I must be doing something right! :)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:20 pm

Lol yea I know that feeling. Mine are the same. I am finding and trying to think up things that I can give them to have fun on myself. Oh yes and I am SO happy I found Herc a shell that he actually move into today. I quick brought it home cleaned it and he saw it and move in. He is really mad at me tho atm >< I took his old shell out as soon as I could in case he tried to get in it again. I feel bad but it needed to be done before he gets hurt. It has a huge hole on the side and so many cracks....this thing was about to fall off of him in a pile of dust. It was that bad. He is a bit huffed at me but he loves the new turbo. I will post pics as soon as I can. Oh I am so happy I finally did good and found one he likes. I got them some fresh worms for a change idk if they will eat them but am trying it they like the freeze dried but they were out. Oh yay and I am rejoicing too very much cause I am having a mass molt going on all but Herc lol. I had to move the food bowl to give them more food last night and I found Bat Girl under it all white and her exo all around her. Ms. Hearts isn't far from her doing the same but thanks to Reese she is naked ><. So I gently coaxed her into the Huge turbo and she is safely hiding in it so far into it that she can not be reached or seen lol. I put another shell into the front so she sees it and hoping she will be ok but I will keep an eye on her just to keep the boys at bay. I am so happy that they are getting the molts out of the way before our trip :cheer:.
We have the bin now and I have stocked up on pocket warmers 18hr ones to so I am hoping I have enough to start putting it together soon. Going to try and find my mouse levels from prince n princess tanks to give them levels to climb with canvas safety rails and ramps so no one falls lol. So many ideas but I am going to make a post to ask some questions I am still unsure about warmer placement. Still have tons of ideas to work with for them to. :crabbigsmile:
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Sat Jan 18, 2014 11:37 am

Oh good I'm glad you found a shell that he likes! Your crabs didn't dig down to molt? Are the pocket warmers like the hand and foot warmer things that hunters use?
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:03 am

Yea they dig down but for some reason Bat girl dug only half way but under the food bowl. So when you lift the food bowl her tunnel was right under it and you can see her. I moved the girls to a small iso inside there tat late last night. I gave them fresh worms for once and after eating them the boys became destructo mags an plowed over everything. I was afraid that they would get hurt. Plus with Hearts running naked cause Reese stole her shell but she moved into the major jumbo shell and has not come out of there since lol. She is so far in there that there is no hope of seeing her anytime soon lol until she is ready. I picked it up and felt her move in there so I know she is ok. She just move in like a regular shell change and hasn't been seen since lmao. This is her in the shell even tho you can not see her she is at the very top of the turbo. I hope that she isn't thinking that she will grow that big with one molt, rofl wouldn't that be funny. She is good and protected in there cause no way no how is anyone reaching her lol. Bat girl is using her huge shell for cover and reburied herself right under her lol. I protected them as much as I can it is up to them to finish up now :). So far so good. Can't wait until they are done.
Yea the warmers are those pocket warmers hunters use. I was told to get them for the trip but am unsure where to place them atm. Got pools ready, EE (going to grab another bag), got climbing stuff vines + flowers + their climbers in their tat, Food bowls and a collection of food, and am looking for levels to add. I am going to add canvas to the levels so they will be safe from falls. I have so many ideas :P I want to make it as comfy for them and homey as I can to keep them under as lil stress as I possibly can. Everyone else is another story lol. I think I will be more stressed than anyone but I will deal but I want to make sure they won't be stressed, if possible at all. Hope it all goes well.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:36 am

Awwww they're so cute! I like their shells. Wow she is really far in there lol Well at least you are doing a good job of taking care of them :)
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:48 pm

