I've taken some initial pictures but will wait to take more when the crabs have gotten over their upset and fussiness at being relocated.
Building the centerpiece on my workbench
The empty tank
Completed tank with the doors closed
With the doors open
Upper left
Upper right
Lower left
Lower right
Lower right again
My medium Ecuadorian, Lexington, in the moss pit for scale
The eventual moss pit party with Lex, Kola, Mandarin, Cookie, Bitsy, and Fiddle
A view of Leroy exiting the right side of the moss pit where the horizontal log connects to the vertical log
The end of the log/moss pit on the left side
The water bowls with Merah getting a drink of fresh water
Cardinal hogging the salt water bowl
Cookie hiding out on the side of the vertical log
Fiddle on the back of the vertical log
Fiddle exiting one of the holes in the vertical log (with Wellington in the background)
Florence climbing where the logs join
Goose at the bottom of the vertical log
Kola being shy on the edge of the moss pit
Mandarin on top of the vertical log
Merah in the supplements dish
Sesame being adventurous for once
Wellington peeking at me