there were some really special looking crabs there I wanted to share with you:
a large pink indo:
a large load of Brunnies, which are very sweet and active crabs:
some really beautiful violas:
one of Bob’s many jumbo Es-I had never seen any this big before:
a full armored indo:
And, probably one of the most exciting things for me, the coconut crabs! Max and Minnie:
Max was the larger but definitely less friendly then Minnie:
Me and Minnie:
feeding the crabs was probably one of the most fun things I did…they had a good variety of fresh on top o their normal food, here’s them gorging on some apple:
feasting on fresh coconut:
and French fries!
one of the other amazing things that I got to help to do was to move newly hatched eggs from water dishes into the series of tanks that would nurture them as they grew big enough to take up a shell. I have one of Bob’s captive bred crabs, a blueberry named Tiny Little Agate, and he is as real as he is special (and just newly molted now too!)
so that was my magical trip to elhc! I hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as I had fun taking them.