I started taking my three more active crabs out more and you can definatly tell their personalities now that they have molted. I think like I said before, B.J. is going to be like your Reese I think. He is super duper active and once you get him wound up and going he never stops. He was playing hide and go seek with my step daughter and her stuffed animals lol He hid behind one of her stuffed animals and pulled his shell over his eyes like he was going to take a snooze lol Hermie Jr. is more loving and she will walk into my hand now and just kinda sit there. Maybe I'm getting lucky and starting to get cool crabs like you? :banana:
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:29 am

Aw how cute :). Yea it takes time for some crabs but they will get there. Lol I have no idea what Herc and Reese is about just since day one they were never shy, never mean, never scared, and never run away lol. Herc esp very over loving for a crab lol still is. Last night I hand fed him honey for a half hour lol then I let him go crazy and run around on the bed and me. Kid with a sugar high lol. After I put him back in the tat he crashed in his corner and slept all night lol. He just loves to be hand fed and his out time lol. He even chased the cat off the bed lol. My fat cat don't care he just runs all over him but the other he chased away for fun. I swear he just knows she is afraid of him lol. He likes to play with the dog to lol. The dog will bark at him n then jump back in that play motion and Herc Barks back ( I think it is a sound he makes with his shell like a scratchy squeak) and wiggles back at the dog lol. I know it isn't fear or aggression tho cause the dog will lay down in front of him as a que to snuggle cause he happily runs up to him and snuggles against him. Our dog is only a 1lber so Herc will probably out grow him lmao. Hoping they still get along this good when he is huge like that lol. It should be awhile yet but I do have huge panels of plexi-glass to make my own huge pen when it comes to it. I think I have many years before that comes into play I hope lol. Lol my fearless Herc and his crazy Reese are something else lol. I think Bat Girl is almost done her molt as I am seeing her peak and tunnel more n more. Can't wait to see her new colors and new personality ^.^. Maybe she will come out of the shadows some lol she loves to watch everyone around her but if you spot her she runs back into the shadows. I think it is her way of saying "HA I can see you but you can't see me" lol so she thinks. Had to order yet more food >.> Ok so they are going to break me n I don't care lmao. They eat just like my kids bottomless pits lol. My boy esp, he is tall n skinny and eats from the time he wakes up til the time he falls asleep and never gains a pound o.0. Anyone else have a 4 yr old who eats a family size box of cheerios in a day on top of 3 meals sometimes 4 lol. I have no clue where he puts it. The Hermies are the same lol. Reese and Herc being the worst but idk the girls might me next after their molt. I know Reese cleaned the bowl four times before he slowed down a lil right after his molt. Are they usually that hungry after? He ate all but 1 claw of his exo too. The girls only have a few legs of their exos left from what I can see. She is against the glass so I can see some of the exo but idk if it is all of it. Herc is the only one who has to molt and then they all have gotten it out of the way, yay! So happy still.

I am such a happy momma atm lol. As of 4:30am Ms. Hearts has moved back in to her old shell and out of the Godzilla shell lmao! :clap: I noticed that her shell was gone so I moved the Godzilla shell which startled Bat Girl a lil lol apparently she surfaced and was using it as a cover, silly girl. So I had wondered where Hearts had gone not realizing that she moved back in yet I looked at the other end of the ISO to see her peaking at me just under the EE lol. It was so cute all I could see was her eyes n face and a lil shell over her eyes saying "here I am". She is now showing herself more today and is very happy. I am guessing her molt is fully done or almost fully done as she is out and about now just sitting in a whole she dug dancing around happily lol. She is happy to have her shell back lol. Soon I can take them out of ISO and let em run, yay. Want to keep her in there just for a short while and make sure that she is done and going to stay in her shell. Since Reese's has a lot of growing room I am hoping that he is happy with that one and will leave hers alone. Now that she is in it he won't bother her but the second she moves out he is in it. Glad he loves her enough not to shell fight but geez the poor girl can't even move out of it to molt for 1 second before he is stealing it. I think I need to find more banded since they seem to love those. Lol the girls stole those right away an haven't even looked at letting them go. Glad that she is ok and doing great again.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:31 pm

