Check your local Craigslist - you could post a wanted ad, or search for people looking to rehome their crabs. If you have Facebook, "like" the Hermit Crab Association page as they will occasionally post crabs in different areas that need new homes. Your absolute best bet is to post your contact info, tank info, etc. in the 'adoptions' section of the forums: ... m.php?f=13 Post your info under the thread that includes your state/location, and then anyone looking to rehome their crabbies can find you easily. check out ... 13&t=85927 for the rules on posting in that section.wegotcrabs wrote:What's the best source for hermit crab adoption? We are new at keeping hermies ... the first one was caught by a local fisherman; felt so sorry for him, in light of the conditions in which he was kept. The next three were mail-ordered by one of our sons, who realized how lonely crab #1 was becoming. All of these guys (PPs) have been happy and healthy in a 40 gallon crabitat for the past 4 months. All are fist-to-baseball size. We now have a new 70 gallon tank we are setting up, and would be glad to add to our crabby family via adoption. (Also have 2 pet-store PPs which we brought home out of sheer compassion. They are still in quarantine in a separate tank).
new crab problem
Re: new crab problem
Crabbing since July 2014! 75 gallon with 12 Purple Pinchers.
Re: new crab problem
I actually have 3 Es that I'm trying to rehome and one of them is a medium. Where are you located? I'd be more than happy to ship him to you:)
7 panther chameleons
3 lionhead rabbits
1 fiddler crab
tons of guppies
1 red eared slider turtle
3 ecuadorian hermit crabs
3 lionhead rabbits
1 fiddler crab
tons of guppies
1 red eared slider turtle
3 ecuadorian hermit crabs