quick Shai update

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quick Shai update

Post by CallaLily » Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:13 pm

See my post in the picture section titled "Simbelmyne ~ successful surface molt". This is where I first mention Shai's situation. Sorry I'm going to be brief...having lots of computer troubles and this will be the third time I've tried to update. I'll try to add more details over time or when (hopefully) I get my computer fixed.

I just want to stress not to give up on your "dead" crabbies so soon! There were so many times I thought for sure Shai had to be dead but my husband kept convincing me to be patient. Sure enough, even though he would look so very very dead, I would eventually see movement or that he managed to get more exo off, or that he was repositioned. Yep, Shai is still alive! :D But not out of the woods yet. He definitely was stuck in his exo. Took until today for him to finally get out of most of it. I can see his eyes again! :D He did drop two walking legs yesterday and I'm afraid he might drop the other too because they are still stuck in exo. His antennae are also still stuck in exo and he has a small patch on his back (more near his tail then head) but it looks quite loose. He's such a fighter! He spends some time working on his exo and then some time resting. He is shell-less but that probably allows more for more freedom/movement. I have a dish of cuttlebone, mealworms and a drizzle of honey in there. Also too small, shallow dishes of water....one fresh, one salt. He seem a little week but he did manage to "stand up" today though I'm not sure if he has enough energy to get in either the food or water dishes. While changing the freshwater I accidentally spilled some in the ISO and he quickly scooped some up into his mouth parts. When he was done I soaked it up carefully with a papertowel.....didn't want to leave him lying in water. So at least I know he's had a drink! Keep your fingers crossed! I have hope that he'll pull through. Any advice is welcome! Just be patient with me because of my computer troubles it may take me a while to respond. :)


Post by MudCrabDude » Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:25 am

So sorry to hear about this.

And sorry, I don't have any advice. Hopefully someone would chime in with some.

Good luck - sending some good vibes your way [smilie=luck.gif]

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Post by CallaLily » Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:13 pm

Thanks MudCrabDude! Checked on him when I got home from work today and he's still here but lying down again. This morning he was standing up and seemed so much more alert. I'm hoping he's just tired out from that. Still has exo on his two walking legs and antennae.

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Post by CallaLily » Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:03 am

He dropped another leg. :( That leaves him with both pinchers (which he shouldn't drop because he shed those very easily in the beginning) and one walking leg that is still stuck in exo. He got the exo off of his antennule (I think that's what their called, the inner bent pair?) though one is broken now. The outside antenna are still stuck in exo. He's still very alert like yesterday but still pretty much laying on his side as if he doesn't have the energy to stand up and still shell-less. He did drag himself over to the water dishes....not sure if he managed to get a drink but he's right next to them. Also I noticed his BP is slightly deformed. :( [smilie=worry.gif]

ETA: Also one of the mouth parts (maxillipeds?) is stuck in exo.


Post by MudCrabDude » Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:09 pm

So sorry. :(

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Post by wolfnipplechips » Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:22 pm

Oh no! :( I hope he makes it through this.
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Post by CallaLily » Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:51 am

Ok so it may have been a bad idea but when I went in to refresh the waters in Shai's ISO, I decided to clean it out. He had eaten most of his exo but hadn't touched the dropped limbs and they were beginning to smell very badly. I believe it was in his best interest to clean it out though unfortunately it could not be done without disturbing him. He's still very alert and also very defensive. Any sign of movement and he's waving both pinchers at you. Still shell-less and it appears that he can't stand up.

So at least he has a clean ISO and clean water. I also have a food dish with krill, cuttlebone, and a little drizzle of honey. As well as two shells for him to choose from, the one he was wearing and another that I think to be an appropriate size for him. Temp is 78 degrees F and humidity is 82%. I haven't given up hope yet and neither has Shai![smilie=fingerscrossed.jpg]

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Post by wolfnipplechips » Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:07 pm

Go Shai!!!!! :D :D
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Post by zippity » Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:00 am

Thanks for the update; I hope the little guy makes it! :)

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Post by CallaLily » Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:05 am

Well he's still the same, antennae and one leg stuck in exo. But he seems to have a bit more energy, spending most of his time upright. I would feel better if he would reshell though. Once he does and becomes a bit more active, i'll give him deeper water dishes. Things are looking up though! :D

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Post by zippity » Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:04 pm

Thanks for updating; I was wondering how he was doing! Great to know he's still fighting! :)

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Post by CallaLily » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:13 pm

He didn't make it. :cry:

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Post by wolfnipplechips » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:53 pm

oh no. :( So sorry Calla. :( :( :comfort: You both tried your best.
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Post by SoulLonely » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:04 pm

I'm sorry to hear, but I know you did your best and you really cared for the hermie!

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Post by Gabrielleh » Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:08 pm

:cry: I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.. You did everything you could to help and make him comfortable though. That's what counts.
