I must be doing something right! :)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:21 pm

Lol yea that was how Herc started out, he did that with several shells lol. He is trying to find one to stick with but is unsure atm lol. I am not sure about the shipping cost yet I'll know once I send it :). Yea I know the feeling with kids breaking stuff lol. I am making my son this HUGE blanket n have been working on it all year lol more than 1000 pieces to this thing lol. I am so nervous in a way to give it to the lil destructo mag lol. A years worth of work n if he wrecks it I might have to tie him down n pinata him -.-, lol again idk why I threaten that 1 he knows I won't do it n 2 all he says is "sounds like fun" lol. He seems to break everything he touches now a days -.-. Yea also not looking forward to winter due to having to walk to the store : /. It is now clear that she will not return the car now so we are on our own -.-. Lol yea REALLY caring, right!? Annoying ppl suck lol.
I had a *insert sarcasm here* I had a wonderful surprise this afternoon lol. Was trying to work on his blanket a lil before I go and make dinner n all I hear is a shell pop. I thought to myself nnaawww someone just fell in the tat but I got the feeling to check n I am glad I did cause here comes Herc crawling up the bed lol. Idk if he did it or what but there was a hole in the screen in the corner n he let himself out :o. Just to run to me o.0. Glad he was running to me n nothing happened gosh forbid I wasn't here >.>. So I sewed it up with some yarn n put tape over it to keep him out of that corner. Do hermit crabs chew threw screen???? Cause now I am paranoid lol. I am like did something try n get into them or did he just chew his way out!? I will be taping the lid down and watching the screening closely now :o. I wish I could figur out how to keep the monkey from climbing up there but I may have to get a metal top now -.-. I think that he scared the crap out of himself too lol he is hiding in the hut n hasn't come out yet. He cuddled into my hand for a few minutes before running around around on me lol. Once I put him back he took off into his hut and hasn't budged. I had to take a head count and every one else was there thank goodness lol. Bat girl moved into a heave gold mouth turbo cause it has a good bit of growing room for her.
Do you have an AC Moore's there? I found lil baskets that had a few turbos in it n nice ones too for 1.99. Not bad really cause I got a few turbos and a couple of shells out of it for cheap. Just an idea if you can't find them anywhere else.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:10 pm

Oh wow he got out?! Lol that would freak me out, it's a good thing you looked! That's funny that he went straight to you, what a darling, cute little guy :) well I did hear on here of crabs ripping through screens with their claws before. Honestly I think they can rip through anything. Your screen is metal, right? Mine is rusting >:( lol I might be a little scared too if I were him, maybe he was in shock from the fall. Mine go into hiding like that when they have taken a digga lol (Maine expression for fall haha so redneck) Hmmm AC Moore...I'm not really sure if there is one around here. I will have to look online. That's a lot cheaper than Michaels! Lol yeah when I left this morning B.J was just chilling in the shell shop. Tonight he has stayed in the grey shell am seems to be getting along good despite it's weight. Contemplating his real estate choices lol I'm glad he's not the only one and Herc went through it too. Bat Girls shell sounds so pretty! :)
Is it a blanket that you are knitting? I wasn't sure when you said 1000 pieces, but that sounds awesome :) ugh I know what you mean, I have things from when I was a kid that I give to the kids to play with and it always gets destroyed. Hopefully he will be good to it and it will last him a long time. Lol I love how threaten to piñata him and he says "sounds like fun!" Hahaha boys are so bad when it comes to destruction but I think my step daughter is almost as bad as a boy. I made an Easter letter for her when she was 5, written from the Easter Bunny, and for se reason a couple months ago she ripped it up, even though I told her not to >:( so now all of her keepsakes are kept in a box in the closet and not in her room. I'm sorry I hear about the car, that's just horrible. And it's not like you can just go out and by another one. Stupid, ignorant people >:( I wish that someone out there have stuff like that out for free or dirt cheap (like $10) for people who really need it. This country sucks in that way lol
Ttyl and have a good night!
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by gotta-crab-em-all » Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:16 pm

