I ask because I have one crab down who I'm unsure about. He dug down right against the glass, so he's pretty easily visible. He just sat there for a couple of days, but yesterday morning he was limp and dead-looking. I would just attribute it to molting, but if he was molting, I don't know if I'd see as much of him as I do. I can see his legs, head, and antennae. Can't see his abdomen because of how he's positioned, and I don't want to shine light on him or mess with him at all in case he is molting. I don't see any "extra" legs (exo) but the legs I do see are pretty pale closer to his body. (Normal color at the ends though.) He's in the exact same spot this morning as he was yesterday morning. No death smell, but he is about 4 inches down, and a previous crab died while under and I never smelled anything. Are there any easy signs to look for, or parts that a dead crab would have that an exoskeleton wouldn't?