Opinions of Tropic Aire Humidifier?

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Opinions of Tropic Aire Humidifier?

Post by KrisDutt » Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:17 pm

Ok, what do you all think of this brand Humidifier with Tetra Air whisper air pump? Also where do you put it (yeah, stupid question)

My 'tat is in a room with no ventilation and well isn't smelling too great because of it :roll: Would this help keep the humidity up and get rid of the smell in the process?

Or if you have any other suggestion I'd be welcome to hear it :D

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Post by SachOfSCP » Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:13 pm

Well, I don't know about the humidifier, I have a cool DIY one that is super quiet & works great. As for the smell....what does it smell like & how long has it smelled like that? Unfortunately....helping the humidity (while good for the crabbies) will make the smell stronger, most likely. :(
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Post by KrisDutt » Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:27 pm

I have no talent for DIY's :oops: I did see yours though. Great idea, for those good with hands.

Its always been there just not a strong. It hits you soon as you open the door to the backporch. I tried turning on the fan in there and it just made it a thousand times worse. It smells musty but a lot stronger and its pretty bad since I have a horrible sinuses and can hardly smell. All of my clan are buried and it doesn't smell like "death" I just can't figure it out.

I think its my substrate or pool...my substrate is beach sand on the bottom, ee, playsand, crushed oyster shells mixed in with salt water. I have a screen lid. Sometimes I lay a towel to keep it more humid but I'm fine in that area since I live in Florida and only mist a few times a day to keep it up.

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Post by Kilimanjaro » Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:28 pm

I have the exact model, and I really like it. :) It's simple to use and it definitely helps with humidity, all while providing good air exchange. :wink:

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Post by SachOfSCP » Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:34 pm

Hmmmmm. If it's musty, chances are good your substrate is too wet. Have you tried sticking a finger down in to see if there is water at the bottom of the tank? If the hole you poke with your finger fills in with water or has a puddle at the bottom, it's too wet. Let's see if we can figure out what the problem is first :)

You say you are terrible at DIY, whose did you see that you said is for those good with their hands?
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Post by KrisDutt » Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:50 pm

Ok, I'm going to take a look and poke and take the kiddo out for a min.

lol, I'm just saying I'm not great with my hands and building things, not one that said you had to be good with your hands :wink:

Thanks for helping! Be back in a min.

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Post by KrisDutt » Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:13 pm

Ok, I don't see any water at the bottom or pooling to the top. I didn't poke it on the other end since mine are buried over there and I only have any idea where a few are.

So I don't think I'm over-doing it on that.

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Post by SachOfSCP » Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:24 pm

Hmmmmmmm. Tricksy tank, eh.... :D Do you have wood in your tank or something else than could be retaining water?

Are you certain it's the tank and not something in that room or under the tank (exploring all options)?

Do you have a humidity and temp gauge?

You mentioned you thought it might be the pool. What makes you think that? What kind of pool is it, how often do you change it, etc.

One way or another air exchange is gonna be a factor here since you said the room it's in is already poorly ventilated. Having lived in Fl for many years myself, I know how musty any room in FL can get with a quickness. :)

Oh, just so you know, if you need a super cool DIY humidifier, let me know. It's really easy to do it.
Sach's All Natural Crab Food & Supply Store!


Re: Opinions of Tropic Aire Humidifier?

Post by MudCrabDude » Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:40 pm

KrisDutt wrote:Ok, what do you all think of this brand Humidifier with Tetra Air whisper air pump? Also where do you put it (yeah, stupid question)
I like it; it seems to aid in maintaining humidity.

You put the water reservoir (the Tropic aire humidifier) beside the tank. It is recommended that you have the air pump (in this case, the Tetra air whisper) at a bit higher location.

The air pump power or type has to correspond with the tank you have, as recommended in the Hermit Crab patch; so if you have a 20 gallon, you would need a pump that would be powerful enough to aerate a 20 gallon aquarium.

You can also use other brands of conventional aquarium air pumps out there as well; they can be used with the Tropic Aire humidifier.

KrisDutt wrote:My 'tat is in a room with no ventilation and well isn't smelling too great because of it :roll: Would this help keep the humidity up and get rid of the smell in the process?
Well, it would help keep the humidity up, but not necessarily get rid of the smells, though. :)

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Post by Mama Crabs » Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:04 pm

I liked it. My tank smells good, but I live in a dry climate, maybe that helps. It doesn't run all the time now in the summer, only when the humidity dips a little. I did have to put it on a 60 gallon whisper pump to get it to move air through enough. When I used a smaller pump it wasn't as efficient.

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Post by KrisDutt » Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:00 pm

mamaturtle2000 wrote:Hmmmmmmm. Tricksy tank, eh.... :D Do you have wood in your tank or something else than could be retaining water?

Are you certain it's the tank and not something in that room or under the tank (exploring all options)?

Do you have a humidity and temp gauge?

You mentioned you thought it might be the pool. What makes you think that? What kind of pool is it, how often do you change it, etc.

One way or another air exchange is gonna be a factor here since you said the room it's in is already poorly ventilated. Having lived in Fl for many years myself, I know how musty any room in FL can get with a quickness. :)

Oh, just so you know, if you need a super cool DIY humidifier, let me know. It's really easy to do it.
The only thing I've added is a grapevine wood trunk like thing in (I cleaned it with saltwater before adding and let it dry outside before putting in) and barnacle and the new pool. Thats it. The pool I change every 4 days or so and its saltwater. Its the new one I bought from etsy.

No funky smells anywhere else in the room :D

No gauges, never used them in the past. I may pick up one so I have a more exact guess. But its for sure hot and humid enough for them here. Your right a room can get very musty without ceiling fans running all the time :roll: so I'm sure having a large tank isn't going to smell fantastic in that room. I just don't know if its because of the room its in or the tank itself.

Tricky right :lol: So how do I go about improving air exchange for the tank? Its 55 gallons and its not movable at all. I figure it would be the perfect room for them since its always humid here and hot.

MudCrabDude - Thanks for the how to, I appreciate it. I know nothing about humidifiers and air pumps. So many thanks!

Mama Crabs - Thanks for your opinion.

Kilimanjaro - Thanks for your input.

If I have to I can live with the smell, its just annoying! I just want to I make sure my clan will be ok and my tat is up to par. I may just give the humidifier and air pump a try to help their air worse that happens is it doesn't help and I sell it.

Edit ~ Ok I talked to Tammy from the HCP...She recommend I take out the starfish and smell it (I forgot to mention I added it) and to add 1/2 inch of sand to the top and to keep the fan going in there to circulate air. I do have a ceiling fan in there but of course doesn't work but I do have a regular fan in there I'll turn on more often since she said because of my lack of air flow I could be producing bacteria and mold :shock: and that I should stick to my screen lid because of where there at. So I guess I'll be trying that.

Now I'm still debating about a humidifier and air pump, if it would benefit them since I have a screen lid.

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Mama Crabs
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Post by Mama Crabs » Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:31 pm

I should probably get a humidity gauge to see where your numbers are. If you’re at 90% humidity, you don't want to start pumping in more humidity.

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Post by KrisDutt » Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:14 pm

I think its going to be gone and I didn't have to buy anything :D

I threw out the starfish which stunk to high heaven! Plus the grapevine I bought had mold on it at the bottom so its out! and I've had the fan on for about a hour with the door shut and its smells a hundred times better :)

Thanks for the help and advice, I think its solved. Who knew it would've been so simple.