Rose7314 wrote:Hmmm AC Moore...I'm not really sure if there is one around here.
I don't know where in Maine you live, but there's an A.C. Moore in Augusta, Bangor, and South Portland. I've only been to the one in Augusta but I wasn't looking for hermit crab supplies, so I'm not sure what they have. :oops:
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by gotta-crab-em-all » Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:58 pm

Actually, you know what, I did go to a craft store in South Portland and got shells there. I don't remember if it was AC Moore or not :s
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:42 am

gotta-crab-em-all wrote: I don't know where in Maine you live, but there's an A.C. Moore in Augusta, Bangor, and South Portland. I've only been to the one in Augusta but I wasn't looking for hermit crab supplies, so I'm not sure what they have. :oops:
Idk about yours but if it is set up like ours man was it hidden lol. I had asked bout every worker there if they had shells and they looked at me like I was talking in a foreign alien language -.-. I eventually scouted the whole store and found a small section all the way in the back by the floral, candle supplies, and glass ware o.0. No clue why it was hidden back there lol. Just in case you couldn't find it either lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:07 am

Lol oh yea he fell straight out luckily there was a pillow there on the floor n he hit that rather than the floor. Lol kids were having a pillow fight like crazy. Very lucky lil boy that one lol. Well that n he is lucky the cats are scared out of their minds of him :hlol:. Every time they are out the cat jumps up n runs til its up high or just far enough away that they can see it or high enough they think they can't reach em n just stare lol. :hlol: All I think about is how they weren't afraid of my mothers small parrot until it chased the cat up the stares and thru the upstairs n the whole time I am chasing that dang bird for chasing the cat I was laughing my butt off. Lol definitely didn't want the parrot to reach the cat cause that sucker bit hard n was a demon bird. Nasty lil thing when he wanted to be, he would be all sweet n go I want a kiss and turn upside down acting all cute and when you got close enough he'd leap up n bite the crap out of you. Bit my lip in half once :shock:. Oh how I hated that thing lol n of course guess who got the nail clipping job :cry:. 2 towels to cover a parrot no bigger than my fist (which is small lol) cause he'd bite n cut no matter how much I had him covered ><.
Oh btw thank you for the shell idea! Omgosh they have been on that shell since I put it in there lol. Gives him something to destroy n not the screen lol. No it is plain old screening atm. I made this top til I can buy one lol. I sewed up the hole and put tape over it so he cant get caught in it. He hasn't went up there since so I am hoping it scared the bejezzus out of him so that he never does it again lol. I doubt it but I can hope lol. They have been on that shell for 10 hours already lol. I hate throwing the shells away feels like a waste so after I use em I wash them out and I boiled them like you said for a long time. Once they cooled and dried I put one in there n it has been a feeding frenzy lol. I bout a mix with it in there before to try it but man they seem to love the fresh shell too. I love that they are loving it so much ^.^, Thanks again for that tip :D. Lol I am so running out of food ideas to give them. They just eat so much, give you an idea how much I had to buy a 1lb bag of food for them :shock:. Heifers -.- omgosh these things are eating me out of house n home just as bad as the kids lol. If they are awake you can bet there is food in their mouths lol.
The blanket I am making is a crochet blanket. I'll have to post a pic once I am done.....if I can lmao. Man this thing is huge I haven't even got half the head done n it covers my lap -.-. Lol that is just the head not including the back ground n now he wants me to make it doing a vine whip *facepalm*. Lol its a bulbasuar he loves his pokemon lol. But dang its like whoa man maybe this is a lot of work buddy lol. You should see the list these two have for me to make for them between blankets, stuffed animals, and gifts for the holidays I never have free time lmao. I told him we'll talk about it once I get bulbasuar done to see if I can incorporate it into the background scene that I am making. This thing is going to look like a pic from the game if I can make it look like I have it pictured in my head lol. N man is he a slave driver when it comes to crafts n stuff that I make for him lol. When I was sewing his play food my fingers turned purple n if I stopped lil bugger would say hey "no break I need to cook, hurry up" lol. I think he is going to be a chief the way he loves cooking shows and cooking lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:19 am

Augusta and Bangor are about 3 hours away from me and South Portland is maybe 20 minutes if I take the highway. I believe I know where the one in Sputh Portland is that you're talking about. Is it around the Maine Mall area? Do you live in Maine as well?