Awwwww that is great news! Congrats! Love being a happy crab momma!!! :)
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:43 pm

I was at work typing a whole big response to you and it didn't save so forgive me if I can't remember everything lol I may write a few different responses. Honestly my crabs are never very hungry. They have been munching a little on a clementine, krill, and sand dollars lol but that's about it. I wish mine ate like yours! I also wish I had a crab like Herc who plays with dogs! That's so cool and cute! I was a happy crab mom last night :) I had four of my crabs running and climbing all around me on the couch and little miss McKenna decided she was going to finally come out of her shell and join the fun. Yay! She's so cute and she loves being around me, she just sat by my leg and didn't move until I picked her up. Poor thing looks to have had a rough life though now that I can see her better. She only had one little black nail and the rest of her feet are all broken off. She literally has a little stub that she wiggles on one leg :( maybe she half molted or something? Can't wait until she molts with me so she will look better I hope. Gotta go home. Write more later :)
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:10 am

Aw it is ok. My computer often loves to delete when I am writing lol so I know that frustration well. Glad to hear that. See just takes a lil time and more often then not 1 over friendly crab to spread the word that you are good and not going to hurt them lol. So glad that yours are opening up to. Hearts is out of her ISO and ran straight over to Herc and snuggle in for the night after stuffing her face on all kinds of food and her coral cal. I tried giving them a lil baby food last night and they seemed to have loved it. Honestly where Reese put the shell full he ate after scarfing down 3 worms is beyond me lol. These are good size meal worms to. I got a good look at Herc's abdomen while he was cleaning out his shell and omgosh is he fat lol no wonder it is hard to find a shell essh lol. I now know where all the food goes >.> lol. If he gains anymore he is gonna have to get a wider mouth shell lol. oh geez I just looked up n there he is eating again lol. Bat girl is the only one left still buried atm. Just waiting on her and then I could put their tat back together lol. I took a lot out cause of Hearts streaking and cause I put the emergency mini ISO in there. Once she comes up then everything can go back up. Going to rearrange it up. I found pink n blue flowers to put up for deco or a climbing wall for .99 it was great lol might even go back n get more when I get paid. Even have canvas to make more climbers and ramps. So many ideas still lol. Can't wait to set up their huge tat.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:32 am

Hahahahahaa omg just got a mental image of a crab streaking :lol: Lol that boy is going to have to go on a diet! I wonder why some eat so little and others eat so much. Maybe Herc is trying to be "The Man" of the tank and eat all of the food to keep it from the others? That's so cute that she ran up to him and snuggled! I'm actually surprised how more often than not they all cram together in one hut and stay that way for awhile. Hopefully Mckenna will spread the word to Hermie, she's the only one that I haven't held that much because she refuses to come out. Those flowers sounds pretty :) I love rearranging the tank, it's so fun and there are so many endless possibilities! Hmm this gives me an idea to go check out my local Dollar store lol


Mckenna looking up at me


Mckenna hanging out on my soft pjs. She sat there for a long time and didn't want to move lol
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:38 pm

Lol AWWW she is a cutie. Lol yea mine love soft fleece. Herc love to run his feelers and claw across fleece. So I have to add another oddity to my crew lol. They love watching TV >.>. Herc sat at the end of the bed watching TV so I turned their tat a lil and all of them are now sitting by their water pools watching the TV at night lol.

Just got their mysis shrimp in and So far the girls went crazy for it but the boys are to busy acting crazy to notice. Since it is Apple day they run around like nuts until they stuff themselves into a coma for the night lol. Gave them some coconut tonight with the apple slice. Lol I think I drive the hubby a lil nuts with the "oh the hermies would love this" when ever we are shopping lol. He always says I thought they didn't eat much rofl leave it to me to have a fatty bunch. Esp Herc he is a thick around as my pinky n for a small crab that is fat lol.

