Does 'strobing' affect hermit crabs?

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Does 'strobing' affect hermit crabs?

Post by Kleinerhejhog » Thu May 28, 2015 10:16 pm

I having been using a red reptile bulb to provide heat in my tank. It's in a clamp lamp attached to a floor lamp so I can move it closer or farther away as needed. Where I had it parked, it was keeping the temperature right around 83 degrees. Today I got a temperature controller to turn it on or off automatically, and set that for about 86 degrees. A few minutes ago, I was sitting there watching Three of Three checking out shells, and the controller turned the heat lamp off. All well and good, but when it did, the room when completely dark, and I could see that the "I'm working" light on the back of the camera acts exactly like a tiny strobe light. Blinky lights like that drive me nuts, but how do crabs feel about them?

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Re: Does 'strobing' affect hermit crabs?

Post by aussieJJDude » Fri May 29, 2015 1:39 am

Is the light around the size of this: "o"? If so, the don't think the crabbies will care that much, at most just feel like they are on the set of Big brother or something! :lol: If it drives you crazy, you could cover the light so you don't notice it.
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Re: Does 'strobing' affect hermit crabs?

Post by Form » Fri May 29, 2015 5:34 pm

They drive me nuts too.

For what its worth, I took some pictures of one of mine at night using the camera flash. The crab didn't seem to care at all, no reaction. Maybe comparable to lightning strikes in nature.

In your case its a much smaller light, I doubt it would bother them unless its right directly in their face or something.
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Re: Does 'strobing' affect hermit crabs?

Post by wodesorel » Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:13 am

Can you cover the light with electrical tape? I drive my husband nuts, but I cover all the little lights (blinking or not) on power strips or on electronics. Can't stand them, they light my glasses up too much!
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