I must be doing something right! :)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Tue Oct 07, 2014 2:57 pm

Lol oh don't get me started on my guinea pigs lmao. Ok so I don't blame my male really :P. He had a traumatic experience when he lost his love and kids -.- that was so sad. So I took him to my friends store where they only had 1 girl (I always let them pick their mates) he really was not interested but it was a companion. They talked n played but no mating so I was like okkk well they are at least friends n he is pulling out of his depression. So I get a call from my friend saying someone drop off a white girl if I was interested, she was really pure white with red eyes. So I went to pick her up to find this beautiful female that was older in the back who was brindle with a white strip on her nose. He told me she is blind and no one wants her and she had been there for months. So I took both lol. She ended up being half blind but made out perfectly. Well he was thrilled lol but still no mating ( I was thrilled cause that woulda been a mess lmao). Then I get a call from a family member that she can't take care of her female anymore cause she became allergic. So I am up to 4 girls lol. Then I rescue a mom n 2 babies which sadly the lilest one didn't make it to the house but the other 2 I nursed to full health. So now I got 6 girls lol these last two really sparked him up n once Gohan was an adult the mating sparked n he knocked up all of them ><! After years of nothing bam all at once lol. Lucky each one only had 1 or 2 babies so It wasn't to bad. Lol then came more drop offs and I ended up with 15 piggies :hlol:. Lucky I had a HUGE hand made pen for all of em lol boys ended up going into their own pen eventually and the old man in a separate area of the girls pen lol til one ended up being his prized son then he had his pride n joy with him. Lol it happened really fast lol.
Yea you never know what kids come out with lol. One second its quiet n the next they some thing to make you roll lol n this one is really good for that. It is like a mini Jim Carry sometimes, he is crazy :hlol:. Oh the question stages oh if they are not a test of your sanity idk what is lol. I always say, "what are you writing a book?" he laughs n says no lol. The million questions to the door is unreal lol. Its is like 6 steps to the door n this kid has gotten 22 questions out already lol. The poor neighbors as well lmao, if he sees one its 100 questions yelled to them about what they are doing in their yard lol. I wish we could get them something for outside but they are so expensive anymore ><. I mean they have toys to take out but nothing like a swing set or anything or even those plastic play things. The one house we keep looking at has a full play yard set up in the back, lol we want that house so bad. Eventually we are hoping to get it or one like it soon. We take them to the park for all of that for now though. Lol even tho I have to watch Mr here like a hawk, he loves the older girls n will kiss em n say I love you lol. He is fearless this one -.- he is over friendly lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:03 am

Hahaha oh my gosh that's a lot of piggies! Wow you are a good person for taking them all in. I'm glad that he found love after all...even if it was with multiple girls lol I had my guinea pig when I was like 9 I think and she was a beautiful multi colored named named Minnie. I believe she may have only had two babies because I can only remember two names. One was a really pretty butterscotch color and yes, her name was Butterscotch lol the other was black and white and his name was Pepper. Or maybe that was their fathers name...who knows lol I ended up giving them away to my friends. Same thing happened when our cat disappeared one day and we found her down in the basement with two kittens in a nest of clothes she had made. Somehow she had gotten out of the house, knocked herself up, and have birth under our noses. She had two cute kittens and we had to give those away too :( Minnie was my little baby and I remember her getting sick and I thought she was going to die and I was so sad. I remember giving her bread that had been dipped in warm milk and feeding it to her. She got better, don't remember if it was because of the warm milk or not lol I think she eventually died of old age. My sisters guinea pig was a gorgeous black and orange long haired female but she was a real witch! I just remember she was always mean to me and would never let me pet her or she would freak out and squeal and try to bite me. My brother guinea pig was ugly lol he was just grey and white. Lucky he had cute babies lol that's awesome that you had a huge pen for them. I always feel bad keeping animals in small cages, just doesn't seem fair. We always let ours out to run around and we would find poops everywhere lol we were so lucky because my mom would let us have so many pets. We were always responsible though, that's probably why, and would clean them and feed them on our own. *sigh* I miss the pets that I used to have. I promised the kids that next time we move they can each get a hamster, can't have them in this house :( my step son wants a turtle. Haha yeah right, not at $90 a pop! Tortoises are $200! Pet stores can not be serious!
B.J has been digging through the shell shop all night and all morning. If KAL doesn't move his butt B.J might get to that shell before him lol I guess he decided he didn't want to be buried anymore.
Yeah it really sucks not being able to afford outdoor toys for kids. We got lucky because this house came with a swing set and a slide attached to it. My step daughter loves it but she's getting too heavy for it because in order to really swing on it someone has to sit on it or the whole thing will tip over lol it almost happened once. I would love to get more outside stuff for them but like you said, so freakin expensive and honestly we live so close to parks and playgrounds that it kinda would be a waste of money I guess. I find it sad when I send them outside to play and they can't even find anything to do, or so they claim, because children's imaginations are slowly dwindling. I used to be able to find a lot to do when I was a kid, but all they do is run around and cause mayhem lol that's funny that he yells over to your neighbors and asks them questions :) I feel like I have a couple Jim Carreys here as well!
I finally got my step daughter to stop asking me some questions at least. Like if I say I'm going to take a shower, she will ask why, and I just look at her and say why do you think? And she just shrugs lol she finally stopped asking me that one at least haha then I will come down stairs and my hair will be wet and she will ask Did you take a shower? Really??! Haha stupid questions! That's great that he is sociable like that though :) my step daughter claims that her and her friend kiss their "crush" on the cheek and hold his hand at school lol ugh it's already starting.
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:05 am

