I must be doing something right! :)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Mon May 12, 2014 2:20 pm

I usually jump on here all the time but I have been so busy stressing about bills I haven't had the mental break to do it lol
At least you can do a little something with her to celebrate, that's all that counts :) Yeah I am going to look into some nutritional powder and I need to get a hygrometer or whatever that thing is called that measures the humidity lol also need some spare day and night bulbs. Ugh, can't even get bulbs for my own home and yet here I am looking to get some for the tank lol Maybe that would help Hermie feel better, she still hasn't moved from the spot that I had left her :? Lol yeah right now mine are eating sunflower seeds and dried fruit that has been drizzled in honey. They don't eat the meat I put in their tank anymore so I have given up on that, I need to invest in some more dried krill. Lol I felt like a giant monster scrubbing his shell like that, next time I will definitely do it the more friendly way....if the E's will even stay still long enough in a container! That is a good idea to freeze it, I tried doing that but they weren't a big fan of broccoli and mangos lol I think I need to just do their favorite foods and they will probably eat it. Hmm I should try coconut, that sounds great! The pre prepping is a lot of fun, I have to admit! I'm going to have to get back into the habit of it....come to think of it I have a whole container of fruit salad in my freezer that I had put in there for them left over from a party. SCORE! :banana: Not too sure on eggs....I haven't even touched eggs since that whole fiasco lol I will do boiled eggs for them though and freeze them :) I may never eat another egg again! Yeah its kinda like with kids, just breathe and let it go lol my kids can be so wasteful sometimes and sometimes I say something and other times I just let it go if it's really not that huge of a deal. Being so tight on money makes me a real stickler about things going to waste. My step son wanted a glass of milk and I told him he already had milk in his cereal today and he said "No, I didn't drink it". So I told him, "Well drink it next time and you are going to have water now". Is that awful? Lol. They need their water though and can't just drink juice and milk all day. Speaking of kids did you have a good mothers day? Yeah I hear ya about not being able to move fast some days. Ugh. I'm busy all day long so just being able to pull the food out of the freezer and let it thaw in the heat for them would be great lol I tell myself I will give them fresh food and water when I get up in the morning....and then that moves to I will do it on my lunch break...and then that moves to I will do it when I get home....and then that moves to I will do it before I go to bed...and then next thing I know it's the next day or the weekend and the poor crabs bowls are full of sand and down to the bare minimum....ugh. I love my crabs but it's hard to find the time to really keep up with their maintenance. I need a crab sitter! Lol. It's not that bad though. They do get fresh food and water every couple of days and I do check up on them a couple times a day to make sure that they are all doing okay.
Omg I can't even imagine ignoring my bills like that! I admit that I am bad when it comes to spending necessities on my credit cards (like food and gas) but we always make out monthly payments. I would go insane knowing I had unpaid bills just laying around. Yeah sounds like she needs to grow up and take on some responsibility. Good thing you learned from her mistakes! Lol yeah sounds like my kids might have more of a clue than she does. All you can do now is step back and let her fall on her butt I suppose. Not like you didn't try. And if she doesn't like you for it than oh well, so sad too bad. That's how I feel about some of my family, especially when it comes to keeping in contact with eachother. Do not come running to me saying "Well you never call or some see me" cause that is crap. I am the only one who tries to hang out with family and see them and try to see how they are doing. I've given up and moved on have my own life to attend to and if you don't like that then oh well, so sad too bad lol I would get so upset and stressed out over never seeing family or them never talking to me and I would rather just leave it alone and forget about it and move on then burden myself with the thought of people who could give two craps about me. Especially since I have a family of my own and I work full time, I don't have time for that crap. Lifes too short and my family is way too huge lol It will get better when you move I am sure. I wish I could move far away but then I think I would miss my nephew and parents at least.
How come you need to go see a doc? Well at least he will be right there when you move but that does suck for the time being. Going to the doctors is one thing I am really bad about it. I have insurance now but I haven't been to a dentist and ten years probably and I only go the doctors once a year for my girly check up. My teeth aren't bad so I figure I'm fine for now but I really should get on that lol My primary doctor retired three years ago and I still haven't even found a new one of those. Things like that I never get around to lol
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Wed May 14, 2014 8:36 pm

