Can you smell a dead crab if it's buried?

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Can you smell a dead crab if it's buried?

Post by takinyan » Fri Apr 17, 2015 5:14 pm

Both my crabs have buried themselves and they recently stopped making digging noises at night. They're both under sperate water bowls and I don't want to move them in case they are molting. I mist the corners of the tank to keep the humidity under there.

But if they are dead, will I be able to smell them without having to dig them up?

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Re: Can you smell a dead crab if it's buried?

Post by CallaLily » Fri Apr 17, 2015 5:25 pm

Not always. How long have they been under? It's normal not to hear them moving around under there once they settle on a spot. Have you read the article on molting? It may help to ease some of your worries.