I'm pretty sure I just saw KAL get into the fresh water pool and splash around a little bit, but them he saw me and got out. Darn! Lol. Oh good I'm glad that he landed on a pillow and had a soft landing at least. Haha I love how cats will chase and pounce on anything that moves but they are scared of your crabs :hlol: maybe they sense that the crabs could do some damage? Oh geez I would be scared of that parrot lol my grandmother had one and it was pretty nice, she would let it out and it would fly all around her house and we thought that was the best thing I'm the world when we were little kids. Yikes, I would pass on nail clipping though lol sounds like my dog, no matter how much you tried to cover her when you clipped her nails she would still find a way to bite you. Took a couple people just to hold her in place and one person to slip the nails. Sad lol and the dog weighed all of 13 pounds! My pitbull was less scary than she was lol
Omg it bit your lip in half?! That's crazy! Did you have to have stitches?
You're welcome :) I'm glad I can give se good ideas! Do you mean to give them a shell to snack on? Try sand dollars too (natural and unpainted) they love snacking on those too! I have some if you want some. I'm running out of food ideas too. Ugh. I would be so happy if mine ate like yours did lol
Wow his blanket sounds awesome!! He is so lucky to have a mom like you :) I try to do crafts for them but nothing like making play food and blankets. That's jus plain awesome :) I would have a long list too! Lol that's cool that he's love cooking. Being a chef would be an awesome job. I actually tried crocheting but I wasn't very good at it because my blankets for the dogs would come out crooked and I said heck with it. If something doesn't come out perfect I give up lol
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by gotta-crab-em-all » Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:09 pm

I live in Maine, but not near South Portland. Its a long drive and I only go there once per year to pick up a friend from the airport, so I honestly couldn't tell you where anything is :oops: Its like a giant maze to me, if you plopped me down in the middle of the city, I would never find my way out!
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Thu Oct 02, 2014 4:06 am

Oooh ok lol oh my god I know! We had to find the emergency room in South Portland last week and it was so awful because like you said it is one giant maze and hardly any signs telling you where to go. I only know my way to the mall area and that's it. I am just not a city girl at all. That's cool that you live in Maine too though :)
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:57 pm

I sent your shells out yesterday :). Don't worry about it lol consider it an early x-mas/crabmas pres for you n your crabs :D. I hope that you all like them and that maybe they will use some lol. Some crabs are just picky house hunters *coughs* Herc *coughs* lol. N thanks again for the shell lol almost a whole egg shell is gone already over just a few days. Lol Lil piggies. If they like it they love it n it is gone really really fast lol.
You should be getting them soon tho I sent them priority :). Wish you some shell luck there lol. I remember how hard finding that perfect house is n the worry over Herc lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:50 pm

Ooooh ok the egg shell idea :) you're welcome, I'm glad they are gobbling it up and they love it! I put some sand dollars in my tank to see if they will eat some calcium that way because they didn't seem to touch the egg shells in my tank. Grrrr.
Thanks so much for sending them out and for the early crab Xmas present! They are all going through the pain of house hunting now. Even Emily was in the shell shop hunting for one yesterday. I will let you know when I receive them. Thanks again!!!! You have been a huge help!!! :D
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Sun Oct 05, 2014 3:37 am

You are very welcome :)! Lol been there done that. I must say Herc has been my hardest shell hunter yet lol. Glad he has a lil bit more of growing room in his cinnabun shell left cause he won't give that up easy :lol:. Knowing how difficult he really is I wouldn't be surprised at all if I had to track down one that looks exactly like it but bigger lol. He is so shell picky :lol:. They are now on their 2nd egg shell lol, these are large ones :lol:. Hrm I will have to see about the sand dollars when I can :o. Reese loves his calci so much he has been taking baths in it :shock:. Lol I said to him this afternoon "what are you trying to be eaten!?" :hlol:. He just waved an arm at me n went back into the food bowl lol.