So this morning I found this in the shell shop:

And here he is!!!! It doesn't fit him perfectly, his legs hang out some, but still ten times better :) We both thank you very much for this success! This boy is fearless anyway and he hardly ever feels the need to retract into his shell for anything. Instead he runs like the wind, I've never seen such a fast crab before. I'm so glad he nabbed it before B.J did, who has buried himself again, this time even deeper so who knows, maybe he will molt. I am so happy he finally switched! :banana:

But I found something sad about KAL and I'm not sure if I got him this way or if this happened to him in my tank, but it look like he is missing an eye :( it's all red instead of black. I have never seen them be aggressive to eachother before so I'm hoping one of the other crabs didn't do it to him.
What do you think?
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Fri Oct 10, 2014 4:20 am

LMAO that is so funny Basil's lil girl was a butterscotch color n that was her name too :P. Basil was the one that was a drop off cause of a new allergy lol. That was one confused lil girl essh lol. I swear she had NO idea she was a girl til butterscotch popped out :hlol:. Had a lil bugger for a piggy to that was another drop off, 2 brothers Lucky n Luke n let me tell ya lucky was lucky he lived >< mean lil bugger when he wanted to be n man did he pick on my poor lukie boy ><. You know I had one named teddy Bear n omg was he ever. I walked into a pet store once an he was a beautiful long haired Golden red/brown face and pure white body. He saw me walk past and went absolutely nuts in his cage. He was screaming at the top of his lungs and running n jumping around crazily. The guy came over and checked on him n he stood up trying to jump out so I asked if I could hold him, maybe calm him down some. He said sure n that he had never seen him act like that. I swear the second I touched him his coo box went nuts lol. He licked my whole face and cooed like crazy lol. The guy was shocked n said, "wow he really likes you" lol man did he ever. I asked if he acted like that with anyone else n he said no n they had had him for 4 months. Apparently he was a girls and she had to go off to college and couldn't take him with her n the dad didn't want to care for it :(. He said that he felt bad but all he did was scream for her. I guess the man showed him a picture of her or something cause he said we looked a lot alike lol. I guess to him I looked enough like her that he wasn't going to let me pass lol. Even when he sniffed me he cuddled even closer it was so cute I spent a hour in there he wouldn't let me put him down at all. He locked his nails into my shirt n screamed when I tried...he had tears...broke my heart. Needless to say I walked out of there with a new piggy :hlol:. Him n Wesley made really fast friends too, lol that was the only way he let me leave the house without him. The second I came home they came out lol. You can liter box train piggies, lol comes in handy cause like all rodents if you don't they just go as they walk lol. If you train them makes it a lil easier....sometimes lol you might have an accident errr many while training lol. They learn tho and some pretty fast lol. I miss having piggies -.- n so does the boy lol when he was 2 we went into a pet store n there was this tiny lil girl in there n he refused to leave the store til he got her. Lol oh man did he cry it was instant love. Those two were just impossible separate...he feed her, played with her, and everything. Just sadly woke up one day and she had went in her sleep n she had just become a year old the month before. WE don't know what happened to her but it had to be internal cause she wasn't sick or injured at all. He was so sad for so long. That light came back when my moms cat had 3 lil kittens lol yay more :P. He is so attached to them no way we could have gotten rid of them. N we were lucky it was only 3 lol n now those 3 might as well be tigers lmao fat cats n man are they HUGE! He really needs to chase them more lmao. They play like they are kids not cats. They chase each other like they are playing tag. Even play in his kitchen with him :shock:. Lol Tiger stands up n moves the pans while they are on the stove n his brother frequents the fridge lol. I swear I have kids not cats :hlol:. N yea the price of pets now is outrageous! Lol I was lucky n got a lot of my piggies for free n most I paid was $40 but that was for 4 lol Parents n 2 kids. Used to be $5-$10 are now $30-$40 a pig, WTH is that about :shock:! When it costs more to buy them then feed n care for them we've reached rock bottom :o lol or I am just showing my age (which isn't that old lol). A parrot I get, a pure breed I get, But these are pigs most often dropped off for nothing by people who had no idea they had a breeding pair or just couldn't deal with it o.0 or worse -.-.

