Crazy crab behavior

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Crazy crab behavior

Post by Muffincrab » Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:15 pm

I heard a tick tick sound a few minutes ago. I looked around for the source and ended up at the crabies' tank. There was Dweeble climbing up the corner, using his strong little claws to scale up the glue in the corner holding the glass together. He would go a little too much either left or right, scratching against the glass for a foothold. Eventually, he fell down into his water dish with a little splash. :oops:

About a minute later, I could here the scratching again, followed by the now familiar sound of a hermit crab falling into water... :lol: So determined.

So, I was thinking that there must be a ton of crazy crab behavior stories out there. What's the weirdest, cutest, or strangest actions you've seen your crabs engage in?
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Re: Crazy crab behavior

Post by Jackolope » Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:26 pm

They never learn. Tappy is insistent on getting stuck between everything possible. I've had to step in and rescue him more than once. Now Oliver seems to be learning the same bad influence. Oi vai. Sometimes I can't help but laugh at there "determination." When I clean out his tank, I have to leave Oliver in a laundry basket for a few minutes, and he tries to climb up the sides. :D
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Re: Crazy crab behavior

Post by sontron » Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:52 pm

There is a similar topic here. It has a lot of great stories from crab owners! the story i put there was that my crab dangled upside down in the entrance to the cocohut!
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Re: Crazy crab behavior

Post by Yuka » Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:56 pm

I usually get crabs hanging upside down on their branches or crabs sitting on top of each other. That isn't the case right now, because I have half the tank hanging off the vine I bought them yesterday lol
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Re: Crazy crab behavior

Post by Muffincrab » Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:48 pm

I didn't see that topic, sure are some crazy hermies out there :hlol:
Proud owner of two precious PPs: Dweeble and Dwable.
