Anyway, I was convinced Twinkie was a girl, named her on the way home, gave her a bath, annnnd no gonopores. So Twinkie is a boy. I got him in December and he immediately dug down and I didn't see him again. Honestly, he's so 'generic' looking I probably wouldn't have been able to ID him other than the fact he dug down in a magpie and is the only crab wearing one. Once he changes, all bets are off.

The angle makes it look like he's missing his LP, but he just has it tucked.
And Elvis! He came in a Spongebob shell and my husband wanted to name him Bob (he's so original..) so technically he's Bobby Elvis. He was missing his BP when I got him and he's molted at least twice. His pincher was originally bright red when he regrew it, and now it's slowly getting some purple and getting bigger. I almost never see him since he lives underground - I've had him since September, I think, and I've seen him a total of 10 times.