:cheer: :clap: CONGRATS!!! Yea keep the painted out now lmao Herc was mad at me for a bit but thanked me later lol. He just moved into the shell I made for him, idk he moved back into that one but it prob wont be for long lol. I am so glad that he is happy now ^.^. That eye looks like its already healed so I don't think one of yours did it. Always keep an eye out though. Just to be 100% sure. Lol maybe now the others will come out n follow suit :D. Is BJ the same size as Kal? Cause there was a couple big ones there he might like one of the others lol come to think of it Kal might have seen BJ checking it out n moved in before he could lol. Reese n Ms Hearts lmao. Let me know if you want the name of my suppler for more. They are low cost and wonderful, haven't had a broken shell yet *knock on wood* lol. Often free shipping too. Their snail shells are wonderful. Good luck with the other too, very hopeful that they all find one that they love. Lol isn't it funny how fast they get when they find that perfect fit? Herc is crazy fast for being so big lol n forget trying to catch Reese if he don't want you too. :hlol:
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Sat Oct 11, 2014 6:18 am

Hahahaha did I tell you about my sisters rabbit? I don't think I did, but anyway my sister had this gorgeous multicolored long haired rabbit named Angel because she thought she was a girl. Well one day she was brushing Angel and she found a big hair knot between her back legs that she was trying to brush out. Well......turns out it wasn't knotted hair, it was the rabbits family jewels :hlol: omg poor Teddy Bear :( I feel so bad for pets who get abandoned by their owners. I'm glad you took him in, sounds like he really loved you! :) I tried to litter box train my chinchilla but it's sooo hard lol or maybe she was just too dumb to get it lol omg there's another case of mistaken gender. I have always wanted a chinchilla all my life but they are so expensive and finally my moms friends daughter didn't want hers anymore so I took it in. This poor thing was kept in a tote with holes in the lid as a cage :( I assumed it was a boy and names it Cheech. I tried sexing him once but he didn't like it and I could never do it. So a couple years later I had to move into this darn house and couldn't take Cheech with me so I gave him to my sister because she absolutely adored him. Then she took in more chinchillas and made her own "chinchilla farm" lol well Cheech was house with another chinchilla, I think his name was Tink. So anyway my sister noticed Cheech was getting a little fat and started feeling his belly and it felt a little lumpy and she's like "Rose, I think Cheech is pregnant". I'm like whatever I don't think so, Cheech was a plump, rolie polie chinchilla to begin with. So time went by and she accepted the fact that Cheech probably wasn't pregnant. So then she woke up one morning and there were these two tiny rodents under her heater in the chinchilla room. She thought they were dead mice but when she looked closer they were chinchilla babies! Well Cheechs cage is a second story and when he/she had the babies they must've fell out through the bars of the cage, hit the heater, and fell under it :( one baby cut it's leg on the heater, the other seemed to be fine. She was freaking out and worried and scared and excited and was texting me and sending me voicemails lol so in the end the baby with cut leg ended up dieing :( but the other baby was determined to be a girl and was named Chloe. Chloe is soooo big now and doing well thank god. Lesson learned she keeps them seperated because she doesn't want it happening again any time soon lol and Cheech is a girl. That's sad that his piggy died :( but yay kittens!!!! That's great the the cats play with the kitchen set with him :) I wish I had pets like that.
Ok good, hopefully KAL will be ok. I will keep an eye out. Yeah B.J is the same size. Still buried with Emily and Cheese Doodle. Yes who is your supplier?
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Thu Oct 16, 2014 2:41 pm

