by EdisNiksic » Mon Mar 16, 2015 1:32 pm
I ran into a problem. Everything is done, but after having sand in the tank for awhile it sprung a leak and water started coming out. I guess I didn't have enough resin on the bottom edges and corners or the weight of the sand caused the plywood to bow out a bit and crack the resin. I don't want to have to put more resin in again since it took forever for the smell to go away the first time around. Could I use the LeakSeal rubber spray to patch things up?
Last edited by
EdisNiksic on Wed Mar 18, 2015 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pyre Shep Nina,GSD Balotelli,30 Purple Pinchers,1 Red Foot Tortoise,1 Russian Tortoise,7 Rabbits,4 Ruggies,3 Indos,3 Strawberries,16 Aussies,1 Reeves Turtle,one 20 gal Mollie Tank,two 5 gal nano freshwater planted tanks with Bettas,one 29 Gal Freshwater Tank,2 Guppy/Mystery Snail breeder tanks