Santa is missing, or so I think??

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Santa is missing, or so I think??

Post by hermitcrabfanatic » Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:43 pm

Hello! I just want to start out by saying that I new on the HCA, but im very excited to be joining. I am looking forward to the great advice, and other tidbits about crabbing from this online community. I have 29 crabs in a 75 gallon tank, and I have been crabbing for just about 3 years. When I started out, I didnt have much knowledge, but I do consider myself a bit of an expierienced crabber :D

So, from when I first started crabbing back in 2009, I had three crabs, one of which had a painted shell with a penguin with a santa hat on. This is why we named him Santa. A little after I purchased him, I foudn out the horors of painted shells. I wanted him to change badly, but he was just so stubborn. Anyways, Santa has had 2 other molts with me, and has kept his horrible shell through the years! No matter how meany choices he got, he just would never move! Anyways, when I did my deep clean last month, I of course removed all of my sand to bake, and my Eco Earth to throw away, and later rplace. I found his shell, empty at the bottom of the tank, beneath the inches of EE. As i looked through the rest of my tank, I didnt find any remains, other than some tips of legs at the opposite end of the tank. I suspect this was a different crab??

It has been a a little less than a month since my deep clean, and I am still trying to figure out where he could be. I guess this is one of the downfalls of having a colony. I think he may be in a different shell, and buried his terrible painted one, but I just cant tell. Please tell me what you think may of happened, if he got eaten, or if he is just MIA, or possibly in a different shell?? I miss him dearly, and I really want to figure out what the chances are that hes still alive, and hasnt crossed over the rainbow bridge :cry:

Thank you so much,

Abby :crabbigsmile:

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Re: Santa is missing, or so I think??

Post by kip.rogers357 » Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:53 pm

I definitely wouldn't keep 29 crabs in a 75gl, that is extremely over-crowded and might be the reason Santa is missing. With so many crabs it's possible that he died or was mid molt and the other crabs found & ate him.
There should only be around 15 crabs inside of a 75gl, and that's pushing it. They can grow to the size of basballs and require at least five gallons each. How big are they?
With 29 crabs you need a tank at least 150gl. What is their diet like? It might be that they're lacking something in the diet and needed to eat the crab, but i'm more than sure it's from being crowded.
It may also be that he was stuck under and left his shell and simply occupied a new one above ground. Are you sure there isn't a shell missing which he might have kept?
Maybe someone else has another suggestion or possibility?
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Re: Santa is missing, or so I think??

Post by hermitcrabfanatic » Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:16 pm

Im suprised actually... Ive never really had that issue, and Ive never had an issue of aggression in my tank. Also, I have two levels, and tons of places for them to hide. All of my crabs are small, golf ball size or smaller. However, I do have two larger hermit crabs, about tennis ball size that molt great. They have a great diet. I feed them lots of fruits and vegetables, unseasoned meat, and they have eggshells, and the HCP mineral suppliement very often. Its one of their favorite foods :D I guess I am just shocked that it is over crowded. However, I am looking to get a larger sized tank in the near future. Thank you so much for your fast reply :)

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Re: Santa is missing, or so I think??

Post by kip.rogers357 » Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:24 pm

no problem at all!
I'm glad they have a good diet! sometimes crabs are just crabs and eat what they want, even if it is another crab. I really hope he didn't get eaten and simply ditched his shell!
As far as the second levels and hiding places; that's great! the issue comes in when molting happens, since they usually do pull these mass molts, 29 crabs really is a lot. how deep is their substrate? I have a 217gl tank with 30 crabs, I still have room to add about ten more but even then I feel like they barely fit comfortably so I definitely wouldn't add any more to my tank.
If your crabs have been fine living together in the 75 then by all means keep doing what you're doing, just keep an eye out incase there is some sort of problem and have a spare tank to seperate 'em.
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Re: Santa is missing, or so I think??

Post by hermitcrabfanatic » Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:32 pm

My substrate is about five inches deep. Yes they are all doing very good. I am trying to save my money up to buy a bigger tank, but right now, as much as I would like it to be, isnt really the time. :tongue: Yes, they all really do great together. I am really lucky to have no aggression, other than the feeler fights, which I think are just cute! :) Well, I know it isnt ideal, but I am so glad that they will be alright in the crabitat theyre in now. I was starting to feel really bad! :( Thank you so much for your quick reply! I really appreciate it. I do have a 25 gallon iso tank, where I can separate anyone who needs to be separated. I do have my eye on about two of the crabs that could be Santa, but its so hard ot tell. I will keep you posted if I have figured it out. Otherwise, unless he didnt die, Santa may have to spend the rest of his life with a separate identity! :wink:

Thanks again


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Re: Santa is missing, or so I think??

Post by kip.rogers357 » Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:37 pm

Any updates on Santa? Did you find him!?
17 Year Crabber!
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