I must be doing something right! :)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:10 pm

Update: Well I figured out why Reese wasn't acting like Reese lol cuz it isn't. After Reese's molt he got a lot lighter and was smaller. I must say his growth spurt has kicked in n he has gotten bigger n now Hearts is my smallest. It is her who was kicked out of her shell. I caught another break into the iso tank (i took the cap off) and it was Reese I know now giving her her shell back lol. It went like this tho what started it I will never know lol. Someone was shopping dunno which of the 3 it was but someone. Some how Bat Girl got Reese's shell, Reese took Hearts shell, n poor Hearts was booted into a shell that she wasn't happy with which she then found the tap turbo that she is in. Problem is is it is much to small. Bat girl has since moved back into her shell giving Reese back his. I am guessing this triggered Reese to give Hearts her shell back. The thing that amazes me is he broke into her ISO to give it back and then left in his shell lol. Waiting on her to go back into her old shell now before I place her back in there. Basically this whole hissy tiff was for nothing :roll:, lol what the heck! *sigh* crabs!
The whole reason for the unresponsive and shyness was I was calling her the wrong name lol. Today I said Hearts n out she came lol. That's when I realized who was who. Lol couldn't tell because she wouldn't come out far enough to see who it was. There are no injuries tho so all is good. :roll: Crazy freaking crabs lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:00 am

Haha wow sounds like the predicament that I was just in! I hate it when more than one changes their shell, that's the tough part about crabs is that they all practically look the same. Still don't know how I could confused a jumbo with a medium though. Good I'm glad all is good and happy now :) crabs are freakin crazy! B.j kept teasing Rocky by climbing on top of his and saying "haha I look do much better in your old shell!" He literally revolved Rocky around so it looked like Rocky was doing a hand stand and Rocky stayed like that until I finally felt bad for him and put him up right. I hope Rocky is ok, all he does is stay in the corner and doesn't move :( my step daughter says he is marrying the corner lol but yeah it's funny how you can tell crabs apart by their personalities.
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:16 am

I look for unique markings to tell them apart if their colors are similar :) it helps lol. I have noticed that at least with mine no 2 markings are the same. Also Hearts has this really pretty pink line on her Big pincher. Its odd cause this is my first problem telling them apart :o. Well they do make it easy on me and come when I say their name, they remind me of dogs with this lol. Esp Reese I call him n no matter where he is or what he is doing he comes to me. I know something is up if he don't come when I call. Everyone else is easy to tell apart but its like Reese changed himself in his molt n now looks like his gf lol. Herc is my biggest n Bat girl my darkest so they are easy lol. Now that everyone is back in their own shells they are very happy and acting crazy again lol. Esp Reese, he is back to trying to make my heart stop by jumping off the top of the cage -.-. Ugh this boy is way to much like my son lol daredevil to the max ><. Hearts seems to be mastering her fears too and has been climbing higher, lol she still gets stuck when to high tho n freezes up but she still does it over n over :roll:. Herc is going thru a destructo phase and knocking over the pools all the time ><. This one oy, idk what has gotten into him but man is he making a mess in there lol. Everything is every where and knocked over omgosh he even ripped the ramps off the pools lol. He takes them with him like a portable ladder lol. He will drag it to the moss pit n prop it up n use it, idk why he don't need it back there but he does it lol. To bad I can't seem to get him to put it back >< lol. Rocky might be getting ready to molt, maybe. Is his eating slowing? They get sluggish n inactive before a molt. Yea they do love to flaunt their shell conquers which usually causes problems lol. Crazy crab kids lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Thu Mar 13, 2014 1:53 pm

