by Crabinski » Fri May 29, 2015 5:54 pm
Thing 1 looks terrific! Who would have thought he could come back from such an awful experience but crabs almost always surprise us by being such hardy creatures.
Re hides for larger crabs: have you thought about plastic or ceramic hides for rodents? Check out the mouse/hamster/gerbil/ferret hides at Petco/PetsMart & I'll bet you'll find some cool things that will work well. There's always the old reliable margarine and yogurt tubs or you could pick up a fresh young coconut (pale and kinda shaped like a tiki hut) and make a hide with a customized entrance to fit your big guy.
PPs are Big Enzo, Charles Paris and Mr Pinch
On the Big Beach in the Sky: Murray, Gino, Oscar, Gordon, Ignatz, Harry and King Felix the Pale
Also Mom to Imogene the Syrian Hamster