Ugh sorry it took me a bit to get back to you. Honestly not the best week *sigh* just this week alone I have had 2 family deaths and a serious injury in the family. Hopefully they will be ok but essh when it rains it pours ><. N we have to make a few repairs around here now a shingle fell off the house n there is a hole we have no idea what that's about. dunno if that is supposed to be there or not -.-.
Omg no you never told me about her bunny lol. To funny. I had turtles that something like that happened to. Out of no where she laid eggs and the vet said well you don't know if a male got a hold of her n when so incubate them and just see, apparently they can be fertile even if "it" happened months prior o.0. Sadly they weren't n I do say sadly, she was a wonderful companion and omgosh so funny. She had free roam of my bed room n slept in the bed with me at night. Lol well her "bed" on my bed. I had a pet taxi with no door set up on a night stand n it it was a liter box in the very back n a padded bed int the very front of it woth her stuffed animals. I had a dog ramp for my old dog n she just used that to come up n down lol. Lol she could be a bum when she wanted cause she loved to sit at the end of the bed n watch tv n her unhealthy treat was a Mc D burger :hlol: oh did she love those. Peanut butter n banana's were her favorites to. I really miss that turtle n I doubt I will ever find another like her T.T. She loved to be clean n taught herself to be litter trained all I did was put out a little bedding in a lil litter box that I made out of a box lol. She was a very happy turtle lol.

Herc has changed shells for the day :shock: n I am shocked lmao. He has been doing that a lot this week. He is now in one of the longer snail shells now lol. I haven't seen Bat Girl in weeks :o She changed into that heavy turbo n went n hid lol. I only saw her once n that is when I put in their new pools lol she was buried by the pool sleeping. This is the updated pics of the new set up atm and his new atm shell lol. Oh and the supplier, I love them ^.^ they are great to work with, www.wagnerssouthernstore.com.
Herc watching me from the old pools lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Fri Oct 17, 2014 5:01 am

Yay Herc! Lol I really like his shell, very pretty! Do they still like the egg shell?
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that you have had more deaths in your family and injuries :( We have had one family emergency a few weeks ago, my sister in laws (I can't spell the word) but the major artery in her neck was coming apart and she had to be rushed to the emergency room. Then a couple nights ago my father in law was put in the hospital for a few days because he has am infection in his intestines, but sheesh, nothing like yours. Good luck and stay strong!
Oh god you have a hole in your roof? That really bites :( sounds like you may need a new roof, maybe it's starting to rot or something. It's times like that where I am glad I rent and wouldn't have to repair it myself. God knows we spend enough in rent and oil :/
Oh wow that turtle sounds completely awesome and sweet! I would be disappointed too that the eggs were not fertilized. I would love to have baby turtles!! I had a pet turtle once a long time ago but he was pretty boring. I think now I would be more interested and involved with him. But wow...she sounds like a kid more than a pet. I love pets like that :)
That's what my crabs do sometimes too when they change into heavier shells. Omg I scared the crap out of myself when I was changing around their tat. All of the crabs but KAL are buried and I forgot about that. So here I am moving around their climbing branches and I took one and shoved it down into the dirt and it have away way to easily. Then it dawned on me that I had punctured through someone's burrow and I started freaking out thinking that I may have hit a molting crab with the end of the branch. So I stuck my finger down in the hole and thank god there was no crab around so maybe it was an old burrow or a tunnel. I said yep, no more of that and gently put sand over the hole and gently placed all of the ends of the branches on top of he sand. Ugh, I would've been so upset if I had of hit a crab.
So long story short, Cheez It had been acting very sluggish and not herself so I made her a makeshift burrow in the sand (as an ISO) near the wall of the tank so I could monitor her and covered it with a piece of plastic and covered that with sand. I was hoping she wasn't dieing but if she was going to I wanted to make her comfortable at least. So I left for work and when I came home for lunch I checked on her and she had shed her exo!! I figured it was that or she was dieing. I was so proud of myself for reading her behavior correctly and getting it done just in time for her to shed. So that's probably why she wasn't too interested in the shells yet. I'm soooo excited, I can't wait for her to be done, and the best part is that I can monitor her progress so I don't have to worry about here. So now KAL is the only one who is not molting. Alright well I have to go get ready for work I guess. Have a good day!
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:50 pm