Oh I am supposed to be on regular meds from my doc which since I don't have the right insurance I can not get >< for my disability so pain now is unbearable most days and I curse Tylenol for not doing a dang thing >< lol. I have a lot wrong with my spine n body lol I may be young but my internal body is about 90 ><. It sucks esp with 2 lil one to keep up with. It was not as hard with my meds but without them it is dang near impossible some days...luckily I have the 2 most understanding lil ones and my wort days they spend laying next to me n checking on me. Usually if I fall asleep they both curl up next to me and nap too. I'm to a point that I can not wait to get to a day where I am not waking up in agony ><. Mon we took the kids to the zoo which I am still paying for -.-, I was actually paying for that one 5 min into the zoo -.-. Its hard for me to walk on meds so off omg I never want to go thru that again ><. Mother's day kinda sucked lol. I was stuck in bed n sick lol. I was hurting a lot but Hubby tried to help and got oven pizza's which made us all sick that day lol. I can't catch a break lol. That and my mother had dim riving all around doing crap for her cause she didn't want to leave her mother's day party to get HER animals food >< So I was on my own ><. Another way for her to make it all about her -.-. I did get a lil lol recently tho, they totaled her car from the accident so everything that she has put off on doing in the past 2 years is catching up to her lol. A lil kick in the butt that I am sure will turn into a huge deal soon. Life lesson she still hasn't learned n will NEVER learn ...responsibility first fun second lol. I'd go crazy to not paying my bills its driving me crazy that she don't pay hers lol. I set up my bills to be paid the month before so that the day I get paid the bills come out first. This way I know everything is paid and what I have left can go to needs if I have any left over then if I can do something we do.
Bat girl is having her 2nd molt, yay. I found her last night, Reese was guarding the salt water pool n not letting anyone near it. I moved the pool to find her fully molted under it she is still pale so I lightly lifted her up n into ISO since Reese was having such a conniption trying to protect her lol. Now he is camping the ISO lol but at least letting the others pass n drink lol. I think she is now his GF and Hearts is most definitely Herc's. Herc moved into a pretty cinnamon roll colored shell n loves it but geez is he fast :o. I put my hand in there to give them their coconut and check their food bowl and he moved so fast around the corner that once second there was no crab there n then there was lol. He just zips around now an climbs everything lol. Tho he fell asleep last night hanging upside down n fell off lol. He got up n looked around as if to say crap did anyone see that, I just laid there laughing. He had been hanging for 2 hours I knew it was going to happen at some point but he had a death grip on the top lol. Will post pics soon :)
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Thu May 15, 2014 4:58 am

Ugh I had this whole message written out to respond and then I thought I ha to break up a fight between Smog and Dragon and rushed over and now my message is gone >:(
Wow I'm sorry to hear about how much pain you're in, I can't even imagine how that feels. I get a bad headache and I feel like I'm going to die. I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad Mother's Day. If I was your husband I would've been pissed. Did he do it just to keep the peace? You are very lucky that your children are so respectful of you in that way. I can't even imagine being in a lot of pain and having to deal with two little ones. Ugh stupid insurance. You think the government and state would help people more who are in need...or even the country.....don't even get me started lol some things are just so messed up in this world. That is amusing about her car, karma is a beach.
That's funny that you say that about Batgirl because I just found Hermie Jr on his second molt as well. I was so excited lol well....I shouldn't of dug him up....I have a bad habit of that :( but I never see the crabs and it doesn't matter if they're molting or not, they are always buried. He was still squishy and pink. Poor guy, hope he didn't get too stressed. I thought I might have a mass molt coming cause everyone was buried last night but now some of them are up and climbing. Dragon made himself a moss nest and he looks like he is about to lay an egg lol and then Smog had to grab his shell and be a little punk and one of them was chirping at the other. I love hearing them chirp lol I'll post some pics. Yes I love seeing pics of other peoples crabs :) that's so cute how they're paired up like that and how Reese was protecting her. Hermie still isn't doing good. She barely moved in her shell when I checked on her yesterday :(
I think I covered everything I wanted to say in my previous message. God I hate it when that happens lol especially when you're typing on a phone and then you have to do it ALL over again lol
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Thu May 15, 2014 5:09 am