Lol I can only do that with Hermie and McKenna and everyone else all look alike lol They are all a deep purple and red and really don't have any unique markings. They are all dark except for Hermie, she is a pretty tan/orange color. Hurby does have the cutest eyes so I could probably tell it was him :) I wish mine came out when I said their names! They just ignore me :( Lol. Hahahah oh my that is just awesome! I would love to just sit and watch your crabs, they sound so entertaining :) Lol poor Hearts, at least she is trying. My boyfriend gets a kick out of when they are on a tree limb or are climbing on something and he walks by the tank and the crabs get scared and zip into their shells, stupidly forgetting that they are up off the ground, and they tumble to the ground. He's like, "What's the point of that?" :lol: Poor crabs. I saw Hermie Jr. wrap his claws and legs around a rock and try to pick it up and move it. They haven't been too destructive lately, too busy being lazy sunbathing themselves on their tree limbs. Well Rocky just got done molting and I think I figured out what his problem was. I think he was very sad and depressed in the shell that I had given him while he was molting. One morning I found his big white shell in the middle of the tank and I was so happy that he finally moved out of that stupid corner that he was in. However, I then saw this crab walking around the tank with this skimpy little brown shell on his tail. I picked up the big white shell and it was empty and was like oh crap, its Rocky. So I picked up the shell Rocky had on and this shell was so small that his body just slipped right out of it when I picked him up. I was so mad lol So I put all the shells in a bucket and waited for Rocky to pick out a new one and I knew what his problem was, the same problem that you had with Reese. He was mad he couldn't have his old shell back because B.J. stole it while he was molting. So Rocky picked a shell and it was too small for him too, the poor thing couldn't even get it past his eyes when he tried to shrink into it. It was so funny, he looked like he was constipated because he was squeeze his eyes together and all of his legs but he couldn't get in the shell :lol: So then I tried forcing B.J. to change his shell but this little bugger would not budge, he wants that shell real bad. So then I went out and bought new shells for Rocky but he still has not budged from that small shell. *sigh* Oh well, I tried. I give up, its his problem now. He was very sad and laid in there little tree hut on his side in the fetal position. He seems to be happier now, at least he is out and moving and exploring and not being all mopey and depressed. All of them have slowed their eating, they seem to enjoy snacking on shells and crab exoskeletons than the food that I give them :shock: I actually caught B.J. eating an old crab claw that the kids and I had found at the beach and put it in the tank as a decoration. Yuck lol So yeah, lots of problems and drama in their little world lol
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:03 am

It sounds like they are all snacking on high calcium items, you may have a mass molt coming on lol. Usually when they prefer that to food they need it more. Make sure you boil the shells, claws, etc that you find on the beach before giving it to them. You never know whats on them in the wild from mites, to illness, etc. Not sure if you knew that or not :). Yea Hearts n Reese are still going at it over that shell on n off ><. Hearts has taken to burring herself and not coming out while he is awake, poor girl lol. I am looking for more shells like hers so he will get off her back, sigh. No matter how many I find or buy it always comes down to an argument over that 1 shell -.-. I swear if she changes I am just gonna take it away for now to solve this issue lol. I had to do that 1 other time with a murex shell. I still won't let em have it. Idk why they do that when there are soooo many other options. If they love that shell tho they won't give it up for nothing, stubborn lil buggers lol. Rocky will either find another he likes or force BJ out lol so keep an eye out. If Rocky gets mad enough it could escalate to a huge fight n often ends in injuries or worst case death -.-. I still don't understand why they argue over specific shells with so many open options lol pure stubbornness :roll:. Reese won't dare evict Bat Girl cause she won't back down :hlol: She just beats his lil butt into submission.
Ugh I am running out of the food I just ordered them, lil fatties :hlol:. Getting worried cause they are out of stock >< and it hasn't changed in over a month now. The one thing I have to say is their appetites never ever slow down *sigh* lol. They are worse than my kids lmao. My lil girl is 9 months n eats a happy meal >.> by herself lol. To top that off her doc is yelling at me that she don't gain enough weight, i don't get it lol. Its a treat she gets once in awhile but still that's crazy to me lol. She started stealing her brothers happy meal so to ease the arguing n major melt down we got her her own n the lil stinker gobbled it up lol. She has no teeth either lol she gums it to death, I watch her closely of coarse tho. She eats everything in sight just like her brother lol. He is the same never gains a pound and he eats the entire time he is awake lol. Omgosh don't even think of trying to touch his whole grain cheerios lol those are his favorite snack. They eat healthy all day everyday which is great don't get me wrong but its the amount they eat that is shocking lol. N they are allowed their 1 day of an unhealthy which is their Mc D's for dinner lol. Its a fun treat for then n its been a tradition now for almost 3 generations lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:50 pm