Happy to say we had a successful mass molt, yay. Bat Girl came up today ^.^. They look great to still a lil pale in color but her exo is nice and hard. She was crawling up my hand when I was feeding them :). The live worms seem to be a big hit to as the bowl is empty everyday. Good thing I got a 100 count lol. One more thing I will have to grab before we hit the road rofl will need a good count before we go to last them chow hounds. Still wondering if this is normal that they eat so much lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Sat Jan 25, 2014 4:02 pm

Lol I do that all the time when I shop and cook. I try giving them new and different things. This morning I gave them pieces of turkey bacon from breakfast and I think Rocky ate it all. They also seem to love clementines :) I can't wait until summer, I'm going to dig up a bunch of live worms and feed them to them lol it's fun to experiment with their food. Good I'm glad she came up! Do their nails hurt you after they molt? Haha that is awesome :) Rocky will sit in my hand and watch tv. Isn't it funny that things that move in front of them scare them but a tv doesn't? :lol: Have you looked it up about eating alot?
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Sat Jan 25, 2014 5:27 pm

Bat Girls nails are really sharp now lol. I haven't noticed the others being that sharp but hers essh. I was hand feeding her honey last night and man was she stabbing me something awful lol. I have asked others and tried to look it up and haven't found anything saying that it is either bad or good lol. I think I just have fatties rofl. Most say they do that before a molt but mine are like this always lol. I filled their bowl last night n to the top to plus gave them Huge Apple slices, Coconut slices, and carrots on top of the rest of the food thinking maybe I was breaking it up to small. They ate everything up lol. Those tiny Mysis shrimp lasted a a grand whole 2 min in the bowl rofl. They actually pushed each other off of the bowl all trying to eat it at once lol. Herc declared that no one was touching the apples until he was done by standing over them with his legs spider-ed out around the front of the slice and shell over the rest screaming "Mine" :hlol:. It was so funny to see. He really loves his apples lol. I never tired turkey bacon before was to afraid to cause I wasn't sure if it was a safe food lol. Bad enough that I argue about cheerio's lol. The boy puts them in there n they love it but I am not sure if it is a safe food. Some say yes and others no so I am unsure which it is. Mine are not to fond of eggs it seems they might pick a lil but that is the one thing I can't get them to eat. What is it about the things that they can't have lol. If we have cake man they are all plastered to the glass begging like dogs lol. They get a stern no and get huffy about it but never get any lol.I make dog cake so I might try and give them some of that the next time I make it, it is all natural and nothing that I put in it will hurt them. If it is unsafe I won't use it n making it myself I know what goes in it n that is a bonus :). I often buy Carro chocolate for the dogs Peanut butter cups,cakes, cookies anyway. That is on the safe list and is an animal safe chocolate so it will be a big bonus for them lol then their sweet tooth's will be calmed :P.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:13 pm

Lol that's too funny :) oh darn I never thought about if it was a safe food or not....all I figured was that it was a lean protein. I better be more careful and do my research before I go throwing things into their tank. I got up at quarter of eleven last night and Hermie Jr was munching on a slice of clementine. Maybe my crabs just stuff their faces at night when no one is looking? Lol. That's cool that you make doggy baked goods like that. I used to make my hamsters birthday cakes haha! I haven't seen my crabs become protective over anything yet. Rocky was driving my boyfriend crazy by knocking his shell against everything all morning lol
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:46 am

Lol they are good for that. It is possible that is when they are eating a lot. Mine eat a lot over the day and night lol. I think I just have a bunch of lil Crablets (crab+piglet) lol. Herc is always that way over his fav foods lol he HAS to be the first to eat them anything else he shrugs and lets them eat. Just don't touch his apples before him lol. Now that Bat Girl is out she is stuffing her face constantly lol. Herc has been banging in the shell shop a lot so I know all about the guys being annoyed by the banging lol. With as big as Herc is he makes a lot of it lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)
