Thanks guys! I felt like I was invading her privacy when I started taking the pics, like I was a peeping tom or something but….i thought it would be neat to have pictures. She didn’t stay pink long either, these were taken around midnight and by the next morning she had a lot of lavender on her. The pink color immediately after she molted looks like when you peel or pop a blister and you have that raw looking skin underneath and its wet, that’s what she looked like, almost like it would hurt.
Hermycrabitat21- yep, you can save the pics
PinkParrot-I think sometimes the exo does come off in pieces, it maybe when they are having a hard time with it but from what I have read (and now witnessed) it will come off in one piece. They will eat most of it, all of mine usually will leave the pinchers and some leg tips (I come across them in the tank at times)
nibbler125- she’s fine and is back to the main tank. She molted on 8/3/11 and this is her yesterday
Thank you for thinking to take photos
I’m impressed with myself that I did think to do it!!!LOL! Usually I’m not that quick and would have just watched and then thought about it afterwards!
Was she able to get every last bit of her exo off?
Yes, it came off in one shot, in the last picture you can see a leg tip on the right side that was out of the exo, a minute after that the entire exo was in a heap on the sand.