Lol your kids sound cute :) my kids are the same too. Autumn almost finished a whole small pizza by herself on Friday lol that's good that they eat healthy and junk food once in awhile is not a horrible thing. It's all about portion control. Well I'm sure it's not your fault that they aren't gaining weight, they probably just have really good metabolisms. As long as they are getting the nutrition they need then who cares what they weigh? That's one thing I hate about doctors. Ugh. Omg I hope they aren't going to mass molt, I would be so sad lol one at a time is fine with me. My crabs are the same way. A million and one shells and they all want one in particular. I even tried going out and buying more for Rocky and he still won't budge. He changed his shell twice yesterday. He's just so unhappy shell wise it guess. I guess I'm going to have to go online and look for more turbos. Poor Hearts :( I think Rocky has given up hope on that shell lol Yeah I do boil them first :)
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:19 pm

Ok good lol wasn't sure if you knew or not :P. Yea that is my thing to. One minute they say oh they are over weight or fine n then they say well they are gaining weight but its not enough >< really. Docs are such a pain anymore lol. Problem is they really don't know, what is healthy one second is unhealthy the next. Our theory is you can eat what you want just in moderation lol. We eat a lot of fruits n veggies, could probably get in more veggies but atm that is hard lol. We really don't eat a lot if meat esp me. We like letting kids have a chance to be kids and enjoy it to, which is going to include some unhealthy foods lol. The only thing we can't seem to get them to eat moderately is the whole grain cheerios lol only toddler I know of that will eat a whole box in a day on top of 3 big meals lol. We both have high metabolisms to which I have asked the doc to take in account and I think to a degree he does but it is still al pain. It was when I was younger to as a kid budging past 92lbs was hard lol still today if I budge past 95lbs the doc is happy. Plus he is highly active so he burns even more !!! Oh if I could just get the kid to sit for 5 min n not move lol. We have tested this it has proven impossible :hlol: even in his sleep he is running and all over the place.
I feel for Rocky cause I saw how hard it affected Hearts n others past. It is hard for them to find that perfect comfy home n I get that but dang do you have to steal it off of another lol. From what I see "buyers remorse" is a common problem with them :(. Until they find that perfect on they often won't move on. Rocky may watch for BJ to drop it one day on a shell shop n run off with it lol. Much like Reese did lol keep an eye out. We are snowed in atm but as soon as we can get out we are heading to my friends store to see if he got anymore banded turbos like hers in and pick up more worms since my lil piggies at them all lol. Still don't know how those lil tiny crabs eat so much lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Tue Mar 18, 2014 5:35 am

You guys are lucky, I wish I had a high metabolism. I have always struggled with my weight, I guess I should be thankful that at least I'm not morbidly obese lol I was at a good weight a couple years ago and I started dating my boyfriend and I said screw it, we can eat whatever we want, so I ate a lot or crappy food. Now I've been buying more fruit and veggies and trying to lay off of the crap food. My big thing is excercise. I am a couch potato but I used to have very active jobs. Now I sit at a desk all day and get no excercise :( lol that's funny how active your son is. Autumn used to be like that and she finally is starting to be able to sit still a little better. She has her moments though where she is constantly fidgeting. Her brother is the same way but he had ADD or ADHD or whatever you call it so that's why. He constantly is tapping and bouncing and wiggling something or making noises. He can control it when he's in public. I'm used to it cause he's like my brother but sometimes it gets on my last nerve lol omg I don't even want to hear the "s" word. We have gotten so much snow this winter that it's ridiculous! Bleh, it's only good for kids and people who plow lol how much do you have? That's cool that you have friends who can give you shells. My sister gave me a turquoise turbo from Florida and we were so happy when Hurby moved into it. It's a beautiful shell. Yeah I think that most of my crabs are happy with their shells right now, everyone but Rocky. Ugh I knew I heard rustling in the shell shop. Rocky is naked and at it again :( poor crab. I hope he doesn't die.
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:49 am