Herc got himself into a bind today n oh was he mad lol. He took a corner of the tape off of the bubb tube and then got stuck lol. Man he was so mad He ripped it to shreds :hlol:. I was in a panic at first cause I was so afraid he got stuck n he just ripped it up n kept going lol. I had to put it long ways along the tubing to keep him off of it ><. So far so good n he isn't climbing it but he is such a lil Mr. smarty pants that I am sure it will not be long before he is at it again lol. He keeps me challenged lol. Used to be Reese that was into so much lol now it is him. He is sometimes right in Herc's shadow though lol. He has become sometimes trouble jr. lol when he use to be Mr. Trouble :hlol:.

Let me know when you get the shells lol so hoping that they all get there safe and no damage lol. Tho like I said you may hate me for wrapping them lol. I wrapped them the best that I could so I am hoping that none will be damaged. So hope that they like them.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Mon Oct 06, 2014 12:04 pm

I got the shells today! :) They are awesome and sooo cute! Yes the packing was a little tight lol but you did a great job and they were safe and sound. I REALLY hope one of the baby crabs moves into the little yellow shell. Omg is it cute! I also took the biggest shell and put it in front of the hut that KAL is residing in this morning and I'm hoping he will sniff it out lol I really like how light weight they are. Maybe that's my problem is that they all have too heavy of shells. I'm super pumped! Tonight I might hunt down the baby crabs and put them in the shell shop if they aren't buried. I haven't seem them in a couple of days. I also didn't know, or didn't remember, that you live in New England lol I thought you lived a lot further away.
That's awesome :) it's sooooo cold out....well it was this morning. I actually had to turn up the heat in my fish tank this morning and the crabs heat has gone from 89 degrees to 84...but still warm enough thank god. I refuse to turn on my heat and use oil yet!! Lol thank you again an I will post pictures as soon as they change their shells! :)
Lol I love hearing your crab stories, they're so cool! I acidentally dropped KAL into the tank last night :( well it's kinda his own fault because he didn't grab on to the branch that I was trying to get him to climb on, but that's beside the point lol he landed in the fresh water pool and looked a little confused but he's ok. He scampered off a couple minutes later lol
Haha I love it when they wave their arms at you as if to say "Mind your own business, lady!" I would love to see a crab do that :) Reese sounds like the cool dude of the bunch.
Lol I can just picture Herc doing that, too funny! "Darn I'm trapped! Foiled again!"
:hlol: my nephew saw B.j hanging out on the bridge by the salt pool and he was so worried saying "Oh no! He's going to jump in! He's going I jump!" And I had to tell him that it was ok, he likes water. He always wants to hold my crabs but I can't let him because if he gets pinched E's gonna be soooo upset lol he actually always asks if he can hold me fish and I'm like um...no lol poor kid doesn't realize they will die. He thinks that if you take the fish out it will just flop on the floor and then swim away in the air lol he's got some imagination. How are your kiddos doing? Did you receive my message back to the last one I sent you?
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Tue Oct 07, 2014 2:50 am