Congrats! Yea molting is a good sign lol. I like that Herc prefers that too lol. He always leaves a window so he can see me but it also comforts me to know how he s doing. Bat Girl is still MIA tho so am wondering what is up with her since I know that she isn't molting :o. I always try and at least locate the crabs before I do that lol I a paranoid that I will set something on them lol. It was probably just a tunnel path tho. They have them all over lol. Most mine do now tho I had to start them off to get them to bury lol. Now they love it except for Herc lol. He buries a lil and there is only a window for molting but he never stays down. I have even tried covering him lightly with the EE and he just pushes it off, lol so stubborn. Oh yea they are on their 4th n 5th egg already. They have slowed down the munching on them but they still are going to town on em. Going in there tonight anyway so I might check on Bat Girl while I am in there. She usually sleeps in the same spot so that makes t easier lol. I just slip my fingers into the tunnel n she comes up to me unless she is molting then I know to let her be. Their sense of smell is strong with my crew lol. She runs up and runs her feelers all over my hand n then runs to the food bowl lol. She knows that means I put in a full bowl with some goodies in it lol. I got them another coconut that I need to split n oh I do not look forward to it lol. But hopefully this time it will split evenly and they will get 2 more huts out of it. :lol: It is a hand killer though n I usually end up with a small wound lol. They do love t though n man do they go nuts for it lol. It is apple day too so I am sure they will be out at any second bugging me for their apples lol. I seriously need to make room for a huge food bowl :hlol:. There just s not enough room in the medium one lol pudgies the lot of em :P. My dog doesn't even eat as much as they do lol.
Have you noticed any other shells missing? Sometimes they are night thieves lol come out while you are sleeping grab a shell n bury lol. I have even seen them snatch a shell drag it down n bury it with them pre-molt lol. Wish they'd not freak me out by leaving the old one buried though ><. I'll be cleaning n hit a shell n freak out at first before realizing everyone is up n walking around me lol. If one is missing and I have to clean or move something i lightly dust the EE with my finger that way if I do find someone it is the tip of a shell n not a crab lol. Tho Bat girl sleeps shell down sometimes, is that odd? Lol I really don't know but sometimes you see her legs poking up but I touch her so lightly that she moves away until she sees that it is me lol. They really like the new pools. All of them, well except Bat girl, has been to the bottom and Herc more than anyone is in them. I will prob have to find a small way to heat them tho idk yet. They just seem really cold to the touch lately n the light just doesn't seem to warm them enough.
Sorry to hear about your family. I hope that she gets better that is a nasty injury. Yea they had to have surgery to remove blood off of the brain -.-. So far they are ok tho. Ugh next year better be a good luck year ><. Lol if we can survive this year, esp with our sanity lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Sat Oct 18, 2014 3:13 pm

I wish all of mine would leave a window, you're lucky that Herc does! I'm actually not too worried about the others, I've gotten over the whole "I can't see them and feel the need to see what they're doing" lol I've just had way too many pass because of my own stupidity. Hmm I hope she's ok. Lol that's funny that she sleeps on her back! I don't think any of mine have done that before. I feel bad for KAL, I think he's lonely :( maybe he will go down next, he doesn't eat what I give him so I stopped putting food in the tank every day. He's a little less active so it makes me wonder if he's next. That's so cute how yours recognize you, mine just run and hide lol so far Cheez It is doing good. She stays in her shell and her big pincher is a bright beautiful purple. I can't wait!!! You're lucky that yours eat so much! I think mine just snack too much on bark hahah no I've never notice mine sneaking shells and taking them down with them. That's actually really cool! I would get worried too though if I found an empty buried shell lol you're also lucky that they go to the bottom of the pools. Maybe mine do but I never see them do it.
Yikes blood on the brain? That's scary! I hope we have better luck too. Ugh. Some weeks are good and others I just want to run and hide.
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:32 am