Aw poor Rocky! He will find a shell to settle into soon. You can rinse them in their salt water and it makes them a lil more appealing. I have had to do that before with the same situation. Only other thing I can say is try to find a shell as close to the one that he loved that you can. This worked with Herc to, its how I got him into a new shell and he loves it still. Try it if you can it may be the thing that saves him from his depression n troubles.
My friend don't give me them tho sometimes I get a discount lol, he owns his own pet store. I do often get some stuff for free :P idk why but he has always done this for me lol. We just share a passion for helping animals n he knows how far out I will stretch for them cause he is almost the same. He has rescued turtles that have been hit by cars or injured and completely rebuilt their shells. He keeps the ones that can not be released back into the wild with a wonderful set up for them. Poor things probably think they've gone to paradise lol. He is a rehabilitate r too tho he mostly goes for reptiles. Me I usually get stuck with everything lol. My area used to be baby birds, injured animals, or just drop offs no one wants. I have had my share of about everything over the years lol. Oh n I can't tell you how much fun baby crows are lmao, that was semi sarcastic lol. He was fun at times the 4:30am in your face full squawking not so much lol. You'd be surprised how loud they are even when small. His favorite activity was dancing to the blue man groups song "I'm blue" rofl that was the funniest thing I had ever seen. When ever that song came on the radio he would just start rocking out lol. Butter cup and her group still come by my house too. Another one that I rehabilitated years ago, she comes back with all of her babies every year. I have a lot that do including my bats lol. Going to really miss them when we move :( but who knows they may follow lol. Last time I moved my bats actually followed and I have no idea how but they did. This is a bigger move so I doubt I will be that lucky again. I can only hope.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:19 am

Wow that is all really cool :) yeah I would be sad too if they didn't follow, I hope they do! I've never rehabilitated an animal physically, maybe just mentally. Although my dog was pretty hard because she was just such a meany to everyone but me. My poor chinchillas previous owner kept him in a medium sized tote with a hole in the lid and that was his cage. I felt so bad for him (now a her cause she had a surprise baby when I gave her to my sister) and now she's happy. I think that if I saw an injured animal I would definately take it in. It's a good feeling to know that you have helped a helpless creature and to make them happy. I had a kitten that was a barn cat and I can't remember why the lady didn't want her but I took her in because I love Egyptian Maus (sp?), they're gorgeous cats. Well she had leukemia and the poor thing didn't live past 2 or 3 years old, but she had a good little life. I still can't give over what a pain my dog was but she was my best friend. Ten years worth of expensive vet bills for her skin conditions, getting her to stop trying to chase cars when I walked her, being the Queen B over every other animal and person in the house, and following me everywhere like a little mommys girl. Omg I miss my little pain in the tushy :( she always put up a fight with the vet and even when they were putting her to sleep they couldn't ind a vein and were joking that she was saying screw you guys, I'm still going to put up a fight! Lol. I don't think I will ever find such a loyal dog again.

