in. I cant use glass, im just glass phobic. I got one bowl i love and found out it was a barbie sand box so i decided to look at other toys..
Hard plastic with no paint is what im looking at. plus cute, i change often so i dont get to bored..I hope this one works out..
Last edited by suebee on Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I buy from ELHC or HCP, I CANNOT RECEIVE PM MESSAGES SO EMAIL ME,anytime! suebeebuzz@me.com visit my Hermit Crab Dollar Store. Crabbing from aprox 1974- I own 12 Species,On Face Book-Susan Staff's Coenobita Research of New Jersey

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Post by Guest » Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:40 pm

Pyrex loaf pans make great pools and are inexpensive if you are not afraid of glass, LOL :lol: They are nice and deep too so even jumbo crabs can get all the way under the water.

Put in a couple of shells or pile some rocks to make it easy for the crabs to get in and out. If you want to get fancier you can use aquarium sealant and make steps out of aquarium-safe rocks or you can cement glass beads or aquarium gravel to the inside so that the crabs can have easy footholds.

I love the swimming pool Sue! Hope you win :D

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Post by Guest » Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:25 pm

I did send the company an e-mail after posting this, I'm just to darn lazy/busy to drive the 45 minutes to the pet store. :D Hopefully they can do something.

I like the ideas about glass and aquarium sealant. Does it have to be aquarium or can it just be clear sealant? It would be fun to make new pools with the kids, they love projects and I hate my bright yellow cheerio keeper that I have in there now for salt water, it's just ugly!

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Post by tlivs » Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:49 pm

suebee wrote:take it back! get your money back. If you dont have the receipt just take it back to petco or petsmart, they sell them so they will give you store credit.
SUE! hahaha thats terrible!
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Post by aquav » Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:29 pm

It has to be aquarium sealant. Anything else is not safe and will leach toxins into the water.

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Post by suebee » Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:32 pm

they get the money back from the maker of the bowls so why now?
I buy from ELHC or HCP, I CANNOT RECEIVE PM MESSAGES SO EMAIL ME,anytime! suebeebuzz@me.com visit my Hermit Crab Dollar Store. Crabbing from aprox 1974- I own 12 Species,On Face Book-Susan Staff's Coenobita Research of New Jersey

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Post by tlivs » Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:49 pm

suebee wrote:they get the money back from the maker of the bowls so why now?
they dont get all the money back so they lose some profit from each non-useable return
thats why a lot of smaller or smarter stores wont take returns if they arent in sellable condition
because petsmart and petco are bigger corporations they do take non-sellable returns because they can afford to but my managers were quite reluctant to put things in the write off bins because we were losing so much money
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Post by suebee » Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:15 pm

that was not the case when i worked for sears.. We had insurance to cover write offs and we did get money back from the maker. I just believe that they should know that what they are selling is faulty.
I buy from ELHC or HCP, I CANNOT RECEIVE PM MESSAGES SO EMAIL ME,anytime! suebeebuzz@me.com visit my Hermit Crab Dollar Store. Crabbing from aprox 1974- I own 12 Species,On Face Book-Susan Staff's Coenobita Research of New Jersey

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Post by tigermoon89 » Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:32 pm

I have the zoo med dishes. I used them as a fresh water and salt water dish, within about a month and a half the paint started chipping. At the time, I had just started crabbing and had spent close to $500 in supplies for my 'free' pet that required 'no real maintenance'.

I agree with suebee, they aren't cheep and the paint can be toxic to our crabs. The company needs to know that they are not selling a top quality product.
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Post by Guest » Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:39 pm

suebee wrote:take it back! get your money back. If you dont have the receipt just take it back to petco or petsmart, they sell them so they will give you store credit.
Ive looked at so many bowls for pools. I got tired of my tupperware dishes and now im looking at barbie pools! or barbie bath tubs. lol..
im bidding on one on ebay right now..
I too need cheep but of course safe for the crabs. Deep but not to take up so much floor space as some. I dont want to have to dig down to put them in. I cant use glass, im just glass phobic. I got one bowl i love and found out it was a barbie sand box so i decided to look at other toys..
Hard plastic with no paint is what im looking at. plus cute, i change often so i dont get to bored..I hope this one works out..
I've had the exact same problem with these bowls...(well, almost) Anyways, I bought one from petCo for something like $9.90, and about a month later I did a deep cleen, boiled the bowl, and the rock-colored paint just peeled off like cheap latex. I was pretty disappointed, but it had been too long (plus, no receipt) to take back for any kind of meaningful store exchange... :|

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Post by Guest » Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:30 pm

suebee wrote:that was not the case when i worked for sears.. We had insurance to cover write offs and we did get money back from the maker. I just believe that they should know that what they are selling is faulty.

This really has not much to do with much. but I've been working for SEARS for the past three years and we take almost all returns unless they don't have the receipt or if its obvious they did something to alter something like rust or if somethings sanded etc.


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Post by Guest » Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:18 am

Some of the worst customer service ever! They come off as so snooty! They first tried to tell me that their water bowls were not painted and so I replied and said there was defiantly paint and gave her the UPC number and info that was on the tag. So they are so kindly allowing me to return it, just this once. I will never buy any of their products again. I'm just bitter like that! :lol:

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Post by suebee » Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:46 am

well at least you told us all about it and maybe we will all learn from the mishap. They make so many reptile things it would be hard to ban them all together, however ill do my part and try!
I buy from ELHC or HCP, I CANNOT RECEIVE PM MESSAGES SO EMAIL ME,anytime! suebeebuzz@me.com visit my Hermit Crab Dollar Store. Crabbing from aprox 1974- I own 12 Species,On Face Book-Susan Staff's Coenobita Research of New Jersey

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Post by Guest » Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:50 am

I am glad they are taking it back for you. Is this the one?:

http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.j ... Id=2752538

It's supposed to be a resin material and not painted... I had considered buying one myself because the specifications say that they are 3 inches deep and that's the deepest I have seen for these types of bowls... but I decided to stick with my pyrex DIY bowls after all :wink:

Aquarium sealant is the safest if you are going to make your own bowls, though I believe some people have tried clear silicone sealant with no ill effects reported as far as I know... But the aquarium sealant was $6 for a medium sized tube at petsmart which will be more than enough for this kind of project.
