Anyone ordering LHC crabs for 12/14/11?

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Re: Anyone ordering LHC crabs for 12/14/11?

Post by NeviNuNu » Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:45 pm

That's awesome!!! I'm getting 2 straws 2blues and an indo. I already have 2 violas and an indo but I'm hopeing for an extra this time. :::fingers crossed::: I wouldn't mind an extra straw :0) lol
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Re: Anyone ordering LHC crabs for 12/14/11?

Post by Striker0086 » Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:57 pm

Nope, not at this time of year. Too risky with how the weather has been shifting. Warm and rainy here in Ohio on Friday and yesterday it was snowing..well flurries, not the supper thick stuff.

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Re: Anyone ordering LHC crabs for 12/14/11?

Post by NeviNuNu » Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:02 pm

It acutally snowed here yesterday too but they're should be shipping wednesday and arrive on thursday am which is going to be 55 around here which shouldn't be too bad. It's nice when the weather cooperates!!!
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Re: Anyone ordering LHC crabs for 12/14/11?

Post by hashiriya » Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:08 am

i just heard from LHC today, and she's going to be shipping today or wednesday! :)
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Re: Anyone ordering LHC crabs for 12/14/11?

Post by Zoeythelost » Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:28 am

Also heard from LHC. The crabs have just arrived over the weekend and have not been bathed. And will not be bathed. She asked if I wanted to wait until they have had a chance to destress or send them this week. I'm undecided. Its a very good chance they will have mites and be stressed but I want my crabs! I think i'm going to email her and ask her opinion.
4 PPs: Hermie, Struder 2 Es: Ebert, E-wee, Edee, Ego
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Re: Anyone ordering LHC crabs for 12/14/11?

Post by hashiriya » Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:56 am

hmm... i guess it's a question of whether it's best to stress them twice, or just have them stressed for a full week or longer? with regard to mites, i think i'm resigned to getting the hypoaspis - i have issues with the fungus gnats, and everything i've tried, they just seem to find their way into the crabitat. i'm going to use a little bit of the hypoaspis in all of my house plants to hopefully kill off all of the fungus gnat larva and be done with it. :(
also, don't forget about freezing temps that we may experience later - this week is going to be fairly mild in the mid-atlantic.
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Re: Anyone ordering LHC crabs for 12/14/11?

Post by Zoeythelost » Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:05 am

Forgive me for being stupid but what is hypoaspis? I was thinking about getting some H Miles mites. I emailed her and say if she feels they are heathy enough for shipping to please ship and that weather would be great for them. Also asked about another blueberry. I got an email from andrew so maybe she has help now?
4 PPs: Hermie, Struder 2 Es: Ebert, E-wee, Edee, Ego
3 Violas: Monster, Charcoal, Devil. 2 Blueberries: Purples, Blues
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Re: Anyone ordering LHC crabs for 12/14/11?

Post by hashiriya » Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:25 am

Hypoaspis Miles or H. Miles. 6 of one, half dozen of the other. :) maybe she got some help for the holidays?
2 PP's ranging in size from large to teeny (two adoptees) (Bomi, Squeegee)
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Re: Anyone ordering LHC crabs for 12/14/11?

Post by NeviNuNu » Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:35 am

I'm just going to let her send them. Even if she gives them a salt water bath and they have mites there's a big chance they will still have them anyway. So either way we will have to deal with them.
I figured she didn't have them yet!!!
Please post on here if you get the email saying they are shipping. I just had a lot of oral surgery and have been out of it so I keep forggeting to check my email. I better get to setting up my 10 gallon because they will probably have mites!
Zoey what did she say about the extra?
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Re: Anyone ordering LHC crabs for 12/14/11?

Post by hashiriya » Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:52 am

Zoeythelost wrote:Forgive me for being stupid but what is hypoaspis? I was thinking about getting some H Miles mites. I emailed her and say if she feels they are heathy enough for shipping to please ship and that weather would be great for them. Also asked about another blueberry. I got an email from andrew so maybe she has help now?
and Zoey... stupid? please. :)
2 PP's ranging in size from large to teeny (two adoptees) (Bomi, Squeegee)
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Re: Anyone ordering LHC crabs for 12/14/11?

Post by Zoeythelost » Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:05 pm

NeviNuNu wrote:Please post on here if you get the email saying they are shipping. I just had a lot of oral surgery and have been out of it so I keep forggeting to check my email. I better get to setting up my 10 gallon because they will probably have mites!
Zoey what did she say about the extra?
Of course I will. I have not received an email back yet. I forgot to ask if she had got any pink indos in. As her email said I wouldn't treat them for mites asap. let them destress first but than u run the risk of them being dug down when u do want to treat.
4 PPs: Hermie, Struder 2 Es: Ebert, E-wee, Edee, Ego
3 Violas: Monster, Charcoal, Devil. 2 Blueberries: Purples, Blues
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Re: Anyone ordering LHC crabs for 12/14/11?

Post by CrabAddict99 » Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:11 pm

Christmas will come early this year :banana:
Only a day and a half left *happy dance*
'Hermit crabs are like potato chips, you can't have just one'
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Re: Anyone ordering LHC crabs for 12/14/11?

Post by NeviNuNu » Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:21 pm

Should I make the 10 gallon just a steril tank with paper towels??? My viola dug back up so she wasn't molting so I still have the 20 gallon set up with EE and sand.
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Re: Anyone ordering LHC crabs for 12/14/11?

Post by CrabbyMom33 » Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:00 pm

If there is a chance that they could have mites, which is a very good chance, then I would set up a sterile environment with paper towels and no substrate. Then you can do the baths and watch them for a while. Personally, after dealing with mites once that will always be my plan with new crabs - sterile tank, daily baths in marine salt, then in dechlorinated water once a day, remove the paper towels and everything from the tank and wash it, keep them in the sterile tank at least a week.
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Re: Anyone ordering LHC crabs for 12/14/11?

Post by NeviNuNu » Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:06 pm

So when I get them I should give them a bath in double strength salt water (and dechlor rinse) or leave them be for a couple days?
Proud Mama to: 1 Human Son- Nevan
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