This area is dedicated to the pioneers who have captive bred crabs, and for those who wish to learn more or attempt it themselves. Also for inquiring about the gender of your crabs.
I put what I could find in the water. Seems the isopods thought they were pretty tasty.
Also, I feel like such a doofus. I didn't realize I could turn the pressure on the bubbles down. I had my poor babies swirling around for like half an hour! Now that I tuned it down, there are a TON of them holy cow. And I checked Cat and she still has a bunch of eggs on her. Man...this is crazyness.
Crabby since May 2009
Hermit Crab Food Store:
Pets: crabs, cats, lizards, flesh eating beetles, isopods, betta fish
I think I've got another pair mating as we speak. (I've got video, will post as soon as it uploads.) So with luck there will a lot of babies from both us for raising attempts this summer!!!
Want to see all my crazy pets? @waywardwaifs on Instagram
Ok, here are some pics. I'll get to work on some video now.
Some unhatched eggs:
In this one, you can really see how they are folded up in the egg.
(That's a needle tip in the photo...yeah, they are tiny.)
Lots of babies:
Also, I TOTALLY FORGOT TO PUT WATER CONDITIONER IN THE WATER. I added it and carefully mixed it around. I hope they don't die because of the nasties in the tap water.
Crabby since May 2009
Hermit Crab Food Store:
Pets: crabs, cats, lizards, flesh eating beetles, isopods, betta fish
Ok, new question...any idea how to do water changes with a bunch of babies floating around everywhere?! I think I know why people have opted to use the cup method in the past. You could just suck the babies up in one of those pipette things!
Crabby since May 2009
Hermit Crab Food Store:
Pets: crabs, cats, lizards, flesh eating beetles, isopods, betta fish
I'm not sure how you would change them in cups either, since they are so tiny.
I'm thinking it's possible to attract them all to one end of the tank by using a flashlight while the room is dark. That should give you the ability of scooping out water carefully from the other end, and then checking it for little ones before you dump it.
Want to see all my crazy pets? @waywardwaifs on Instagram
Just a thought, could you put something over the end of a plastic tube that would allow water to go through, but not the babies, then do the siphon thing? Maybe pantyhose?
I think I'll try the light thing. I thought about that. Problem is, it doesn't really get dark here in the summer. But I'll figure it out tomorrow I guess.
I think the brine shrimp might be small enough. I put some eggs in to see if they would eat the eggs. So far, haven't seen any takers. The eggs are much smaller than the babies. Will the brine shrimp hatch in the SW tank, or do I need to hatch them separate?
Crabby since May 2009
Hermit Crab Food Store:
Pets: crabs, cats, lizards, flesh eating beetles, isopods, betta fish