molted, then went back down

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molted, then went back down

Post by parrothead » Wed May 16, 2012 9:59 pm

Ok, so I had a mass molt recently, and everyone is coming up one at a time (thank goodness). I did notice however that one of my E's came up on Monday, changed shells and went back down. I haven't seen her since. Is this normal and should I be worried?

Also, I had a very small one go down over a month ago and I'm worried he didn't make it. His name is Yoda, and he is a 'small' PP. Think he's alright or should I prepare for the worst?

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Re: molted, then went back down

Post by kuza » Wed May 16, 2012 10:01 pm

I would assume everyone is ok. :-)

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Re: molted, then went back down

Post by starshine19 » Wed May 16, 2012 10:06 pm

If you don't smell and 'fishy' smell yet it will do no good to worry about anything. I had a small pp down for 3 months and he didn't even molt. As for the one who just molted he may just like digging. I have a hermit crab that I only see at night and all day I hear scratching on the bottom of the tank.
Just make sure their food and water is full and they do the rest. I know it's hard but hermit crabs defiantly teach patience :roll:
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Re: molted, then went back down

Post by goodmorningmylove » Wed May 16, 2012 10:25 pm

I don't really know about how hermit crab minds work but your E could feel a bit too vulnerable to stay up with the rest of them.
2 PPs:
Rigatoni (Toni); August 1, 2010; 7 molts.
Rotini (Tini); February 18, 2011; 6 molts.

1 Betta:

4 Welsummer Bantams:
3 Hens: Barbina, Pastina, and Stelline (Stella).
1 Rooster: Tortelloni (Loni).