Yea I am lucky with mine lol cause they can put up with the boy n if they can do that they are pretty hardy :hlol:. They don't even care that his face is often plastered to their tat the second he sees them lol. They even come up to him n he gets all excited. They definitely love him lol. Not easily scared this crew lol. Lol I usually do the sniff test if it has been awhile since I've seen someone lol. Now that I know what the molting smell is (thank you mass molt lol). I don't even have to look for anyone all I have to do is fill the bowl :hlol:. Man they came running from every where last night :hlol:. Like pigeons they swarmed the second the bowl was set down n I hadn't even gotten to putting in the fresh bowl yet. So everyone but Hearts is in a new shell :hlol: she isn't giving that banded turbo shell up for nothing.
Bat Girl. She has gotten bigger.
Hanging in the pool:
Freshly placed food n Herc saying Hi to BG cause none of us has seen her in weeks lol. Reese was last so he is missing from the pic lol he was all the way in the back buried some where lol:
"Okay we are done! Run it off n act crazy time lol.:
Funniest way to eat an apple that I have ever seen, Leave it to Hearts :hlol:! Yes she is almost out of the shell n almost completely up side down :hlol:. She dragged it out of the bowl n tried to take off with it even though it is double her size lol.:
Sharing Hearts n Reese. Nice to see them getting along lol.
Have you tried the FMR Treat? You should keep a dry food in there for them so that they always have something to eat. Mine started out on this food n I just add new food to it, add more new food to it, etc lol. Mine really eat way to much :hlol: esp compared to all the other crabs here lol. I fill the dry food every other day cause it is all eaten and twice a day they get fresh food and that is gone not long after it is put in :o. It is twice as bad if it is a molt stocking :hlol:. This is their normal everyday feeding frenzy. At first all I had was the FMR Treat n I was told to only give them that buy the person who got them for my son saying where they got them that was what they said o.0. Try that to start it is packed with goodies they love and that are good for them. Might get their lil tummies rumbling lol. Just add from there. They may be getting bored if you give them the same thing everyday too mix it up. Tomorrow mine are getting banana cause they haven't had it in awhile. Usually if it goes untouched they are bored of it lol. Bat Girl is attacking an egg shell as we speak lol. When I first gave it to them they hated it n now they love it lol. Just try different things on different days lol they can be picky creatures. Try the FMR Treat out though it is a good constant favorite. Just the treat though the other has stuff in it they aren't supposed to have :o.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:48 am

Where do you get the FMR treat? Yeah I kind of do feed them the same stuff all the time, but that's only because I'm always so low on groceries in my house and I can barely even afford groceries to feed the kids sometimes for a weekend :/ I noticed that though. B.J lives grapes so I always fed him grapes and then after a few days of it he would just stop eating them. Huh, learned something new lol I gave KAL shaved carrots, peaches, and krill last night and he still didn't touch it. Still sitting in the same spot I saw him last night. I hope he's ok, like I said I think he's lonely and probably bored. They love banana too :) I just try to feed them what I have out of my fridge and cupboards but I know I should probably get them specialty food too.
Omg so you know how we talk about men not liking to be touched by the crabs? Lol we'll boyfriend was sitting in his recliner falling asleep and I was doing something in the tank, which is right behind the recliner. I took KAL and sat him on my hand and put him right next to my boyfriends face. Well idk if KAL wiggles his antennae or what against his cheek but my boyfriend woke up and flipped out and I quickly got KAL away and he was like "what was that??!" :hlol: I told him it was a crab and he was not impressed hahahaha
Those are some awesome pics! :hlol: love what she is doing with the apple. Reminds me of how Rocky would climb on top of a potato to eat it instead of just eating it from the side on the ground lol what is the molting smell? Lol never noticed that before. Hearts is beautiful!!! I like her shell :)
I found a new crab lover lol well not a lover, but she loves Cheez-It. My step daughters friend was over here the day I got Cheez-It and CheeseDoodle and she thought they were so adorable. Now Saturday she was over and she looked in the tank and was like, "why is there a hole with a shell in it?" And my step daughter, being the brat that she is when her friend is around, is like" oh it's just a crab molting or something." I was like you little s***, don't even pretend that you don't love those crabs! Lol i thought that, wouldn't really say it. And I think her friend realized that it was one of the baby crabs and she looked closer and said "awwwwwwwwwww" and the my step daughter practically dragged her away from the tank hahahah
Some days I just have a little weirdness running through my blood :)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Ryry » Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:10 pm

