The Hermit Crab Garden ~ CLEARANCE!

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Re: The Hermit Crab Garden ~ Crabby Valentines! ~

Post by wodesorel » Sat Feb 01, 2014 6:16 am

Forest Moss is back in stock. Apologies about the price increase, it was the best I could do as prices doubled since the last time I purchased it. The amount of Sphagnum Moss has increased so that it's about the same as the Forest Moss now. A single bag of either should be enough to fill a corner shower caddy once fluffed.

There's a fresh batch of Honey Banana Chips that just came off the drier this morning. I'm pretty sure they'll be fine at room temp for at least a month (probably much longer), but with no preservatives in them, keeping them cold is still recommended. We still keep them in the freezer here until the order ships out.

All of the Babylonia Spirata, Pink Murex, Horse Conch, Natural Silvermouths, and Spotted Turbos I have are now listed. Still working on the others. :oops: I sprained my hand in mid-December and then re-injured it like an idiot last weeks so I haven't been able to do much. (Not really supposed to be typing either, but oh well.)

Stock levels for garden grown items are slowly being depleted until the next harvest and I've already run out of a few things like Amaranth and Pickles, so the only variety packs left are the Sampler Packs and the New Owner Starter Kit.

I've got about a half-dozen each of the Mixes left, and for the most of them that will also be it until the next harvest is ready. Depending on what is still in stock at that time I may have some fun with creating new mixes or they may have to be retired until summer. (The joys of selling seasonal, home-grown produce. I honestly never expected it to go this fast. Thank you everyone! Will be planning for much more this summer. ;) )

We should be baking up a fresh batch of cookies with tweaked recipes this weekend and I'll post when they're ready, so we will have those in stock for a while yet!

Shipping has also sadly increased along with the USPS price increase. In order to keep the prices low for everyone we charge shipping that is as close as possible to what it actually costs us to package and send each individual order. I was mostly guessing in the beginning on what that would be, and as more orders have come in we've been able to fine tune it as much as possible. As always, if you are ever overcharged on shipping and handling we do issue a refund for that overage amount!
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Re: The Hermit Crab Garden ~ Crabby Valentines! ~

Post by wodesorel » Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:21 pm

Sampler packs will be back in stock tonight.

We're now on Facebook! Stay up to date with the latest additions and news by liking our page. :)

The main site has had some updates to the look of things. Still working on a few of the About Us areas. (It would have been helpful to have some sort of filing system for photos I've taken over the past few years! :lol: ) I added the Facebook feed to the main page so visitors can see at a glance any recent news. My husband has gotten the itch to make improvements, so there may be color changes in the future.

Still working on how to add proper Canadian shipping to the checkout. I'm sorry! It's all controlled by multiple .php files and we're having difficulty figuring out how to change them so it works the way it needs to.


Hermit Crab Cookies - New Recipe! These are a bit lighter and crumblier then the last batch. I've use a lot less wheat flour (have to use some so everything sticks together) and found a new brand of it that I think is a much higher quality. The Hearts now come with a lot more coconut and Amaranth, the Stars have tons of bee pollen, and the Circles contain our new fine-grained oyster shell and coral rather then the chunky stuff.

Organic Coconut Popcorn - organic yellow corn popped in organic coconut oil and smothered in organic powdered coconut and organic coconut nectar!

Bee Pollen - 1/4 cup, needs to be kept refrigerated.

Dried Mealworms

Powdered Oyster Shell & CoralThis has the consistency of course sand and is great for use as a calcium source for smaller crabs or for using in home-made mixes.

Crushed Oyster Shell & Coral - Found a different supplier with a higher quality mix. This is mostly chunky and is great for larger crabs and for mixing into substrate.

3 pounds of Crushed Oyster Shell & Coral for those who need more for substrate mixes. This items ships separately from the rest of your order, but ships free!
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Re: The Hermit Crab Garden ~ Now on Facebook ~

Post by Amleigh » Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:20 pm

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Re: The Hermit Crab Garden ~ Now on Facebook ~

Post by wodesorel » Wed Feb 26, 2014 2:30 am

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Re: The Hermit Crab Garden ~ Now on Facebook ~

Post by happycrabbymama » Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:05 am

LOVE YOUR STORE WODE!!! Will order soon... So excited!
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Re: The Hermit Crab Garden ~ Now on Facebook ~

Post by Ammolite » Wed Feb 26, 2014 11:26 am

I need to post the Cookie Saga here. It's hysterical (or at least, I think it is).

