self made huts and 2nd level

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self made huts and 2nd level

Post by Jess2144 » Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:48 pm

can you make huts out of anything plastic found around the house?
what can you use to make a second level? (fish net, mesh, etc.) and where can you find it?

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Post by Guest » Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:53 pm

anything plastic can be used in the tank, an upside down tupperware container w/ a entrance cut into it makes a great makeshift hermit hut. as for second levels a shower caddy or locker shelf w/ moss or plastic vines is common, also u can put in a net or silicone caulk a plexi-glass sheet for a second story, or have a flat board supported by other objects in the tank such as rocks or wood works well

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Post by Guest » Sat Aug 28, 2010 11:05 pm

plexi glass is at hardware stores, vines at petstores, shower caddies at target or bedbath&beyond

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Post by Jess2144 » Sun Aug 29, 2010 3:04 pm

does it have to be a certain kind of netting?

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Post by Guest » Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:04 pm

I find the best crab stuff at the dollar store sometimes!

I just picked up this great soap dish (wished they had more) that has a separate back plate w/suction cups. So I am either stealing the back plate to use for something else, or turning it into a small moss pit.

For my moss pit, I used an old beat up Tupperware container, cut a square hole in one side for an entrance, cut small holes along the side which I stuck suction cups through and voila! A cheap solution and one which they love the best! Whenever I cut plastic, I just use a lighter to smooth the edges.

BTW, I want to say thanks to whoever mentioned those locking suction cups at Walmart in another thread. Oh my goodness, these things are awesome!! I just wished they had more and in different sizes at the time.

As far as netting, there are several views. Some people do not use netting d/t concern over crabs getting caught and dropping limbs. Some people use only hemp or jute materials for the same reason. Then there are some who use the netting from craft stores without any problems or concerns. Everyone's crabs and experiences are different.

I use the netting from the craft store (found with the shells) and have had no problems, but then again I've only been crabbing a short time.

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Post by yankeecam55 » Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:12 pm

petsmart in the crab section there are sometimes climbing mats made for hermit crabs you can cut them to the size you want

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Post by snickersnflip » Fri Sep 03, 2010 2:08 pm

i make huts out of plastic water bottles lol you cut off the top part of the bottle and then you cut a big hole in the bottom. here is a example


you can also tie i piece of twine to the top of it. my crabs seem to really enjoy these kinds of huts! it does not provide much privacy and is better for just a climbing thing though. for another type of hut you can take a toilet paper tube, cut it in half and then cut a line in the bottom. you shape it into an arch shape. this one does not last long in the humidity so you may have to make a new one every day or so.
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Post by Eveningraid » Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:28 pm

You can also find that coconut fiber mat material at a hardware store in the garden section. You can get a lot more for a lot less.
Hermies really like this material. I use this to line my little plastic containers. You could also sew this with hemp string to a piece of plastic canvas.

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Post by Guest » Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:06 pm

you can make a hut made from clay
but any clay you do not need to fire is not safe :D

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Post by Guest » Fri Dec 10, 2010 2:59 pm

I'm also looking for something I can use for a hut.
I was thinking about making up a batch of homemade play dough and molding one from that and letting it dry.
Instead of using table salt, I will substitute for sea salt. Has anyone else tried this? Is it harmful to the crabs in any way?

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Post by wodesorel » Sat Dec 11, 2010 1:40 am

JoJo1484 wrote:Instead of using table salt, I will substitute for sea salt. Has anyone else tried this? Is it harmful to the crabs in any way?
It shouldn't hurt the crabs since it's just flour, water and salt. (Or close to that depending on the recipe you use.)

However, the moisture may make it fall apart and/or melt, and even with the salt it may mold since it's made of flour. You might want to test out a little piece first to see how it holds up.
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Post by Guest » Mon Dec 13, 2010 8:49 am

those flexible peg baskets you have to put together yourself are good for cutting up to make ladders, second floors etc.I made my own coconut hut by sawing a coconut in hlaf, cheap and the crabbies (and me) got to eat it :D I think the playdough method would go mouldy really quickly but I am just guessing. I have lots of big rocks in my tank and driftwood which I have put together into a sort of teepee structure which they love to climb.
