When are your crabs active?

Where we discuss the behavior of our hermit crabs, as in fights, pecking orders, shell swaps, etc. Please post all naked-crab posts in the Emergency forum.
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Re: When are your crabs active?

Post by Lasuna » Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:26 pm

Out of curiosity, has anyone else noticed that after adding Ecuadorians to a tank of Purple Pinchers, the purples are more active during the day? Like the E's wake them up and convince them to play or something? Ever since I introduced Nut and Shu, they've all been awake at all hours of the day. Even little Horus is running around. And he's usually the most inactive one in the tank.
Six Crabs: Purple Pinchers: Horus(one molt), Anubis(one molt), Set(molting?). Ecuadorians: Geb(one molt) Sekhmet(Two Molts), Shu (molting?)
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Re: When are your crabs active?

Post by caroline_rose » Sat Aug 04, 2012 9:06 pm

My first six PPs that I've had since Feb and June are almost always out during the day. They like to climb this fake tree in the tank that has a moss pit on the top of it. The only time I didn't see them is when they were molting. I adopted some about two weeks ago and one out of the six is very active all the time aswell. I see him.more than I do the E during the day. Some of the others have buried down to distress I believe. I see acouple of them every once in awhile out during the day.
13PPs-Kermit(the Hermit Clown Crab),Yoshi, Sparkles Mascato, Elvis Crabsley, (Alley)Buttercup, Junebug, Hercules, Houdini, Apple, Jynx, Jack, Bonnie, Clyde
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Re: When are your crabs active?

Post by Skymall007 » Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:06 am

My PP's have been coming out a bit more often. A couple of them have been hanging with the E's. It's pretty funny. Maybe it is the E energy.
2Es- Sputnikt+Strangeship 1PP- Bluebug
RIP Spatula, HerbitHermenBatSquash, Kiwi, Flour, and Friendlyfeat, Mi6, Grape, Umo, and Upsidedown

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Re: When are your crabs active?

Post by kuza » Sun Aug 05, 2012 8:28 am

I find my straws almost as active during the day as my E's, and they are getting less timid and don't' shell up when I enter the room now.

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Re: When are your crabs active?

Post by CrabbyMom33 » Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:37 am

My straws and some of the Es are active during the day. I start to see a lot higher activity from all of them in late afternoon when the sun from the window bumps the tank temp up to the mid-80s, then again later in the evening around 9 PM.
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Re: When are your crabs active?

Post by kuza » Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:44 am

My large straw is climbing around the fan again, he does this like 3 times a day now and instead of climbing off where he got on, he drops into the water dish... They are so awesome!

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Re: When are your crabs active?

Post by Abolish Absolution » Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:43 am

My 7 PP's were active at around 4 in the morning, but since I added the 5 E's I see them all hours of the day. My E's seem to always be awake, and I think it's motivating my PP's to be awake too. :)
La mia famiglia
9 Coenobita clypeatus
Jack, Píccola, Snow (Yuki), Pumpkin, Goliath, Kingler, Strawberry, (Two unnamed due to molting)
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Re: When are your crabs active?

Post by GudaHermitCrab » Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:34 am

Sometimes my crabbies will be out during the day, but for the most part they start coming out around 9:00 to 10:00 pm. Then in the middle of the night at around 12 I will hear them hitting their shells against the glass.
Proud owner of 3 Purple Pinchers: Guda (2 molts), Kermit, Sebastian (1 molt)

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Re: When are your crabs active?

Post by carla1984 » Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:38 pm

Mine are active at random times. Right now I have 2 Es and 2 PPs. The Es are by far the most active. It is rare that I see either of the PPs doing anything, if I can see them at all.
If I had to pinpoint a certain time of day, I would say the Es are most active in the morning, around 7-9.