(Note: the cookies referred to here are the old recipe cookies)

My crabs LOVE Wode's cookies, especially the Sweet Stars (they like her dried produce too, but the cookies are the absolute favorites). I usually offer this "treat" once a week, breaking-up the cookie so as to offer half at a time. The half offered is usually broken-up into a few chunks, most of which disappear by the next morning. I assumed the crabs were eating the chunks, which was the intended plan. Yesterday I was cleaning the tank and discovered odd, mushy tan and pink chunks inside of empty shells and at the bottom of the water bowls. I did an initial smell-test to check for a dead fish smell. To my surprise, the mushy substance smelled faintly sweet... like a cookie. Apparently, the crabs stole the cookie bits off of the food dish and hid them for safe keeping. :lol: Wode's cookies are such a commodity in my tank that the crabs's simply can't share - They have to horde them in empty shells! It would be adorable if I wasn't the one who had to clean-up.

So, Wode's cookies come highly recommended. Just be on the lookout for cookies hording behavior!
10 PP's and 1 Indo:
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Re: The Hermit Crab Garden ~ Now on Facebook ~

Post by wodesorel » Thu Feb 27, 2014 4:35 am

Thank you so much for sharing Ammolite!! :D Glad to know that my micros aren't the only ones who like to drag them into the water dishes when I'm not looking. :hlol:

New Mix: Fruit & Pollen
Coconut, Organic Apple Chips, Organic Bananas, Bee Pollen
Inspired by the new Starter Kit below. It full of goodies that any crab - especially new and injured ones - need!

Our New Owner Starter Kit has been given an upgrade! It now contains everything to give your crab a healthy staple diet and an enriching enclosure. Includes marine salt, fruits, vegetables, proteins, calcium, moss, leaves, and even treats! All with postage to anywhere in the USA included in the price.
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Re: The Hermit Crab Garden ~ Now on Facebook ~

Post by Pandimo » Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:09 pm

I just purchased your new owner starter kit today and am really excited to get it! I'm hoping this will solve my food problems as my crabs won't eat any fresh food I give them, only the pellet stuff I know is not good for them (although I caught Panda eating eggshell yesterday and was so excited because he never eats anything but his horrible pellets!!). I can't wait to get rid of that crap for good! :banana:

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Re: The Hermit Crab Garden ~ Now on Facebook ~

Post by maymay » Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:42 pm

I was wondering if you had an idea of around when will you start selling more havestables (and are some of them able to ship to canada??). I'm in need of some more leaves/flowers but could hold out for a month or two (hopfully).

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Re: The Hermit Crab Garden ~ Now on Facebook ~

Post by wodesorel » Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:00 pm

I'm completely out until things start growing again. I'm not expecting any lilac flowers and dandelions until sometime in May, and that's when everything else just starts to come up here, too. Figure June/July for most of the flowers, at the earliest. July/August for some of the veggies. I'll be harvesting things as soon as they're ready, but it's entirely weather dependent!

Leaves are a no-go to Canada because of the risk of non-native insects hitching a ride. Flowers I'm actually iffy on sending, but so far there's been no problems with customs and I've sent them many times now. Anything classified as a "weed" (like dandelions) is also not permitted - "noxious invasive plant" - which is why most harvestables can't be sent.
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Re: The Hermit Crab Garden ~ Now on Facebook ~

Post by wodesorel » Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:45 am

Update on new items. :)

Red Shrimp
is back - this stuff is STINKY, but whooo do the crabs like it!

Mineral Sand - same formulation but now with no added coloration. 1/2 cup and 1/4 cup sizes.

- 3.5 to 4 inch whole cuttlebones! They're in the sampler now, too.

Sampler Packs
- new batch with a slightly different variety.

Protein Wheels
are back with a new selection and lower price.


