Making a climb net(?)

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Making a climb net(?)

Post by Jiji » Mon Jun 22, 2015 9:18 pm

My little guys love to climb, right now there are four logs to climb on plus their hide log and coconut. I want to add something else for them to climb on and was thinking something like a fish net, then securing it with those little suction cup hooks so no tape residue. The nets they sell at craft stores though I have no clue what they are made out of and was hesitant on getting something like that so I had an idea...

What if I buy natural non-dyed hemp string and use large knitting needles to knit a climbing net?

How does that sound to you guys? Should I give it a try, I already own needles so all I'd have to do is find Hemp string.
I'm just so unsure about those premade fish nets and would rather not have to order something online so thus my idea came along.

I've had crabs for years, and this site inspired me to change things for the little guys and make their home amazing <3

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Re: Making a climb net(?)

Post by Momadopolis » Mon Jun 22, 2015 9:30 pm

I used hemp to make mine. I crocheted it.


I boiled and rinsed until the water was almost clear. Mine has fake plants woven in it. I always catch someone on it.

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18 PP..Doc, Ollie (Elephant), 8 Ball, Squidward, Plankton, Jägerbomb, Al Capone, Gremlin, Lila, Prozac, Paxil, Rufus, King Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley.
3 E's..
Oh, and 3 kids and a Husband.

RIP Krabby Patty and Baby
