Alright.. so I did a little doodle for y'all
Curlz inspired me for the duo tanks

They're not to scale since they'd be about 100 gallons each, anything else would be too much for me. But on the right I have the big digging/climbing tank, taller than it is wide, with 20 inches of sub and a few feet of climbing space featuring the massive moss pit and massive shell shop, nets, cholla, plants, and a hot basking spot at the top(infared). This tank would be kept at 85F/85%, and it would have minimal hideys but whole oyster shells mixed into the sub to be used as support structure type things for tunnels

On the left, I have my food/water tank, featuring the water bowls (2L each or .5gal) on a stand type thing to keep them elevated and away from the substrate. They'd have bubblers and I'd change them out about once a week. I'm not going to go for any sort of fancy pools or fishies or anything since I really hate dealing with water, especially fishy tanks full of it

I also have lots of hideys and lots of large bendy vines, since mine love the big fake vines, and two or three bowls for fresh and dry food mixes. There's also a cooler basking spot (moonglo) and this tank would have maybe 10 inches of sub and it would be kept at 80F/80%. I have the connector tubes going around my computer, and they would have grips on them and they would be put together in pieces, so in case of an emergency I could get into it. And of course they'd be on each side of my computer since I'm there often enough (and there's me happy I'm not at work or something)
I want to keep them at different temperatures/humidity levels so the crabs can move and decide for themselves where they'd like to be :3 the food/water tank will be pretty steady, but the climbing tank will often become a rainforest with the help of my trusty spray bottle. I would have light timers for both tanks, a nice fancy digital therm/hydgrometer set in each, bubbler pools, and maybe an automatic mister. So all in all, I just have to spot clean and change the food daily, and do an inch clean (where I go through the first inch of all the sub and clean things up, fluff the moss and change shells) and water change once a week or so. I've found that once you get it going and stable, it stays pretty stable

Yea.. I've got lots of tanks planned out

I'm planning on a scorp or trantula tank (not sure which) a dumpy tree frog tank, my crestie tank(s) a ball python or cornsnake tank, and a little black widow tank. They all have to wait 10-15 years until I'm set up in my own place, but I still like planning them out!