But anyway, that's cool that you get stuff for free :) I'm trying g so hard to hunt down a she for Rocky, I need to get one soon because he keeps switching the shells and he just sits in the hut or in a corner and just lays there. How long did Your crabs go without proper shells that they liked? I visited a local pet store and I found that they sold E's. I was excited, I've wanted one really bad, the pet store that I had been going to only sold PPs. So I asked my boyfriend really nicely if I could get more crabs and he was fine with it and I was a little surprised lol I told him once again no more after these guys and he's like yeah right! Lol. I have to set up my smaller tank that I had started with for them though so it's a little more stuff to but I will live. So that will make 8 crabs lol I think I'm going to have to move a PP in with them because maybe that's why Hurby has been a little more aggressive with the others, maybe he feels to crowded. He flipped BJ over for no reason and picked a fight and I heard that awful noise again so I hope BJ is ok. He went and sulked in the cave after. Thank you for the shell advice, I will have to try it :)
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Sat Mar 22, 2014 10:05 pm

Took me forever for Herc to find one before I realized he just isn't happy in anything other than snail shells lol. My others all obsess over their turbos he was just not happy in them. I think it maybe cause he is a fatty and the snail shells are wider lol. I had other snail shells but they were the ones given to me with the crabs and they were painted ><. I tried the soaking and everything to remove it with no luck. Took out me dremel n got to work lol. Carefully removing the paint n then cleaning n polishing it. This made him very happy tho it was a long process. Think it took a few hours too. I just realized that they were his fav type of shell and that is all he would move into lol. Pure stubbornness lol. Now I watch them closely n if I notice they prefer a spec shell those are what I buy. Rocky may have the same thing n only like that type of shell so I would suggest looking for that type but bigger than his last. Couldn't hurt anyway :). The bigger they are the pickier they are lol. It don't help that he is a boy and they are pickier than the girls, at least in my experience lol. My girls moved out of the painted into their shells and haven't moved (willingly) since lmao my boys on the other hand are driving me nuts with how often they change n then just go right back to their old shell lol. Kids lol what can ya do gotta love em even when they are pains lol.
I know how you feel with your dog, sorry for your loss. I know that all to well. Had a pain of a dog myself but its what makes them who they are lol. She was really old and passed as well. Tho you can bet I will never buy that breed again lol I still loved her dearly. I had a rat I spent a lot of the time at the vets with too. When I had the money it wasn't an option to drop it on them esp to save their life. I often did on her with 4 very expensive surgeries before the last one didn't have a as good of an out come when her tumor came back as cancer when all the others were benign. Each surgery was over $350 and she had 5 -.-. She fought and fought and then she just got tired, I don't blame her at all she did her best and I know how she felt after awhile you get tired of the same stuff, been there done that lol. I had a lot of surgeries too. I always do the best that I can to help anyone who needs it and do my very best to care for them, not always easy but rewarding work.
Lol you're lucky mine is stubborn and wouldn't budge on that atm lol. The boy wants fish too lol. He had a fake take but lil bugger was to smart and realized in a short time his nemo wasn't real lol. This this swam like crazy too really was as realistic as they get and still couldn't fool him lol. We told him maybe just maybe when we get into out house. Don't want to have on more thing to haul lol and fish n travel are not pretty lol. Heck I was just bugging him for these new things I saw and got told if it was an animal don't even ask rofl. It wasn't but to him they are super gross but the kids n I want them lol. Ever hear of those alien toys umm scardox aliens? Lol they are so funny. You can tell I wasn't a girly girl when I was a kid lmao. I loved playing with slime and boys toys lol. So having a boy I get all the fun in playing with it again lol. They are lil infant aliens in goo lol and you care for them n mind you have no idea how it works yet but they grow up and have babies and are just fun to play with lol. The hubby a (mind you this is a 6'4" built guy) is afraid/grossed out by these lil toys lmao. He's kill me for that but it is so funny to me at what grown men are afraid of sometimes :P. Like the hermits he is fine if they are in the cage and he likes them in the cage but if they are out so is he lmao. Herc crawled toward him n he flew off the other side of the bed LOL. Got yelled at but I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard. He really hates things that crawl lol. Men are so funny :hlol:.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Sun Mar 23, 2014 6:09 am