Dragons moss nest

Playful fight? Lol




I accept your apology....but who gets the nest now?
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Fri May 16, 2014 3:54 am

Well I found Hermie dead this morning :( sad thing is I was actually treating her like she was still alive until I realized something was very wrong ten minutes later. She was one of the first crabs I got. I feel so bad.
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Sat May 17, 2014 7:43 pm

Aw I am so sorry for your loss :(. Are you sure she was gone tho, was there a dead fish smell? Hermie did that to me with his first molt.
Lol Id watch those two. That can escalate fast, I've had to break up a few between Reese n Hearts over a shell, over dominance, an well Reese just being a jerk lol. HE tries to be king boss over her cause he gets no where with the other two since they are both bigger than him lol. Bat Girl is back in the tat with a completed molt already...is it me or do mine seem to be turbo fast with molts? I thought that they took a long time to molt but mine never do and idk if that is a good or bad thing, time wise lol. I know they are not doing bad since they are molting a lot and are healthy lil buggers lol. Are they just fast molters or does that mean something? This I don't know. To fix your humidity problem tho, Do you have an old humidifier that you aren't using cause you can hook it up for them n it would help :). Esp if you can hook up a tube that fits in it and run it into their tat. A cheap DIY way to keep good humidity up :). Duct tape would seal around the tubing nicely but since it gets wet you may have to change it on occasion. Depends how wet it gets if any lol. Might help you :). Oh n if you do get around to ordering them vitamins Definitely go for the boost powder it has everything in it and man will they get active after awhile of using it lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Sun May 18, 2014 6:27 am

Oh yeah she was definately gone :/ I gently tugged on her claw and she slid right out of her shell and her eyes were squished together and yeah....she didn't smell until a little while after I took her out of her shell and she did have that dead fish smell. I was so afraid to tell my kids and they took it a lot better than I thought. I know it's only a little crab but still it was a living thing. Autumn teared up but she was okay. They helped me bury her and Autumn wrote I love you in the dirt over it as out some nice pretty flowers over it. It was technically her crab. But now I'm breathing a sigh of relief cause I don't have to worry about her anymore. I bought a hygrometer and the humidity is good for the majority of the day if I keep on spraying the tank. It did get down to 30% a couple hours after I had sprayed it. How do you keep yours humid? I'm not totally convinced that's why she died though. I think something physically happened to her legs because they were awkwardly bent when she came out of her shell and she never walked. Whether she fell or Hermie Jr may have done something (which is highly unlikely cause they are peaceful crabs) I don't know. Maybe she was like Hearts and decided to venture up a branch and got scared and maybe she fell? Don't know.
McKenna is down with Hermie Jr and B.J and Rocky keep digging burrows so I bet they are going to molt soon. Yeah I kept an eye on them to make sure it didn't get too violent.....as I was takin pictures haha they are usually best buddies and peaceful towards eachother but then the next day Smog was challenging Dragon at the food bowl and Dragon reared up and opened his pinchers and did this whole semi lunging move and Smog got the hint and left him alone. Maybe there's too much testosterone lol
I don't think a lot of molts in a short time are bad because it means they are having lots of growth spurts lol I think it's a good thing but I could be wrong.
Hmmm I'll have to try the humidifier but no I don't have one. I'll have to look into it but that is a good idea. I was thinking of trying the bubbler thing too but I'm not sure how that keeps the humidity up. I'm wondering if my crabs get enough nutrition, I'm definately going to have to get that boost powder! They're back to not eating :(
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Sun May 18, 2014 5:53 pm