Not wanting any money in advance! Just wondering if anyone here is interested in getting one or a few as pets. :) We're going to start sorting and pricing in a few weeks, and it'll be easier to set them aside while we're sorting for when we start shipping in late May/early June. We'll have starter colonies and full colonies available of some species as well. Be happy to sex them for you so there's no surprises! There is no obligation to follow through with your pre-order when it's time.
  • Flat Horn Hisser (A. insignis)
    Wide Horn Hisser (G. oblongonota)
    Halloween Hisser (E. javanica)
    Hybrid Hisser (G. ?)
    Question Mark (T. olegrandjeani)
    Domino (T. petiveriana)
    Egyptian Sand (P. aegyptiaca) - possibly - not sure how many young there are
    Giant Cave (B. giganteus) - possibly small nymphs, they just hatched and I'm not sure how many there are yet
    Peppered (A. tesselata) - feeders available, having bad luck with these guys
    Dubia - still restarting colony - if all my females drop at once I'll have tons of little ones
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Re: The Hermit Crab Garden ~ New Items, Roach Pre-Order

Post by wodesorel » Mon Mar 31, 2014 10:35 am

Before I forget - I'll also have Captive Born Emperor Scorpions as well when the weather stays above 70 degrees. They turned 2 years old on the 29th of March! :clap: Most (if not all) are still sub-adults with at least one molt left to go before they're mature. (If anyone remembers, they are Femscorp's kids.)

If anyone is seriously interested let me know! I'm having a very hard time even thinking about parting with them, so I would much rather they find homes with familiar people. :) I really do need to start thinning out the tanks and pairing up future breeders, and there is a local shop who is interested in taking my extras. I can attempt to sex them (I'm not terribly great at it when they aren't fully mature), but I can definitely send photos so you can check yourself!
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Re: The Hermit Crab Garden ~ New Items, Roach Pre-Order

Post by Amazilia » Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:21 pm

I would totally get some Halloween Hissers if I had the room! Do you usually have them available annually or is this a one time thing type deal?
20 Purple Pinchers in a 200g,10 Ecuadorians in a 40g,1 Salmon Pink Tarantula: Susie
2 Inca dogs: Rufus(Red&white hairless) & Lilac(White half-hairless), 1 Cinnamon Ferret: Smooch
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Re: The Hermit Crab Garden ~ New Items, Roach Pre-Order

Post by wolfnipplechips » Mon Mar 31, 2014 10:02 pm

Maaaan maaaaaaaan your store is amazing. So tempted to get some roaches. Maybe in a few years when I'm settled someplace else if you're still selling them by then! :D
Crabby since May 2009
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Re: The Hermit Crab Garden ~ New Items, Roach Pre-Order

Post by wodesorel » Mon Mar 31, 2014 11:25 pm

Amazilia wrote:I would totally get some Halloween Hissers if I had the room! Do you usually have them available annually or is this a one time thing type deal?
Long-term I'm not sure about the Halloweens. I'll definitely be downsizing the colony so they're comfortable in a 10 gallon again until next summer and for sure at least some will be available again then. I'm also going to completely rehome the Wide Horn Hisser colony and sell all of the Giant Peppered as feeders. Still debating on getting rid of the Egyptian Sands as my husband likes those. My favorites are the Dominos, Question Marks, Flat Horns, and the Hybrids, and I have to keep the dubia going as a food source. Space in the critter room is maxed, so if I want something else or want to do something different, something has to be completely rehomed. :?

In the next year or two Emperor Scorpions are going to be completely illegal to import so the only available ones will need to be captive bred. It's already really hard to find them from suppliers as the majority of Emps to this point have all been wild caught and there are already restrictions in place on importing. (They say farmed, but they're farmed outside in the wild.) I've had good luck with getting them to breed and haven't had any trouble with raising them, so I'm planning on dedicating more tanks and space to that effort. I made the mistake of not getting into Giant African Millipedes before the ban, and now they're hard to find and I could never afford them! I don't want to ever be without Emps in the future so I'll just have to keep breeding them. :D It takes two to three years before they're old enough to reproduce and then another one to two years before the babies are born and mom is ready again, so I want to devote as many tanks as possible to start pairing them up for the future and so there's as much genetic diversity as possible. I personally could never be a shoebox breeder, so that means requisitioning tanks back from the roaches.
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