Questions about upgrade

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Questions about upgrade

Post by winks56 » Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:18 pm

Hi everyone,
So this weekend I will be upgrading my E's from a 29-gal to hopefully a 40 gal, possibly larger depending on cost and things. I'll be moving the four PP's I'm adopting this weekend into the old 29-gal. I was just curious how much sub I'm going to need for the new tank. I've got about half a bag of playsand and one brick of EE left from updating the old tank. How much more would i need to get about 9 in of sub in the new tank? Thanks!

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Re: Questions about upgrade

Post by rml6f4 » Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:45 pm

If it's a 40 gal breeder I'm not sure, but I have a 40 gal tall I believe (~36 l x 12 d x 20 h) and 2 bags of sand and about 3/4 of a bag of Eco earth got me 6.5 inches of substrate. If that helps for reference.

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Re: Questions about upgrade

Post by winks56 » Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:28 pm


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Re: Questions about upgrade

Post by megmaholm » Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:45 pm

I have a 40 breeder and used 3 bags of playsand and 2 bricks of EE. That got me about 8", though it's probably settled a bit since then.
Crabbing since July 2014! 75 gallon with 12 Purple Pinchers.