Yea a bubblier will help a lot :). I have one in their fresh water and once I can get the double one hooked up again will have it back into the salt pool as well. Idk why but this one always acted up so I am down to the one atm. Plus I use the moss pit to keep up in the back of the tat. Atm it works great I very rarely have to mist it. Sadly this will not work this way once I get them in their bigger tat lol. So I have planned out a humidifier hook up lol. Just need to get a flexible funnel, I have an old hello kitty one and the mist comes out of the top so I am going to get a flex funnel and seal it on the top with aquarium seal. Once that sets I can get some bigger soft tubing hook it into the end of the funnel and run that tube from there into the tat. Humidity 24/7 :cheer:. When I went into the hospital I made a similar set up one day lol. I used one of those huge water bottles and used my double bubblier to run a line into it and use a T connector to have it bubble in the bottle and ran another tube out and into the tat. It worked wonderful to lol, this came in very much handy as my 3 to 4 days that I should've been in there turned into a lil over a week ><. It was a good temporary fix to my problem tho. Once I got the moss tho it kept it up to high so I removed it. The bubblier + Moss is a great combo n work really well for me atm. Like I said tho it won't in there big tat -.-. Its cool tho because I have it all worked out how I'm going to do it and will just have to remember to fill the tank on the humidifier everyday or every other day, it depends on the setting on how fast the water goes. Plus I'll have multi moss pits in that one so it may not need to be high. I just can't wait to see those lil faces light up once they see all the running room they will have lol. I have to change their pools today and fill their bowl and that alone makes them excited lol I so love seeing that, like kids on Xmas lol. I had to wait to fill their pools til I got a new gallon jug cuz my boys boney butt crushed their last one lol.
Yes definitely get yours the boost powder and try them on the balanced basic food mix for $2.50. Its a ok size bag for trying and seeing if they like it and it has all their basic needs all in this mix. I tried it an they do eat it not like the gobbled the complete nutrition, but she isn't making it atm so I had to try it. Def get the boost powder tho you will notice within a day or two if not immediately a difference in their energy. They will be crazy for awhile lol. Mine get 3 different types, lol I may be over doing it but they do seem to like it lol Mine get the Boost powder, Astaxanthin powder, and Spirulina powder. I just sprinkle all of that over their food n calci powder and they gobble it right up. Now the Asta powder is the only one that needs to be in the fridge but then again so does the food mix. I have a bin with all of their food in it so when I lay out all the stuff that goes into their bowl if I don't get it out prior to fixing the bowl I often remember as I am fixing it lol. I usually end up spending a lil more than I set out to just cause there is SO much stuff there and they do need a good variety of food. Plus if you can find the FMR treat that is a good food for them to but just the treat cause the other food isn't good for them. The treat is the fruit that they love in it. I find even if you buy a lil at a time when you can it makes it easier. Say you only have a few bucks just to get the FMR one than that will last you a few months then you can save enough to get something else the next month. That is how I do it atm lol. Tho if I had it I could easily drop about 30-40 $ on the Addiction site lol. Id buy so much of a variety they'd go crazy lol. I hate running out of something they like esp when you don't know when they will get it back, ya know. I hope this all helps lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Sun May 18, 2014 6:55 pm