Omg I know! I put one of my crabs on my boyfriends legs and it started crawling and he told me I get it off him. I just don't get it lol I've never heard of those alien toys but they sound awesome! I'm the same way, never a girly girl, but now I go both ways with the kids and I love it. I can play with boy toys and play with girly toys :) I'm so weird lol yeah that's how I got with my dog, I just eventually had to stop dropping money down for vet bills for her and she was just getting so miserable. She was 14 and was almost all the way blind, going deaf, had arthritis, had skin issues like dermatitis, and she could barely walk. The poor thing had to be carried down stairs to go to the bathroom :( I went to go see her at my parents house where she had to live and she was usually so happy to see me but she just laid in her bed and didn't get up to see me, didn't even so much as wag her tell. She lived with my parents for almost two years because I couldn't have keep her in my stupid house an I think she just gave up on the fact that I was never coming back for her. I still feel guilty about it, had her for ten years. Ugh. She was a Pekingnese. What breed was your dog? And when you love something so much it feels worth the struggle.

Wow that was cool and nice of you to go through that long process for Herc. Someone tried selling me painted shells at a pet store and I was like ummm no. This girl just had no clue about hermit crabs. Well Rocky finally picked a nice big shell that he seems happy with. It's not a turbo but it's good for right now an at least he will be good and protected in case of a mutiny in the tank lol that's one thing I really worried about was him being picked on and e couldn't retreat into these smaller shells for protection. At least it will give me more time to find the right place to get some shells. Did I tell you I was getting a couple of E's? I'm sorry I forget lol I saw some at a pet store and they were do cute! Do you have any or do you have all PPs? They are crazy! Well BJ and Hurby were very upset when I out Smog and Dragon in the tank and they both tried picking fights with Dragon so they had to be banished to the other tank but they are all buddies now. Phew! All of my crabs seem to be happy with their shells atm. I had a ton in their and none of them budged but I think that's also because they were too small and not the right style they liked. Oh well, I try lol I worked with a lady who loves rats and she has a ton of the and she had one of her rats under go surgery as well to remove a tumor. Cute little things <3
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Sat Mar 29, 2014 4:03 pm

I had a mini pin (miniature pincher). She lived a lot longer than they normally do but we noticed her having more and more trouble n not eating as much n losing weight fast, it was a mess. Evan got to a point where we had to put diapers on her cause she couldn't get up to go out it would just happen :(. We knew it wouldn't be to much longer after that, sadly. It really wasn't at all. It happened rather fast at the end there. No matter how much I nursed her back it always went the same :(. At lest she isn't going through all of that anymore tho. She is with her love now. Another dog that I had who was severely old too, he went first n honestly we knew she would follow him (she always did lol).
Slightly sad news today. I spent most of the night with Hearts last night getting her re-shelled and holding her. Getting her set up in ISO and getting her back on her feet. I haven't seen her in a lil while just been about 2 days and I figured she was off buried somewhere. She spends most her days buried like that anymore. But it seems that she wedged herself , n mind you I have no idea how she did this I tried so hard to make sure they couldn't do this, but she wedged herself between the food bowl and their pink coral and I am guessing got stuck T.T. Thank goodness I found her before it was a worse out come but she hs no big claw and another leg is all bent up so I don't know is that is just going to be deformed or if she will lose it completely. I have her set up under moss and have her back in her shell tho. I found her naked by the ramp to the shell shop and her shell was wedged. I saw something move slightly under the EE when I was calling her when I looked it was her and she didn't look good at all. She kinda slowly crawled up towards me and I noticed she was naked ><. I gently picked her up and she cuddled into my hand. I went in search of her shell n when I found it was like yea that's coming out until I can get the big tat set up. It won't be going near the glass or bowls either ><. I tried to prevent this every way I could think of and they still did it ><. She seems ok I stuffed her with coral cal lol and she was in the food bowl last night and all of her salt water was drank up. So she is ok and I hope that she pulls through it. I wonder how long it will take her to grow it back :o. She walks funny now tho and I feel so bad for her. I have a bigger tank in the basement we are going to set up tomorrow. Since she is stuck in the ISO for a lil while, maybe. If she is doing good than I will put her back in cause she gets lonely quick :(. Its a lil crowded in there atm with the ISO tank in there tho. I forgot all about the tank in the basement tho lol. It will give them more running room tho since we are stuck here for another month or month in a half *sigh* lol. We decided to stay atm cause we wouldn't be able to go and then come back for the funeral if we left. The kids want to see their Great Grandmother badly too and she will be there, its been almost a year since we were able to see her T.T. This will hopefully give her a good healing time too. At least a DE-stressing period at the least. Hopefully it will get her in a better state and she will be ok. Idk how she gets herself into these messes. Need to order more food again too lol :roll:. Getting more coral cal for her cause with all the molting I am running low lol. They still eat like food is going out of style :o. Eat as much as my kids -.-, reason we never have food around lol bottomless pits all of em :hlol:. Will update you again soon and let you know how she is doing :).
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Sat Mar 29, 2014 5:35 pm