Hrm no I haven't yet o,0 wonder whats up. Kiddo's are ok boy is still attached at the hip lol. He had a panic attack today cause he thought we were leaving him behind lol. It was funny cause all we said was ok wait here just a second so we can get the groceries in before you battle charge right into them. "You stay here so we can get the stuff out to the door then we will let you run in" he was in the seat when we said this n he panics n tears start welling up n he goes "oh no but but I need you guys" lol I felt so bad but you had to laugh a lil his face was just so....lost puppy look lol. It was cute n sad in the same token lol. I had to say no no hunny I just need you to sit for a minute so we can unload the stuff before you run it over lol. His "helping" usually is him rummaging in all the bags to find a toy car or a snack lol something he will get in trouble for lol. He has his good days where he will help you put it away but it may end up with something broken lol, he tries that is what is important lol. Idk what I am going to do with him if his daddy has to leave again -.-. Ugh we can't even move without a melt down as is -.-. If we move an inch he jumps like we are running away lol. If you get up he is on your heels -.-...it is cute and annoying sometimes lol. You have to stop give him a kiss n hug say I love you and I'll be back and then he usually is ok. N just as it is easing a bit he may have to go away again -.- its for work but omgosh this kid will drive me nuts lol. Well hopefully it will be a good thing n nothing bad will happen ><.
I down graded the Hermits pools today to 2.5Qts I dazzeled out like the big ones lol. Waiting on them to dry and then I can fill them up and am hoping they will like these better. The big ones are great but just to big for this tat imo. Maybe once I set up the 50-55gal I will put the big ones in or I may even use the small 2gal tanks I have sitting around. Lol the 1 thing I hated about having mice, the boys needing separate cages ><. Only had one cage with 5 boys in it n it was a daddy n his 4 nice sons lol the devils had to be removed. Oh n were they ever -.- if the cages were to close they would scream n battle the glass :hlol:. Funniest thing until your trying to sleep n it sounds like they are being murdered lol. So they had to be put on each end of the shelf lol. That is what you get when you listen the person at the pet store saying "oh yea they are both girls!" /facepalm lol. Yea both girls my eye -.- n 2 litters later >.>. 1 litter was how I found out they were NOT both girls n 2 litters was a dang try hard mouse :shock:. He opened the lock on his cage and I still have no clue on how he got into hers but he did ><. No holes, no chew marks, no openings, nothing man I looked that thing over 3 times n am still baffled lol. Only thing I can think of, n mid you this would be super tactics and just amazing, but that he lifted the water bottle (which was full) and sneaked into the hole for the spout :shock:. Lol no clue other than that n that would have made him flipping mighty mouse (8oz bottle lol).
Herc proved me wrong AGAIN -.-. No matter how I do it he finds away up there lol. He made another hole too....as soon as I can get a top that he can't tear man am I going for it lol. I was trying to stay away from metal but he really is not leaving me any other option lol. Destructo mag that one lol. Reese n Bat Girl are mad at me atm cause I had to pull them up from the tunnel lol. I had to take a head count n they weren't molting thank goodness. I will have to snap pics of them in their new shells lol n show you what a monster Herc is now lol. Hearts re claimed her shell and isn't budging for nothing lol. Boy is already bugging me about getting more UGH lol. He will not let up about strawberries lol. I told him it might be a lil bit n he might be able to get them next year lol well see. :crabbigsmile:
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Tue Oct 07, 2014 2:16 pm

Hmmm Oh wait you must've because it had my address in it. It appears that only Cheez-It and KAL are up and the rest are M.I.A, which is good because Emily needs to molt. I can see where B.J is, not too sure if he's going to molt because he has molted recently but you never know, he could turn into a Herc lol I was a little worried because it looks like no one came out yesterday and no one came out last night. I checked in Cheez-it's gel limbs and they're getting bigger! Yay! They look like little hooks now lol I put some if the smaller shells down where she could reach them because I don't think she is quite able to climb all the way up to the shell shop.
Awww that's so sad that he thinks you are going to leave him :( but I see the humor in it too lol I laugh at some of the things I hear my nephew say and it's sad but funny at the same time because you never know what they are going to say. Lol yes at least he tries :) my step daughter will do that sometimes too when someone gets up. "Where are you going??" And "why are you doing that???" Drives me crazy lol she's obsessed with knowing where everyone is and what they are doing. "Why is daddy in the bathroom? What's taking him so long?" That's my favorite lol yeah that will be sad when his daddy leaves :( I can't imagine being a little kid and going through that. Oh my gosh the same thing happened with my guinea pigs when I was a kid! We had two females and one male and they were all in seperate cages and somehow my female guinea pig got pregnant by the male and she had three little babies. So weird! Lol that sounds awful having to keep the mice seperated lol
Haha good luck with Herc!
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