CrabbyMom33 wrote:Gel buds!!! Looks like he's doing well. Keep up the food - especially calcium and protein, with a good measure of everything else also. I fed calcium and protein every meal and rotated other things. My attacked one had the stringy poop thing as well, so it may be based on how their system is processing things.
do you know of other calcium sources that can be ground into powder? With the protein I can easily find enough sources to give a variety, but with the protein I have coral calcium, and cuttlebone. I couldn't get eggshell to crush enough for him to eat it, he tried, but no. Not sure if he needs different sources of calcium as much as different sources of food, I know they like a variety of food, but im having trouble with finding calcium sources that are different if he prefers different.
Also this crab is wanting to sit in the water for hours. I've read all the other threads on attacked crabs and did not see anyone saying the same about theirs. He never goes into his shell when set in the water, and he goes in his shell when he's done eating. He is set propped up so no water is going into his shell and he is coming out to drink, or possibly not drink but soak, and dunk in and out. I can't give him free access to water since he has no legs and I feel bad taking him out when he obviously still wants to be in it. I'm not sure if it's good or bad to let him stay in there that long. He is only doing this with the salt water, with the fresh he takes about 45 minutes. But the salt he is going on 7 hours straight and he is still sitting there in it. I can only assume he wants to be in it since if he didn't he would go in his shell, or at least stop making the effort to stretch out of his shell to stick his head into the water. Not sure how long I should let him do this, if i should just let him go as long as he wants as long as i can keep an eye on him.