Awww I'm sorry to hear about Hearts :( how did she end up losing her big claw by getting stuck? I always figured that if they got stuck they would just abandon their shell and go crawl away and find a new one. Poor little thing, hopefully she will get a new big claw the next time she molts? Hopefully her leg feels better too. Rocky was snuggling in my hand today too. What a nice feeling when they do that! Yeah I'm starting to go through more food too now. Rocky and BJ are always in the food bowl now. Sorry to hear that your move got delayed. At least you guys will be able to see your family though :) take care!
Some days I just have a little weirdness running through my blood :)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:57 pm

Ok so she is doing good so far :). She lost all but one leg on the one side and that is the side that is messed up. Found her naked yesterday, I had seen this coming her old shell was just to heavy for her to move being so hurt. I gently got her re shelled in a small tapi turbo. This suits her much better anyway and is the perfect size for her since she has no big claw she can hide in it really far. She ate a spoonful of coral cal already so I am sure she is stocking for a molt already. I saw the spot where she lost them shortly and it is shiny but idk if it is gelled yet or not o.0. Not sure how long that all takes since this is really my first time dealing with such an injury :(. I don't really know how she lost her limbs I just guessed she dropped them from stress trying to get out. I found a couple that was in a line from shell to where I found her, only thing I can think of is that she broke them while trying to push out of that spot before she said screw it n left the shell. She has eaten like a lil piglet for 2 days and last night buried herself. I have not seen her since so I am hoping that she stocked up and is DE-stressing. So far so good though so I am hopeful. I would have updated you last night but we had a lot of drama happening around us last night n all for nothing, as usual :roll: (my mother is gonna put me in the looney bin yet, cause she is driving me nuts). If I could hold my breath for a month without dieing I so would be lol. Ugh "it is only for a short time longer" has been repeated so much in my head atm that its my new mantra to try to deal with her LOL. The day we get far far away I'm gonna :banana: :cheer: :clap: :hlol: I am going to need to just to say I survived and have my sanity still LOL. Ugh lol.
Your guys might be stocking up too or maybe when it gets warmer they eat more idk :o. I am now feeding mine three times a day on most days /facepalm. That is they usually get fresh food twice a day and their dry food once now the dry food is getting a refill as well *ugh* where the heck do they put it. I'd say they eat more than the kids but that is just impossible lol no one eats like them, they eat way more than me and my girl even eats more than her bro now -.-. On a normal day she eats 6 jars of food with each jar 2oz of cereal, nurses constantly, eats what ever she can find that we put on her try lol (cheerio's, puffs, w/e snack we have for her), My dinner, and what ever else she can get her hands on. She is a Snorlax LOL when she isn't eating way more than her lil body can hold she is passed out from stuffing herself into a coma. Get this her doc says she needs to eat more >.> there is no way I can feed this kid anymore without hooking her up to a feed line lol. If she is awake you can bet she is eating. You might think she was stocking for a molt ><. :hlol: hope everything is going good for you guys :). How are your new lil ones doing?

Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)