Huh that's really cool :) yes it is very helpful, my head is spinning a little trying to figure out my expenses for it all. I will work it out though, I need to for their health. I thought I was doing well with them until Hermie got sick and now I held McKenna today and she is sick too :( all I can think of is that it's that darn tank! It's given me trouble ever since I started a second one. So today I shut down McKenna and Hermie Jrs tank and I know I shouldn't of dug Hermie Jr up from her molt but I did to get her out of the tank. She's near the end of it anyway so she will be fine, hardened up but still kinda pale. So the humidity in the bigger tank doesn't get lower than 70% so I took a Tupperware container and filled it with sand and water and food and calcium sand and put a lid on it with holes and made a little ISO for the two of them in the big tank for now. I'll see how McKenna does and they will just have to stay in that tank until I figure this out. Seven crabs in 29 gallon tank isn't good but it's better than them getting sick and dieing. Temporary fix until I can scrounge up some more money. I really hope she doesn't die :( she's displaying the same symptoms that Hermie did when I first found she was sick so hopefully with McKenna I caught it in type and some extra humidity will help. Can the humidity be too high for crabs? What's too high for them? I want a cool set up like yours so I don't have to worry about it. I have everything down but this darn humidity! Lol thank you for the helpful tips :)
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Mon May 19, 2014 6:43 am

So good news, McKenna will be okay! Well...as long as she survives this molt okay. I thought she was half dead this morning but turns out all she wanted to do was molt


This is all that remains of her lol and part of her little tail is showing and wiggling about. I really feel like an awful crabber though. I should of just left her alone but I thought she was sick like Hermie :( maybe Hermie wanted to molt too but idk....she never tried to dig or anything. Ugh. Poor McKenna, i was so freaked out this morning. She was hanging half out of her shell and she slid all the way out into my hand and I thought for sure she was dieing. Than I saw her exo was flaking off and I was like oh crap, she's molting! And her eyes were all clear and I accidentally pulled off part of her leg....hopefully it was just her old exo coming off. Omg it's been a terrible morning an I am trying to tell myself that I am not a terrible mother :( blah.
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Wed May 21, 2014 11:50 am

McKenna died today :cry: I think she was having a really rough molt. Checked on her this morning and she saw she only had one leg and her two little claws and I thought she would make it but then I checked on her this afternoon and she was gone.
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Thu May 29, 2014 12:03 am

Aw I am so sorry :(. You sure its above the 75% hum range? She may have been sick too. I don't know if it can be to high tho. Mine is always pretty much level if it goes down at all its usually the moss is dry ><. I must say with the memorial and everything it has went dry 2 times now, idk why that is the one thing I forget to do -.- lol. . I guess cause I don't have to fuss with it often lol. Plus the boy broke a tooth and well having a broken tooth is no fun esp in a yr old -.-. If he wasn't such a dang brute it wouldn't have happened but you know how boys are lol. 90% of the time its talk to my butt cuz my head is busy n always busy n full of what not to do's -.-. Herc has gotten huge! N is now eating even more -.-, his fat butt is in that food bowl more than my 35lb cat is in his.....n that is sayin something -.- geez. I would get the piggies of the Hermit world lol. Hearts has gotten really dark now so maybe this was a good thing :o. Gonna take new pics tomorrow cause the others didn't come out to well. Idk they were all blurry and Herc looked more like a spider lol. Reese is still being a jerk on occasion lol and still being put in his place lol. No one messes with Hearts around Herc lol he stands on tippy toe and gets as tall as he can n puffs at Reese n he backs down every time its so funny. If he don't move right away Herc does this typical boy lunge (that do it I dare you lunge) n Reese runs away lol. They are to funny. Oh n this site might help you to everything is pretty low cost :) http://www.petdiscounters.com/Hermit-Cr ... _2312.html.
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Thu May 29, 2014 3:04 pm

Lol that is too funny! I had Smog and Dragon bickering over who was going to sit on a stick and Dragon literally kicked Smog square in the face. Thank you for the website, I will have to check it out. It's hard to tell now because the crabs knocked my hygrometer into their salt pool and now it's not an accurate reading but before it would read 70% and higher. I resealed the screen top this morning so we will see if that helps. I also put a bubbler in their salt pool but so far it's not doing much good. Last weekend Dragon attacked Hermie Jr and crushed his big claw so I've had Hermie Jr in a makeshift ISO and I released him today because his claw is ten times better. Aww I'm sorry to hear about his teeth!
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Brittanybaby22 » Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:53 am

Cute hermit crab sorry for your loss

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Sun Jun 01, 2014 12:57 pm

Thank you
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