If you check out the hermit crab patch they have loads of good looking foods. I'm pretty sure I saw the fmr food on there as well. They have pretty good prices too. I'm getting and order from them today which contains some treats and what not. I'm excited to give them a try. My guys have been picky lately too.
All kinds of crabby!
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Mon Oct 20, 2014 3:40 pm

Thanks! I will check it out :)
Some days I just have a little weirdness running through my blood :)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:25 pm

Thank you! She loves that shell too lol won't leave it for nothing. Lol yea I was about to say The Hermit Crab Patch too lol. I got a huge bag of the FMR Treat just cause mine are so fat lol. Bought it last in late August n I am down to half a bag already :/.....ugh they eat to much lol. It is a better value than payin $4 to 5 bucks a small container tho lol. Ok lets see this is a night mind you.....they get 2 tblsps of the FMR treat now, 2 tbsps of earthworm castings, 1tblsp of Balanced Basics Mix (3 sources of proteins, 4 sources of celluose, 2 sources of zeaxanthin(the highest levels) and 3 sources of carotenids. Making sure they get all the needs in a day with this one.), 1 tblsp of Cellulose Crunch, 1tsp of 3 diff types of seaweed, 1tsp of pollen crumble, 1tsp red crystal shrimp, 1tsp mysis shrimp, 1tsp fruit chillies as a treat, 1tsp of meal worms, 1tsp of rose petals, white oak bark, and that is just some of it plus I sprinkle all of that with 3 different vitamins. Fresh bowls they get beans, veggies, fruit which are diff every night to every other night. Lol sometimes they pig out on the same 2 nights in a row if they really love it. AND they now have a huge calcium pit they frequent very often. Plus the egg shells and coral in there that they snack on all day long lol. Come to think of it there isn't a time during the day or night that they are not eating :hlol: someone is always in the bowl eating :hlol:. Herc is in there eating atm n Reese just left :hlol:. It isn't even time to molt yet this is just their eating. Lol I have to order food every other month cause it last about a month if I can keep them to those measurements lol. They get 3 tblsps of the fresh food too in another bowl. Coconut they will eat everyday lol in everything lol.
^.^ Glad I can help lol. Yea I know that one about things being low we are the same here n it didn't help tonight that while bringing diner out I dropped it and had to make diner twice ><. Omgosh bad days suck lol. So frustrated today cause nothing has gone right at all lol, just one of those days but it has lasted way to long lol. Even if you give them a lil bit set aside from what you cook or have around just vary it up :). One night give em one thing n next another n save what was left of the prior night in a baggie in the freezer (last longer that way). You can prepare them meals this way n just take it out as you feed them. Lol peanut butter n banana is a big thing in our house so I make the same snacks for them n freeze it. I always set a lil aside for them as I cook, meats are the only thing that I fear giving them cause I don't want to give them anything they can't have/or not knowing what they can react to so I mostly stick to the dry food for that :o. Plus we don't eat much meat here so its not always on hand. Anyone know if they can have pasta noodles like plain angel hair?...Mine bug like crazy when we have it but I didn't know if pasta was an ok or nono :shock:. Red potatoes ok for them? Didn't see those on the safe n not safe lists that I remember.
LOL :hlol: :hlol: Yea not all guys love these lil guys. Mine fell off the other side of the bed cause Herc jumped on the opposite side of the bed :hlol:. Yelled at me n goes keep those things over there! :hlol: omgosh that was so funny n I'm the jerk cause I can't stop laughing. Men are afraid of the silliest things lol. He likes them in the tat just not out lol. Lol they are clearly my area to care for lol. Hrm how to describe the molting smell ummm strong iodine lol. Honestly it is a strong mineral smell its kinda funky lol. You can tell it is a "not normal" everyday smell from the tat, well at least with mine. My tat doesn't have a smell at all but I have seen n heard of others saying that theirs does. So when mine are molting that smell is pretty strong. Hope that helps lol hard to explain it. N it sounds like she is a lil jealous of the crabs lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Ryry » Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:31 pm

I wish my crabs ate as much as yours Nia! I feel like I don't get a lot of action! Also I think I did see pasta in the safe food list. I would double check though.
All kinds of crabby!
2 Violas, 1 Indo, 7 PPs, 2 cats, 1 Sheltie, 1 mechanic boyfriend
